Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims

CAIR Pulls Wool over Infidel Eyes on ABC News

Here is what CAIR writes:
Misconeption:: Muslim women are oppressed and forced to wear the hijab.
CAIR’S  Taqiyya: Women often see it as empowering because they are not viewed as sexual objects but judged by their character (in islam).
How can women consider themselves empowered when Quran allows them to be whipped by men  (4.34), asks them to share their husbands with three other women(4.3) allows men to divorce them by saying “Talaq” three times and  replace them without any reason or rhyme (4.20), allows sex with unlimited number of slave girls and captured women, (4.3,23.6, 33.50,70.30) , allows temporary marriage (Muta 4.24), says  two women are equal to one man as witnesses in court, requires  women to prove their rape by asking for  four male witnesses .  
Most shameful of the ways woman is looked at by islam is that men are allowed to marry and have sex with a day old girl according to aya 65.4.
 Here is video about a Saudi website based on that aya  which says muslim men can marry and have sex with one day old Girls . A critic  debates with a muslim man who is  defending this practice permitted by quran..
(Scroll down  video column  and click on “Sex with one day old  baby girl in islam is O.K.” )
 CAIR brags that islamic countries  Bangladesh, Indonesia, Pakistan, and Turkey  had female heads of state ,implying that women and men are equal in Islam. The fact is those countries  having women elected leaders had  nothing to do with Islam. Those counries  were  run under western democracy, not under Islamic sharia laws of Quran and hadiths . Taliban ran their country under sharia ,  they didnt  even allow a woman to be  a dog catcher , leave alone to be a  head of state. Didn’t CAIR see unemployed women professors begging on streets in Burqas  to support their children under true islam. Now that sharia is encroaching in Pakistan see what became of an aspiring Benazir Bhutto . Islamists suicide bombers attacked  her twice succeeding second time and taking over 200 pious muslims men  along with them  to the 72 virgins.
Here is what CAIR writes:
 Misconception: Islam promotes violence and terrorism
CAIR’s   taqiyya: Council on American-Islamic Relations, prominent Muslims, Islamic organizations and Islamic scholars have repeatedly denounced the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11 and terrorism in general. Jihad is a term that is often misunderstood and associated with violent radical militants.
  Who gives a rat’s behind what   CAIR or the Islamic scholars in the
west say to fool the infidels.. What does quran say and what did Prophet  Mohammed do in his life is what determines whether islam promotes violence and terrorism or not. Bin Laden and AlQueda follows quran and sunna, they don’t give two hoots what t Fiqh council of USA or  CAIR thinks.
Quran’s final verdict:
aya 9.5 says it all :” Slay the infidels  wherever ye shall find them; and seize them, besiege them, and lay wait for them with every kind of ambush.
Quran has  164 ayas promoting violence and terrorism to go along with above very popular aya of the sword.
"Allah's Apostle said, 'I have been made victorious with terror.'"
 Here is a  typical day in Prophet Mohammed’s life who earned his livelihood (and women)  through  robbery and raids:
Bukhari ,Volume 3, Book 46, Number 717:

Prophet had suddenly attacked Bani Mustaliq without warning while they were heedless and their cattle were being watered at the places of water. Their men were killed and their women and children were taken as captives; the Prophet got Juwairiya on that day.


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Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 22:53:06 -0700


It is annoying to see how the ISLAMISTS/JIHADISTS and their surrogates are using the hospitality,openess,freedom of expression,freedom of thought,liberal democratic values to subvert and destroy infidels,kafirs,nonbelievers. Obviously lot of western press as well as politicians are stupid and can be taken for a raid. CAIR has to answer all with examples from moslem countries - liberalism ,democracy,freedom,equality of all religions, equality of laws, equality of all people, equality of men and women. IS CAIR telling that ISLAMIC evil,cruel,barbaric ways are better than and ISLAMIC Govts are better than freedom,peace,equality loving,secular,humanist liberal Govts like INDIA,USA,UK, CANADA and japan?................................................ I must give the right perspective in the case of ISLAMIC p.M s in pakisatan,Bangladesh ,indonesia and turkey. In the former 3 countries - the result was due to the influence of HINDU culture of the subcontinent of INDIA, undoubtedly . In any case it just happened by the force of pressures and times in politics . Dont forget that majority of time - 75% - pakisatan and Bdesh were under ISLAMIC military dictatorship. ISLAM has nothing to do with , Bhutto,amina, sukarnoputri becoming P Ms. ISLAM never promoted them or sponsored them or worked for them. Indian political situation,circumstances and times helped them ,worked in their favour to become P.Ms . What happened to them later everybody knows.

Name: al ham dull ill ahhh...pig eather allah is surely the liar
Date: Wednesday February 27, 2008
Time: 23:38:36 -0700


al ham dull ill aahhh pig eater and dog allah is surely so smart to create cair and thus misguide the kafirs. soon the shord of nuclear islam shall rain nuclear fire on infidels hahahaaaaa al ham dull ill aahhh only 1 request if the muslims use nukes on even 1 coutnry pls pls usa,etc....nuke the muslims out of existance. for the sake of yr fake deity jehova,or for the sake of fake deity allah.

Name: vbv
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 06:54:56 -0700


CAIR is a fraud dolling out misinformation and lies to the gullible West. Islam has only one prophet . Why? Because it is a fake religion - it is just a cult legitimising crime and criminals under the garb of religion.Muslims are brainwashed to believe all their misery emanates , not from their rabid despots , but from "kafirs" and "kafir nations". They are backward, nerds, morons incapable of any good creative or productive work but just destructive in all aspects. They cannot see beyond the backward thinking of quran,hadiths sunnah or sharia - very primitive and barbaric. Nothing good ,civilized or cultured can come out of islam - see Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Pakistan, Bangladesh,Afghanistan,Somalia,Libya,Nigeria,Sudan,Egypt,...the list is pretty long. All violent,miserable,backward and almost illiterate! Maybe CAIR wants to take USA to the conditions of such worthy 'islamic ' states!

Name: Jameel Abdullah
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 07:19:34 -0700


From what Ayesha documented, I would like to offer a motion to abrogate the Hadiths. Well, lets do the koran too. Lets abrogate the whole damn thing and get done with it.

Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 07:44:20 -0700


Ayesha Ahmed,Congratulations for writing once again a brilliant article,exposing the true face of Islam.It is like Dynamite under the feet of Ummah.Your writings have given a lot of knowledge and courage to the Non-Muslims to stand up to the lies and intimidation of Islam.It will certainly destroy this Dajjal which appeared as Mohammad to decieve the world Its days are certainly numbered.Thank God also for the efforts of other Ex-Muslims who have put themselves under tremendous risk in exposing Mohammad and his evil idealogy.Please keep up the good work.

Name: Ibn Kammuna
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 07:47:28 -0700


Thank you author for the article I went to abc site. Those idiots are using CAIR to tell the truth about Islam. This is like Castro about the great quality of life in Cuba, or asking the Saudi King about how nice people have it in Saudi Arabia. Its like asking Hitler about the beauty of Nazism. It is utter shame what abc is doing

Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 08:54:40 -0700


Boy I laughed out loud. That video is funny. I recommend all to listen to it.

Name: Ali Khalaf
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 08:59:03 -0700


Great article Ayesha. I loved the video of "Sex with one day girl is O.K". I sent the link to all my contacts.

Name: John
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 09:02:49 -0700


Good job Ayesha. I enjoyed the video "Sex with one day old girl in Islam is O.K."

Name: Chris
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 09:21:37 -0700


Seeme like arab money has bought out U.S. media. They always invite CAIR to ask about Islam.Why dont they invite Ayesha Ahmed?

Name: Ayesha to Chris
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 09:48:50 -0700


If that happenend it will be my first and last appearance on TV. I will be found beheaded in an alley behind the TV studio with quranic ayas stuck with knife on my body..

Name: Saleem
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 10:06:44 -0700


CAIR very well knows that when islam does not allow the woman to lead a prayer or call adan, how can they brag about the women president in those countries being islamic. When a rebellious woman lead prayers in N.Y. so much stink was raised and all those praying behind were declared kuffar.

Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 10:12:23 -0700


This debate between a critic and an arab muslim is a great comic relief. I sent it to my muslim friends.

Name: Islam and Economics
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 13:21:30 -0700


The islamic viewpoint towards interest is very interesting concerning two points: 1. That Islam/Quran is nothing special, but only a contemporary point of view. 2. That Islam/Quran is wrong/out of date compared to modern experiences. To begin with 1. we can easily state that the quranic opinion, that all interest transactions are haram, is not new at all. The greek philosophers as well as the bible agree that interest is regarded as usury and should be forbidden. This is nothing else than common sense in ancient and preislamic times and the quranic view derives from it. However, when entering modern times (2.), we can see that this policy is totally out of date and not useful in any sense. We all know that there are cases, that transactions with interest may cause problems for the debtor, who could fail to pay back the money he borrowed. However, in modern times there are many tools not available in ancient times that allow to resolve most problems concernig interest transactions. There are fixed interest rates provided by central banks, credit insurances, life insurances, corporate laws and laws against usury that provide an adequate legal and social framework to avoid all possible problems concerning interest transactions. It is this framework, which made the industrial revolution possible in western and far eastern societies. However, in islamic countries this was not possible and the industrial revolution could not happen. Today there are many people talking about islamic banking and islamic financing. What does it mean? There are two meanings: 1. Hypocrisy --> Interest rates are hidden behind other details of the contract such as charges or something similar. 2. Back to barter Economy ---> In some cases islamic banks get paid not with interest but with other revenues such as rents. This sounds reasonable, but it is much more complicated than necessary. You can rent houses, cars and anything for money, why not money too? Is it useful to pay with eggs or apples for borrowing money? I think ALL islamic bankers do know very well that the islamic banking is stupid and not useful at all in modern times! However, they are not allowed to admit that quran is out of date and that´s why the islamic countries are so behind the other world in terms of financing and overall economic performance.

Name: Khan to No name CAIR agent wasting time with long rants
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 16:58:45 -0700


You are trying to say that yes quran is a ridiculous book with stupidities but other religious books have the same.Mr muslim , only muslims believe that their book is unadulterated,unalterable word of Allah, while others dont claim that about their books.That means that Allah wrote those stupidities in Quran, which is inexcusable. If you are compare Jesus with Mohammed, Mohammed was a pedophile,polygamist, womanizer, rapist, robber, killer,asassin, pillager, incest artist, slave owner and slave trader, and Jesus was none of the above. So Islam is proved to be a Scam started by Mohammed to gain wealth and women.

Name: agnostic
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 22:21:03 -0700


Loony Leftists, Liberal Lemmings and the Politically Correct Cowards , together with Leftist fifth-column scum across the world collectively rally to the cause of islamists and the terrorist founded CAIR. Americans themselves allow the mental AIDS of Political Correctness to scramble their brains. One has to see things realistically. As Abdullah Al-Araby articulated in his book “The Islamisation of America” the muslim in your midst could well turn militant and is the person cutting off your head while the “moderate” muslim holds your feet. During 9/11 the trade towers were the ‘head” cut off by the militant muslims, while the moderate muslims “held the victims feet.” History proves that both militant and moderate muslims are invaders working as a team to conqueror America. Wake up! Wear an intellectual condom. USE THE BLOGOSPHERE TO GET TO THE TRUTH. Be aware and beware of the leftists who hate and loathe you, the ordinary american with as much intensity as the islamists he dumbs you down to accept.

Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
Date: Thursday February 28, 2008
Time: 22:26:57 -0700


Again i say , the western journalists,press bodies,politicians do not understand the true ISLAM and it's poisonous,venomous,virulent basic tenets - fascism,totalitarianism,intolerance,anti-women,antiscience, dogmatic aggressive agenda. By using this unrelenting evil demands combined with terror,fear,separatism, deceptive,propaganda,mis/disinformation- Taquiyya - ( the CAIR is doing exactly that) ,intimidation,threat of civil wars - ISLAM succeeded for 1400 yrs to impose, to subjugate, to enslave ,to convert ,to destroy many countries,cultures and civilizations. It was the greatest calamity in the annals of human history that INDIA 9 the noblest of the noble ancient Hindu civilization, came under the shacles of this imperialist,monstrous ,cruel,barbaric ISLAM. No other country in the world suffered as much and paid incalculable price as INDIA and HINDUS to the monstrous,inhuman,cruel cannibalistic ISLAM.Christianity and ISLAM waged religious wars against each other ( JIHADS- crusades.) More over for long , by wrong assumptions - it was at least thought by many christians that ISLAM is the follower - a cousine or sister like religion . For this assumption for sure- there are quite a bit of similarities between these 2 evil ( absolutely evil,fascist,imperialistic,totalitarian ) theologies. Similarities like prophet,revelations, single book,satan ,angels . QQURRAN is on the lines of Bible and ISLAM is a copied version of judaism,christianity with some preislamic pagan traditions thrown in. Actually , in ISLAM there is nothing original and contribution towards spirituality . In ISLAM ther is liberal sprinkling of pornography !!!! too. Unfortunately INDIANS/INDIAN GOvt are spineless and cant confront this evil,cruel,wicked ,barbaric cult called ISLAM . JIHADISTS/ISLAMISTS stole INDIAN/HINDU land by threats,intimidation,civil war,killing Hindus mercilessly . Now the evil,terrorist country which uses sharia- hoddood laws and declares itself officially as ISLAMIC republic with ISLAMABAD as the capital, the epicenter of ISLAMIC fascism,terrorism,is the PAKISATAN--- which is ultra,ultra,ultra,ultra fascist ISLAMIC hell hole. It is tragedy that international community,western countries ,christianity keeps a blind eye to this danger from PAKISATAN . Ms. BHUTTO's grand mother was a Hindu . In Bangladesh - the Moslems follow not only the kafir language - Bengale but also follow lot Hindu cultural values - even sari,Bindi etc. It was INDIA which helped Mujibur rahman to liberate Bangladesh from the clutches of PAKISATAN - for which INDIA paid with it's blood - (liberation war of 1971 ). Many other events based on Hindu values & political events helped Hasina to become P.M . The same Bangla liberation war has influence for the accession of BHUTTO as P.M of PAKISATAN - But ultimately Bhutto failed miserably - as she acted like a true MUSLIMAH and still met her fate - as True ISLAMISTS ( Misogynists,followers of MO) has no faith in Bhutto and saw it an affront to ISLAM ( UNISLAMIC) that MUSLIMAH dares to sit on MULLAS and Military macho MUSSALMANS..................The other one - P M of Turkey - it was because the KAMAL ATA turk discorded ISLAM and adopted western methods which saw Tonsu cellar to be the P.M. The 4th one SUKARNO putri ( the name itself is HINDU !!!!!!) has lot of residual Hindu influence in INDONESIA - so that they tolerated her becoming P.M under the world glare . One can safely bet that in a purely ISLAMIC country ,like saudi ARABIA - and without the pressures from out side world - it will be impossible for a Muslimah to become a P.M or head of state.................. CAIR guys do not wear even ISLAMIC garb !!!!!! they just follow western dress - but the MUllas will behead them - if they go to their own countries and wear western garb. .............. Obviously these CAIR ISLAMIC fascists think that the international community is stupid and can be easily hood winked by falsehoods - other wise - how ridiculous it is to even suggest or write that ISLAMISM is even comparable or mention on par with the most humanistic,liberal,freedom,peace loving, open societies, with liberty,freedom of religion,equality of women and many other progressive values !!!!!!!!!!!!! ISLAM is darkness . How can they - CAIR- put themsleves on par with advanced civilizations ? It is daring . We - means the rest of the world allowed them to belittle us ,insulting humanity,human intelligence - is it not ? We have set high standards for human values,civilization where as ISLAM /ISLAMISTS has no standards ,no qualms ,no values to follow or set - hence this kind of situation - The evil ISLAMIST CAIR and the followers of MO - trying to destroy us in our own house !!!!!!!

Name: A true believer
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 00:42:33 -0700


I like how other people are supposed to tell me how I should be feeling. I should feel oppressed because of the "towel" on my head. I should feel degraded because of my placement in society. Well, can I ask how many of you "true" believers have actually graduated from college and is leading a very successful life? I have and guess what, I have done it with a "towel" on my head. Stop telling me that I am oppressed. The ones that are oppressed are the oppressers. If you don't understand me, then I do pity you the most.

Name: where is your claim in sura 65
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 08:11:10 -0700


Sura - 65 Divorce (Al-Talaaq) Order Of Revelation 99, Verses: 12 [65:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful [65:1] O you prophet, when you people divorce the women, you shall ensure that a divorce interim is fulfilled. You shall measure such an interim precisely. You shall reverence GOD your Lord. Do not evict them from their homes, nor shall you make life miserable for them, to force them to leave on their own, unless they commit a proven adultery. These are GOD's laws. Anyone who transgresses GOD's laws commits an injustice against himself. You never know; maybe GOD wills something good to come out of this. [65:2] Once the interim is fulfilled, you may reconcile with them equitably, or go through with the separation equitably. You shall have two equitable witnesses witness the divorce before GOD. This is to enlighten those who believe in GOD and the Last Day. Anyone who reverences GOD, He will create an exit for him. [65:3] And will provide for him whence he never expected. Anyone who trusts in GOD, He suffices him. GOD's commands are done. GOD has decreed for everything its fate. [65:4] As for the women who have reached menopause, if you have any doubts, their interim shall be three months. As for those who do not menstruate, and discover that they are pregnant, their interim ends upon giving birth. Anyone who reverences GOD, He makes everything easy for him. [65:5] This is GOD's command that He sends down to you. Anyone who reverences GOD, He remits his sins, and rewards him generously. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *65:1 The divorcee's interim, before becoming eligible for remarriage, is a waiting period of three menstruations. This ensures that the divorcee was not pregnant (2:228). [65:6] You shall allow them to live in the same home in which they lived with you, and do not make life so miserable for them that they leave on their own. If they are pregnant, you shall spend on them until they give birth. If they nurse the infant, you shall pay them for this service. You shall maintain the amicable relations among you. If you disagree, you may hire another woman to nurse the child. [65:7] The rich husband shall provide support in accordance with his means, and the poor shall provide according to the means that GOD bestowed upon him. GOD does not impose on any soul more than He has given it. GOD will provide ease after difficulty. [65:8] Many a community rebelled against the commands of its Lord and against His messengers. Consequently, we held them strictly accountable, and requited them a terrible requital. [65:9] They suffered the consequences of their decisions; a profound loss. [65:10] GOD has prepared for them severe retribution. Therefore, you shall reverence GOD, O you who possess intelligence and believed. GOD has sent down to you a message - [65:11] a messenger who recites to you GOD's revelations, clearly, to lead those who believe and work righteousness out of the darkness into the light. Anyone who believes in GOD and leads a righteous life, He will admit him into gardens with flowing streams; they abide therein forever. GOD will generously reward him. Seven Universes And Seven Earths* [65:12] GOD created seven universes and the same number of earths. The commands flow among them. This is to let you know that GOD is Omnipotent, and that GOD is fully aware of all things. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *65:10-11 The ``Messenger'' here is clearly the Quran. Verse 10 talks about ``sending down a message,'' and this points to the Quran as the messenger in 65:11 (Appendix 20). [Note: These verses also refer to the Messenger of the Covenant whose mission was to lead the believers into the light (Appendix 2 ).] *65:12 Although God created six other planets that are identical to our Earth, there is life only on our planet. Thus, the evolutionists will be shown on the Day of Judgment that life did not just ``evolve'' on the planet because of its particular circumstances. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: ali to "A true believer"
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 12:37:13 -0700


Hello, true believer. Something tells me you do not live in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan or any of the other Islamic Paradises. You probably live in America or Australia or Europe, and this is why you have your education. If it were not for us kafirs and our degenerate society you would have more than a towel on your head, believe me.

Name: Hamed To "Where is your claim "muslim r
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 13:55:07 -0700


I dont understand why muslims go crazy and act like you found cure for cancer in Quran whenever you find a statement like "dont kick out the divorced woman from your home" or some such thing and start bragging.Any moron with half a brain can say all that. What is the big deal man. All secular social laws say that and a lot more.Does that mean those who wrote those are Gods? It is not important what is good is in quran , even Hitler had many good things.So much evil in quran is the problem. That shows it was written not written by God but a very evil womanizing man wrote it to justify his pedophilia, rapes, robberies slave trading and bloodshed of dissenters with self serving verses.

Name: Peter [Leeds England]
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 15:32:30 -0700


I am simply not just outraged but also intensely so furious ,at the management of this website,for allowing some one to get away with murder.Ashya has as a female writer has done something which one could not even think about.It was not just disgusting and shameful,but then to back it with such a hideous lie was beyond believe,to say about one day old child when after checking in the quran where i could not relate any thing,such hideous statement needs to be taken out of the article,and this writer needs to apologise to the Moslems, and to others like me who visit this site occasionally . To all the other persons who have blindly agreed with writer,s views, and those who have also commended the writer, must be brain dead and are worthy of shame, if the management dose not act over this i will make this my last visit to this site,meanwhile i as a humanist want to apologise to the moslems , and please do not think all of us hate you like most people do on this site.

Name: khan
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 15:41:01 -0700


i thank you mr Peter, for your kind words, it is nice to see some one speaking the truth,and also being a fine humane, you are right ,this woman needs to be told,but as she is quite use to telling lies,and mis quotes and i do not think she will change, and the management, well you are just wasting your time .

Name: ALI
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 15:47:40 -0700



Name: anis
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 15:54:03 -0700


Bob, i am disgusted with your behavior ,you simply believed this statement about one day old child,you find it so amusing ,have you ever heard this statement from a Muslim. you have to be a moran ,and a sick person, shame on you.

Name: y.m
Date: Friday February 29, 2008
Time: 16:14:28 -0700


Ayesha Ahmed always write a good article about Islam.She tried to make the Muslims feel ashmed and degraded about their Quran and Hadiths.Muslims are proud to DO the things what the Mo did in his life.Ayesha please keep up the good work.Mey be one day Muslims would comeout of dark.The video of sex one day old girl is very funny for Kafars but accepable and reasonable for Muslims.They are worse than wild beasts.

Name: ranjeet singh
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 11:27:39 -0700



Name: John: to Mr mohammed Peter
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 12:46:33 -0700


Name: Ali Khalaf: to Mr mohammed Peter/other muslims
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 12:55:42 -0700


Mr Mohammed Peter/other muslims: Why are you not mad at the saudi website which says sex with a baby is O.K. Why are you not mad at the prophet who married a six year old child. Everything Ayesha writes is quran/hadiths based We love her writings. Muslims like Peter are most welcomed to stay away from this website. Ayesha is one of the most popular writers who expose the soft underbelly of islam. Her article about Mohammed's sex with her daughter in law broke all the records of readership on FFI as well as Islam-watch.Google her name, you will find her articles reproduced all over the world.

Name: John
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 13:03:21 -0700


Ayesha: Your articles are doing it's job that is exposing islam as well as making muslims angry. Getting angry at truth is their prophet's traitwho had any one who called his bluff, beheaded.

Name: Mamdouh to Syed Ranjeet Singh
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 13:09:04 -0700


Quran says you can marry and divorce a pre-menstrual child (65.4 ). What difference does it make whether you go ask a 6 year old child like your prophet did or one day old child, none has marriage sense.

Name: pisslam
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 15:24:16 -0700


pisslam says that this shit organization called cair is nothing more than a "smiley face" taped across the sewer that is the mouth of islam. May the rotten soul of the scum mohammid twirl forever in a bucket of pig urine.

Name: Chris
Date: Saturday March 01, 2008
Time: 23:49:54 -0700


Muslims recite Quran daily which call us non muslims worst animals, lowest creatures, deaf dumb and blind yet they have nerve to call Ayesha's articles rude to muslims. Why dont you complain about the rudeness of your own book to non muslims?.

Name: No Dhimmi
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 10:42:05 -0700


I listened to the conversation about sex with a female baby. I couldn't listen to all of it because it is so revolting to think of something as disgusting as using a baby or child for sexual pleasure. I can understand muslims being offended. Unfortunately, the subject being discussed is condoned in Islam, at least Shia Islam. When I first heard about this, I thought it was a lie but then after reading the fatwa justifying it, I had no doubt it was true. The source condoning this practice came from the now deceased Ayatollah Khomeni. The Tahrirolvasyleh quotes seem to be doing the rounds on the net and are causing much distress to the Khomeini kids, who either feign ignorance or deny the book exists. Funny that, because Tahrirolvasyleh is one of Khomeini's major works and is studied in detail by the Akhoonds. Then again it was written in Arabic, making it inaccessible to most Iranians. Tahrirolvasyleh is an Iranicised version of its Arabic title 'Tahrir al Wasilah', Khomeini's ramblings on fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence). The exact quote is as follows: A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate vaginally, but sodomising the child is acceptable. If a man does penetrate and damage the child then, he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl will not count as one of his four permanent wives and the man will not be eligible to marry the girl's sister... It is better for a girl to marry at such a time when she would begin menstruation at her husband's house, rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven. ["Tahrirolvasyleh", fourth edition, Qom, Iran, 1990]

Name: bobby
Date: Sunday March 02, 2008
Time: 18:28:55 -0700


Muslims like to build up a lot of hype about Islam. Population 2 million, sometimes 6 or even 12 million quoted. The fastest growing religion etc. etc. They think they can build clout by claiming to be bigger number than actual. But look at the latest survey - even Hindus+Buddhist(they share common teachings) are 1.3 percent vs. a measly 0.6 percent for muslims. If you exclude the prison population, it may drop to 0.1 percent.

Name: GLOW
Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
Time: 07:28:41 -0700


ISLAM ALWAYS MEANS TROUBLE. I'm waiting the day when there's no islam anymore in this whole world.


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