- Islamic Voodoos
Chapter 12
Islamic Rituals Voodoo
Islam is incomplete without its endless, incoherent,
and superstitious rituals. The Islamic ritual starts in the dawn,
before the sunrise, with the cacophony of prayer call. True Muslims
must wake up, do ablution, and walk to the nearest mosque to start
the day with prayer. The day ends with the night prayer. This
offering of five daily prayers is the minimum a Muslim must do to
smell the fragrance of Islamic Paradise. There is severe Islamic
penalty for missing a prayer. It is true that other religions do
have many rituals. The difference between Islamic rituals and other
religions’ is that, while for other religions their rituals are
voluntary, in Islam, rituals are forced imposition upon Muslims. For
example, if a Christian does not attend Church assemblies, he does
not undergo any punitive measures.
Attending Sunday Church is a choice a Christian makes. In Islam, it
is compulsory for a Muslim to attend a mosque to offer his oblation.
If he does not, Sharia law stipulates dreadful punishment. As an
example, in a hadis in Sahih Bukhari (1.11.617), Muhammad asked his
devout followers to burn the houses of those Muslims who do not
present themselves for the Islamic prayers. Besides the temporal
punishment, Allah decrees excruciating torment in the next world for
the Muslims who neglect their prayers. With such draconian measures,
it is no wonder that whenever Islam invades an infidel land, the
first act in the process of creeping Islamisation is to construct
mosques. Fear, greed, intimidation, and terror are the life‑forces
by which Islam rules a Muslim’s life.
Here are a few Islamic rituals and their modality of operation.
Prayer, Recitation (Qur’an), and Ablution/Bath
Islam, it is compulsory to do ablution before offering a prayer.
Sahih Muslim (2.0435) writes that Allah will not accept any prayers
without ablution. The rules on Islamic ablution are quite elaborate,
sometimes queer, and mind‑boggling. A devotee will wash with water
his/her hands, face, feet; pour water inside nostrils, then gush it
out, gurgle water and pass wet hands around his/her neck to complete
the ritual of ablution. There are strict rules on the number of
times each limb should be
washed, and how many times water is to be gurgled. We shall review,
very briefly, a few features of Islamic ablution.
most important reward from ablution is that it is a cleansing
process—not for the body itself, for, even after ablution plenty of
dirt and pollution might stay in the body, but from all sins. In
reality, a Muslim can commit any number of sins, and just by
performing ablution all the sins committed prior to ablution will be
expiated. Sahih Muslim (2.0476) writes that if you perform ablution
all sins will come out of your body even from your nails. To entice
the Muslims to the complete surrender to this endless daily ritual,
Sahih Bukhari (1.4.161) writes that if a Muslim performs perfect
ablution Allah forgives his sins committed between two prayers. In
Sahih Muslim (2.0475) we read that during ablution Allah forgives
all sins (committed by
for washing eyes. Ditto for hands, and other parts of the body.
The above few sentences will explain why many Muslim students/residents in non‑Muslim countries such as Australia, USA, Canada…and so on demand exclusive ablution facilities in campuses and in other public toilets. They want to do perfect ablution so that whatever sins they commit in infidel lands, such as doing sex with boy friend (infidel), girl friend (infidel), visiting brothels, watching pornography, drinking wine, eating non‑halal food, joining disco dancing, enjoying infidel parties. Having committed such sins, all they need is to perform a perfect ablution within twenty‑four hours to absolve themselves from the contrition. Then they can start all over again.
Mind you, the ritual of ablution does not always end with prayer. In Sunaan Abu Dawud (1.1.0220) we read that one must perform ablution between two sexual intercourses.
Here are a few more rewards Allah has reserved for those Muslims who value the extraordinary purgatory power of Islamic ablution.
- When you gurgle during ablution, all sins go out of your mouth…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.104)
- For performing perfect ablution there will be white blaze on your forehead and white blaze on your feet…(Sahih Muslim, 2.0480, 0481)
- Allah obliterates sins for performing a thorough ablution, walking to the mosque, and waiting for the next prayer…(Sahih Muslim, 2.0485)
- Ablution removes the sins of the face, mouth, and the nostrils…(Sahih Muslim, 4.1812)
- If you do a perfect ablution, your face, hands, and feet will be brighter on the day of resurrection…(Sahih Muslim, 2.0479, 0481)
And here are Allah’s punishments for not doing a
standard ablution:
- If you do not wash your feet during ablution, your feet will burn in hell fire…(Sahih Bukhari, 1.3.57)
- Your feet will taste hell fire if you do not wash them during ablution…(Sahih Muslim, 2.0464)
- Perform ablution after eating cheese; otherwise fire will touch you…(Sahih Muslim, 3.0687)
In Islam, it is not compulsory to bathe every day. It is quite all right not to bathe for the six days of a week. The only recommended bath is the bathing on Fridays, to attend the juma prayer, although a perfect ablution might do, in case there is shortage of water, or due to inconvenience. When no water is available tayammum will do. This procedure (tayammum) consists of rinsing oneself with dirt or dust. Imam Nasai (1.316) writes that a Muslim can bathe in dirt and dust simply by rolling his body as a camel or a beast does.
However, Islamic bathing (ghusl) is compulsory under certain cases. These are:
- Convert to Islam, must take a bath…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.190, 191)
- Bury a polytheist, must take a bath…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.192)
- After doing sexual intercourse, and if you ejaculate…(Sahih Muslim, 3.0670)
It is important for a Muslim to offer a prayer correctly. Here are a few salient features of Islamic prayer.
(p.1.145) writes that when you stand for prayer your head should
perspire, your limbs should tremble and your face should change. He
also writes (ibid, p.1.152) that Allah
and His angels bless those who wear turban on juma days. This explains why most diehard Islamists we watch on televisions wear turbans. A turban is an Arab’s pride. So is it with Islam, since Islam is nothing but Arabism. A turban‑clad Islamist is the perfect embodiment of Islam (Arab); it is the symbol, a guarantee of his perfect observance of Islamic prayers.
One more interesting feature of Islamic ritual is the recitation of the Qur'an before and after the prayer, or at any other convenient time, though early morning is the best time to indulge in this ritual. Reciting the Qur'an before and after the prayer earns special benefit points.
So, what is special about the Qur'an recitation?
The important point is that to earn the maximum score, the Qur'an reciter must weep during recitation. Ghazali (p.2.176) writes that the true believers weep when they recite the Qur’an, and if they cannot weep then they must pretend to do so (ibid, p.1.213).
If you are not careful in reciting the Qur'an in a proper manner, it can bring you disaster. Here is what Ghazali (p.2.176) writes about the devastating power of the Qur'an:
Once Muhammad recited a verse from the Qur’an and at once fell down senseless. Once Umar heard a man reciting a verse on punishment, He (Umar) immediately raised a loud shriek and fell down senseless. He was brought to the house but suffered for a month. Abu Dharr listened to the recitation of the Qur’an by Saleh Mari; raised a loud shriek and died on the spot. Imam Shafei once fell unconscious when he listened to the recitation of the Qur’an by a Qazi.
Farting is problematic in Islam. During prayer, a worshipper must not fart. Sahih Bukhari (1.4.137) writes that Allah will not accept a Muslim’s prayer if he/she passes wind during the ritual. The exception occurs if the worshipper farts silently, or the fart does not smell. In such a case, he/she may continue with the prayer (ibid, 1.4.139).
Sunaan Nasai (1.162) writes that if you fart during a prayer you must redo ablution. Sahih Bukhari (9.86.86) says that for a “farter” Allah will not accept his/her prayer until he/she performs another ablution.
Islamic prayers do not end with five rituals a day. Even when doing sexual intercourse a Muslim must pray so that Satan does not harm the child (Sahih Bukhari, 8.75.397). Sahih Muslim (3.0597, 0598) recommends that after the sexual intercourse, do ablution then go to sleep. Another hadis recommends that after finishing the night prayer do sex with your wife; Muhammad did likewise (Sahih Muslim, 4.1612), so it is Sunna to copy Muhammad's actions.
Taking Care of Your Islamic Penis
salient feature of all the hadis books is their obsession with penis
and women’s pudenda, especially women’s period. In this section we
shall review a few outstanding aspects of how a Muslim should take
care of his penis. You will learn more about Islamic women’s affairs
in a separate episode.
The first and the most important ritual vis-à-vis Islamic penis is that after an ablution a Muslim must sprinkle water on his penis (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0166, 0167). The provision of this ritual is repeated in Sunaan Tirmidhi (136). Sunaan Tirmidhi (135) even writes that during his first revelation, Gabriel taught Muhammad the ritual of ablution and prayer. When Muhammad finished ablution, Gabriel sprinkled water on Muhammad’s private parts. Since Muhammad did this job, it is now compulsory for every Muslim on earth to take care of his penis in this manner.
The second important ritual is that if you (I mean, a Muslim) touch your penis you must do an ablution (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 1.0181). But if you are sexually excited and your semen flows then wash your penis, no need to do ablution (Sunaan Nasai, 1.157, 1195). Sahih Muslim (3.0593) says, for seminal discharge wash your penis and perform ablution. If you touch your penis during prayer then you do not need to redo ablution (Sunaan Nasai, 1.167).
It is quite perplexing, with such ridiculous ahadith. But that is the way Islamic rituals are.
You must take care of your penis after each sexual intercourse. Muhammad did that in this manner:
- After sexual intercourse with Aisha and Maimuna, Muhammad washed his penis by pouring water from his left hand, then he performed ablution…(Sahih Muslim, 3.0616, 0620)
Here is another interesting hadis. Perhaps, this hadis refers to your hands playing with your penis or with your anus while you were asleep.
- Do not touch utensils with hands after waking up from sleep because you do not know where your hand had been during sleep…(Sahih Muslim, 2.0541, 0544)
Islamic Eating and Drinking
Eating is a chore in Islam. Islamic eating is not as simple as sitting on a dining chair and eating on a table, the way you want to do. Firstly, in Islam, eating on a dining table is discouraged. Muhammad never ate on a dining table. Devout Muslims eat sitting on floor, and with their hands, making sure the plate of food is resting on the floor. That is why you will notice most jihadists (including Osama b. Ladin, Ayman al‑Zawahiri) eating with their comrades squatting on floor, and lifting their food from the plate. The sitting posture is also important. Next time you watch an Islamist jihadist’s eating ritual, observe carefully; you will be amazed at the Islamic regimentation, even for such a simple function of filling your stomach. Islam has strict rules for everything, even for eating. That is why the Islamists say, ‘Islam is a complete code of life’.
The first important rule of Islamic dining is that you must eat with your own hand, or in case you have no hand, let someone feed you with his/her hand.
The second important rule is that you must eat with your right hand or let someone feed you with his/her right hand. You must not eat with your left hand, for Satan eats with left hand. A hadis in Sahih Bukhari (7.65.288, 290) says that you must eat with the right hand and eat of the dish that is nearer to you.
The third important rule is that, having eaten your
food; you must lick your fingers. Sahih Bukhari (7.65.366) writes
that do not wipe your hand after eating food until you have licked
your fingers well. You may choose to lick the fingers by yourself or
let someone else lick them. Sahih Muslim (23.5037, 5038) and
Sunaan ibn Majah (4.3270) repeat similar ahadith.
The fourth important rule is that having licked your finger (or having someone licked for you), you must lick the dish, either by holding the dish near your mouth or by bending your mouth to the dish. Here are the reasons why you must lick the food bowl.
- After eating lick the bowl; the bowl will seek forgiveness for you… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 4.3271)
- After eating lick the dish; the dish will ask Allah for your forgiveness… (Sunaan Tirmidhi, 1121)
A hadis in Sahih Muslim (23.5029, 2030) says that when you drink, you must drink in three gulps. A Muslim must not drink from silver or gold vessels. Sahih Muslim (24.5126, 5128) says if you drink from a silver or gold vessel you drink fire in your belly.
Here are a few more rules on Islamic water‑drinking:
- If a dog licks a vessel, wash it seven times…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.64, 65, 66)
- If a cat drinks from a vessel, the water remains clean…(Sunaan Nasai, 1.69, 343)
- If a dog licks a utensil throw away the food and wash the utensil seven times… (Sunaan Nasai, 1.338)
Islamic Sleep Posture
has strict rules on how you sleep. Firstly, you cannot sleep on your
stomach. Sunaan Tirmidhi (1226) writes that Allah does not like your
lying on your stomach. Another hadis (ibid, 1228) says if you lie on
your stomach Allah will send you to hell.
A Muslim must sleep like a prophet. It means to lie with belly up. Ghazali (p.2.20) writes that to lie with belly up is to sleep like the prophets.
Another ritual for Islamic sleep is that you must do ablution before going to bed, and lie on your right side then recite Allah’s name and glorify Him. If you die in this state then you die in Islam (Sahih Muslim, 35.6544, 6546, 6551).
The reason why a Muslim must do ablution before sleep is this: when you sleep, the ring muscle of your anus is loosened, so you must perform ablution before sleeping (Sunaan Tirmidhi, 122).
Here are a few more Islamic rituals to amuse the readers:
- Right shoe first when putting on, left shoe first when putting off...(Sahih Bukhari, 7.72.747)
- Do not dye your beard with black color. Black dye is the sign of the inmates of hell. If you dye your beard black, you will not get the fragrance of paradise. Dye the beard yellow or red and do not pluck white beards…. (Ghazali, p.1.132)
- Sitting on buttock, even when it hurts the feet, is Sunnah… (Sahih Muslim, 1.1093)
- The angels accompany the funeral on foot; so do not follow a funeral riding a beast… (Sunaan Abu Dawud, 2.20.3171)
- Do not enter a well‑decorated house… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 4.3360)
- When entering a market recite sahada… (Sunaan ibn Majah, 3.2235)
- Put the pen behind your ear, it is the best way of recalling things from memory… (Sunaan Tirmidhi, 1211, 1212)
- If your wife/husband does not wake up for the Morning Prayer, throw water on his/her face…. (Ghazali, p.1.261)
- If anyone see ks paradise, he should not sleep at night; he who fears Allah takes rest at dawn…(Ghazali, p.4.353)
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Abul Kasem is an Bengali ex-Muslim and academic. He has contributed in Leaving Islam - Apostates Speak Out and Beyond Jihad - Critical Voices from Inside. He has also written extensively on Islam in various websites and is the author of five e-Books: A Complete Guide to Allah, Root of Terrorism ala Islamic Style, Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Who Authored the Quran? and Women in Islam. Mr. Kasem leaves in Sydney, Australia. He can be contacted at abul88@hotmail.com.
Name: Igor the Infidel
Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
Time: 13:30:18 -0700
Hmm, so Jesus is going to marry 100 Hurs, according to Ghazali, even though in the Gospel Jesus is recorded as having said that there is no marriage or giving in marriage in heaven....Well, excuuuuuse meeeee! I forgot that the Christians corrupted the story! So then, do these Hurs get pregnant, or are they sterile, so that the PURPOSE of marriage in heaven is to have orgasm after orgasm but no children? If the latter, it all seems kind of pointless to me, but then, Mohammad was obsessed with orgasms, wasn't he? His "Allah" would reward him this way! It all makes sense now!
Name: good article
Date: Tuesday January 15, 2008
Time: 22:46:04 -0700
good article it shows the primitive world view of islam
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
Time: 03:03:19 -0700
Doomsday/judgement day is a concept adopted by islam from judaism and christianity just as Mohamed has plagiarised the stories from Bible which he fraudulently claims to have been narrated by angel gabriel(just gibberish!). It is an irrational dogma lacking commonsense,since the dead cannot be brought to life and there is simply no judgement day. I remember in 1998/99 many evangelists and chritian missioneries went paranoid about "doomsday" coming towards the end of the year 1999/2000, and a few came to me exhorting me to convert to christianity to be redeemed by Jesus ( since I was a'pagan' hindu )who was expected to descend upon this blessed planet Earth to harvest the "believing souls" and jettison the rest of us to "eternal Hell"! Well, I had a good laugh at this idiocy, utter stupidity, and when I look back at this I really feel sorry for those gullible/conniving idiots! I read somewhere that Mohamed had fixed the islamic doomsday that would have fallen sometime around the year 1400CE or around that that time. Much water has flowed since then and the doomsday is nowhere in sight. The problem is the die-hard believers would believe any stupid lie/bullshit and decry scientific fact of evolution! Like it or not, evolution cannot be stopped and human beings are also evolving that we are in the age of science and technology and surely enough we will evolve to grow out of all this stupidity and become truly enlightened with the progress of modern science and technology.
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
Time: 03:16:50 -0700
Allah is a male chauvinistic pig! He is very keen to give hundreds of Hurs/eternal vigins to the muslim male,but what about muslim female? She gets a raw deal not only in this world but also in the hereafter. After all muslims view their women as a property to be possessed or discarded at their will with the tacit approval of the super-pimp Allah! So much for the much awaited 'judgement day'! It is just puerile and I can't wonder how a billion strong zombies have been taken in by this gibberish,nonsense and a filthy lie!
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
Time: 04:36:33 -0700
Resurrection is another concept taken from Christianity, just like the biblical stories plagiarised and fraudulently claimed to have been told to Muhamad by an angel called gabriel, or is gibberish!I remember in the early 1998s when Christian missioneries and evangelists coming to me exhorting me to convert to Christianity in the nick of 'time',since the year 1999 augered the arrival of the judgement day when Christ would redeem all his believers and jettison the rest ofc us to an 'eternal HELL'. Why did they come to me ? Well, I am in their words 'a pagan' hindu ,which according to them was sinful! I, anyway had a good laugh at this bullshit! Now looking back after almost a decade ,with no doomsday on the horizon, I really pity those conniving idiots who went about their charade for a few dollars from the various Christian denominations with their zeal to harvest 'pagan' souls! Islam also has a doomsday when Allah will be assisted by his side-kick Muhamad in admitting muslims to islamic lewd Paradise and dumping the rest of us to Islamic 'Boiling Hell'! I believe Muhamad predicted the doomsday to happen sometime around the 14th/15th century CE. Well we are in the 21st. century CE and Doomsday is nowhere in sight! Isn't it laughable that billions of zombies around in the age of science and technology,knowledge and information, should be die-hard believers of such inanities,stupidities and utter nonsense! We know that evolution is ascientific fact and we are all products of the evolving nature and it is hightime that we recognize this fact and stop making an ass of ourselves with such lunanies!
Name: vbv
Date: Wednesday January 16, 2008
Time: 04:45:13 -0700
Allah is a male chauvinistic PIG! He delivers 100 hurs and all that jazz to his faithful male muslims in the etrnal lechery. Allah plays the Super Pimp! What about muslim women ? they get a raw deal not only in this world but also in the hereafter! Women in islam are mere possession in the hands of men to be used and discarded at will! The status of women hangs in balance at the time of Judgement Day - Maybe Allah will in kindness not resurrect them. If he does there is a dilema as Hell is already overpopulated with women,as per Muhamad's own witness on his "jaunts to Heaven and Hell On a winged horse/with angels,et al at his side! How ca anyone in 21st century believe in all such stupidities beats me! Perhaps that is why muslims are brain-dead zombies!nged horse/with angels,et al at his side! How can anyone in 21st century believe in all such stupidities beats me! Perhaps that is why muslims are brain-dead zombies!
Name: balam
Date: Thursday January 17, 2008
Time: 07:12:27 -0700
Name: Tony Young
Date: Tuesday April 01, 2008
Time: 00:00:05 -0700
I'm working on a script about a Muslim woman who runs a nudist resort. Though a comedy, I want to take this concept seriously. Is it possible to respect Allah, and be a practicing naturist? I welcome all opinions. tony
Name: SY
Date: Thursday April 17, 2008
Time: 18:34:58 -0700
FIRST OF ALL, LET ME SAY PEACE BE UPON ALL OF YOU. And for Mr. Kaseem and everyone else who have commented below, remember these words of mine, "We will all meet on the Day of Reckoning and you will see how wrong you were about what you say." First of all, does anyone know anything about Islam other that than what you heard someone else say? That about stupidy. I don't expect to go to my english class, sit there and listen to the students blabber and not read from my text book to know the truth and then conclude that the class is not worth taking. WAKE UP PEOPLE! In case you don't know, Allah is not a 'muslim' god. Neither it is the god of Muhammad(may the peace and blessing of Allah be with him) Allah, translated from Arabic means 'The One God with no partners sons, or daughters." Certainly not 3 in 1 or 1 in 3 or whatever other confusing way you might want to put it. Islam is not a 'primitive' religion started in Arabia. If anyone of you had just taken the to read about Islam (of course I forgot that it might be hillarious or preposterous for you to do that) but if you did, you would know that Islam started with our forefather Adam. Just like God has sent other prophets or messengers to guide mankind, (Noah, Ibrahim, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Solomon, Job, Elias, Jesus, to name a few and may the peace and blessing of God be upon them), HE, Allah, has sent Muhammad (peace be upon him) as the last and final messenger to mankind as was prophesized in the Bible by the prophet Jesus about the comforter to come. But of course the Bible has been rewritten so many times over that who knows what is the truth anymore. Infact Jesus (PBUH) did not come to preach the Bible, he came to preach the evangil or the good news. As the Glorious Quran was revealed to Muhammad (PBUH), it is in it's exact version. Did you know that the blessed mother of Jesus (PBUH) covered her head? And so did all the ancient Jews and Christians? But of course, with civization, men don't want to see women covered so the Bible was changed several times to allow women to dress without covering their heads. Talk about male chavunist pigs and oppression of women. I am sure all of you do not like to see a woman covered up simply because it leaves no room for your lustful imagination! What a pity because that is the protection that Islam has given to women from men like you who let your women graze on the road with their sacred ornaments hanging for all to see. OH GEEZ, now that statistics for rape makes sense to me. Now tell me, how were you borned? Fully clothed with bracelet and diamond earrings? NO! You were borned naked. And how do you return to God? Just as he sent you, naked! On that day, you would be worried about your life in this world and how you used to malign Islam than to even bother looking at the person next to you! My friends, I pray for you. You are most certainly lost. I hope you realise your mistakes before you die because then it will be too late. There is so much about Islam that I long to share with you but time doesn't permit me. I have small books or links I can send you. My email address is sheraz2002@hotmail.com if you would like to ask me any question and inshallah I will do my best to answer them. God bless you all!!