Islamic Marriage and Legalized Prostitution
20 Feb, 2008
The significance of married life is great. Fortunate indeed is that couple who starts married life with right understanding of its importance and greatness. Marriage is a sacred spiritual partnership between two souls who have come upon this earth to evolve an ideal life of nobility, virtue and Dharma (social custom in Hinduism) and attain their goal of divine perfection through such ideal life. Therefore, the home of a married couple is a sanctified centre of spiritual life. The home is their place of worship, prayer and daily meditation. It is truly said that the marriages are made in heaven. Sex is not everything in a marriage.
The home is a sacred arena for the attainment of self-conquest and self-mastery which is more thrilling than conquering a monarchy. Blessed are those couples who lead this divine life, where truth, purity and universal love, mutual trust and compassion constitute the basic foundation of such divine life. Such a house is the abode of God. People may visit such a sacred place for pilgrimage.
In Hinduism, a wedding ceremony at its core is essentially a Vedic yajña (a fire sacrifice), in which the Arian deities are invoked in the ancient Indo-Aryan style. Agni, the fire-deity (or the sacred fire) is the primary witness of a Hindu marriage. By law and tradition, no Hindu marriage is deemed complete unless in the presence of this sacred fire, seven encirclements have been made around it by the bride and the groom together. Divorce is rare amongst Hindus.
In Christianity, the views of marriage historically have regarded marriage as ordained by God for the lifelong union of a man and a woman. The fundamental principal was first articulated Biblically in Genesis 2:24 (Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife; and they shall be one flesh). Afterwards, Jesus set forth his basic position on marriage by bringing together two important passages from Genesis (1:27; 2:7-- 25). He pointed to the completion of the creation – “male and female he created them”. Then Jesus described marriage as a sacred relationship, a union, so intimate and real that “the two became one flesh”. As persons, husband and wife are of equal value. In truth, they are one.
Then what about Islam and Muslims?
Well, some hopeless pessimists had observed that marriage is a legalized prostitution. This exactly defines the holiness of Muslim marriage and the status of married women under Islam. In Islam, through marriage, a man takes the rightful ownership of the ‘meat’ of a woman’s body. Unlike Hinduism and Christianity, marriage is not a binding union in Islam. Here, the idea of association, partnership, or companionship between the married couple is completely absent. The Koran does not view divorce or separation as a tragic option but a golden opportunity for man. In Islam, the women have no mind, only the ‘meat’ of her body is ‘halal’ for man to enjoy. As per Shahih Bukhari 7.62.173, Wife must shave her pubic hair if husband returns home at night after a long journey.
Nasrin (2007) lamented, “My mother used ‘purdah’. She wore a ‘burqa’ with a net cover in front of the face. It reminded me of the meat-safes in my grandmother’s house. One had a net door made of cloth, the other of metal. But the objective was same – keeping the meat safe”.
During the period of Muhammad and his successors, prostitution diminished for a time (Durant, 1950). It’s not because Muhammad had a high regard for women and he worked for the welfare of the fallen women and upgraded their condition. It’s because Muhammad lowered the status of married women to the lowest level of sex-slavery and prostitution. He allowed sexual appetite so many outlets within the Islamic law that the prostitutes became jobless. The shocking truth is that Muhammad viewed women as domestic animals. In his farewell sermon Muhammad equated women to cattle. Tabari (IX:113) recorded (cited Winn, 2004, p. 557) “Treat women well for they are like domestic animals and they possess nothing themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur’an.” As per Sunaan Abu Dawud 11.2155; Women, slaves and camels are same; must seek Allah's refuge from all these. Muhammad’s teaching was too great. During 2007, a man (of forty years) from Afghanistan first shaved his wife Nazia’s (of seventeen years) head and then cut off her ears, and nose and broke her teeth with a stone, knocked her down and beat her severely until her hands and legs were broken and burnt her feet with boiling water while she fainted, on the first day of Eid ul Adha, an Islamic ritual of sacrifice. Nazia is his second wife. He already killed his first wife. (Hairan, 2007; IRIN, 2007). This is how some Muslims celebrate Eid festival; sacrificing own wife in place of a camel. Camels are costly but women are cheap.
In Urdu, women are called ‘aurat’ (عورت), which came from the Arabic word ‘awrah’ (عورة). The Arabic word refers to the genitals of a woman’s body, in a simple and straightforward word, which is called the ‘vagina’. It means, the entire body of a Muslim woman is a huge vagina and nothing else (Warraq, 2005. p. 316). How many Urdu speaking Asian Muslims know this fact that for referring their mothers, sisters and daughters, they use a word which actually degrades their women folks?
‘Nikah’ (Muslim marriage, النكاح) is an Arabic word whose literal meaning is penetration (Kaleeby, 2002; Warraq, 2005). It can be pronounced as ‘Nokh’, which again means the ‘awrah’, the giant vagina, i.e, the entire body of a Muslim woman. When the word ‘Nikah’ is used to mean marriage, the actual meaning is not marriage but literally ‘sexual penetration’. Ignorant Muslims often use these words, without knowing their actual meaning and degrade their woman folks to the level of sex-slaves and cheap highway prostitutes.
Kasem (n. d) concluded that the method of securing such sexual / physical pleasure is very similar to a commercial / business transaction. In plain language, this is called prostitution. In all cases of marriage and sex, the women are treated merely as sex-objects, much like the provider of a service for which she must be paid some compensation.
The compensation (dower) for sexual service of the wife is known as ‘mahr’, which all Muslim men must agree to pay before marriage. It can be immediate or deferred to a future date. No Islamic marriage is valid without the payment of ‘mahr’. Sometimes, Muslim women take keen pride in the sums paid for them as ‘mahr’ without knowing the actual purpose of it. In reality, however, ‘mahr’ is nothing but the payment to purchase a female body for sexual enjoyment. This degradation is sanctioned by Allah in ‘Sha’ria’ (the divine law of Allah). So when a Muslim marries off his sister or daughter to another Muslim family, he actually auctions his sister’s or daughter’s soft and warm vagina for a quick financial profit. If the ‘mahr’ is not sufficient, then as per ‘Sha’ria’ Law, the marriage can be cancelled. Often the wife does not get to use the ‘mahr’ for herself. This money is used to furnish the house of the newly married couple or her father grabs the entire amount (Warraq, 2005, p. 311). In an Islamic marriage, there is hardly a trace of romantic love. One rarely finds love poetry in their marriage songs.
Kasem (n. d) furthermore lamented taking reference from an authentic ‘Sha’ria’ Law book, that the husband’s rights include but not limited to ‘…ownership of a woman’s body to do as he likes including beating… a husband possesses full right to enjoy his wife’s person (from top of her head to the bottom of her feet!) in what does not physically harm her… he is entitled to take her with him when he travels.’
Besides above, Kasem (n. d) continued by taking reference from another book The Hedaya Commentary on the Islamic Laws. This book is frequently used by Sha’ria lawyers in the interpretation of Islamic laws. It says, “…full dower is the payment for the delivery of woman’s person, ‘Booza’, meaning ‘Genitalia arvum Mulieris’ ”
Kasem (n.d) with disgust concluded, “Yes, you read it correctly. The meaning of ‘Genitalia arvum Mulieris’ is woman’s vagina. The above few sentences clearly meant that a woman sells her vagina in return for the dower. This is a commercial transaction. Make no mistake about it! Period.’’
Though Kasem was blunt in his statement, but truly the Islamic Holy Scripture Al-Hadis is in agreement with him. As per Mishkat al-Masabih, "A woman is like a private part. When she goes out the devil casts a glance at her".
Under Sha’ria Law, the husband is not obliged to pay for her medical expenses in case of illness (Warraq, 2005. p. 311).
The divine law of Allah, Sha’ria, does not recognize ‘forced sex’ on women after marriage. There is nothing called marital rape. Once ‘mahr’ is paid, the wife is a legal sex-slave of the man (often next to three other equally helpless wives). In prostitution, a customer does not need to bother about the sexual gratification of the prostitute. Similarly, the sexual desires and preferences of the women are not recognized in Islam. Marital rape incidents are too high in Bangladesh, as Azad (1995, p. 240) lamented, “For a woman, the first night after marriage is the night of forcible sex. In Bangladesh, the number of marital rape incidents is several times higher than any other rapes.”
Elsewhere, Azad (1995, p. 248) again lamented, “Here [Bangladesh], there are single rapes and multiple rapes. Here; father rapes daughter, son-in-law rapes mother-in-law … top executive rapes sweeper of the office, teacher rapes girl student, Imam rapes the kindergarten girl, brother-in-law rapes the sister-in-law, father-in-law rapes daughter-in-law…”[original in Bengali, translated by author].
Islam’s attitude towards women can better be understood from a sixteenth century treatise, The perfumed garden by Shaykh Nefzawi. “Do you know women’s religion is in their vaginas?” Nefzawi asked, “they are insatiable as per as their vulvas are concerned, and so long as their lust is satisfied they do not care whether it is a buffoon, a negro, a valet, or even a despised man. It is Satan, who makes the juices flow from their vaginas” (cited Warraq, 1995. p. 290).
Warraq (1995) lamented “Islam has always considered women as creatures inferior in every way; physically, intellectually, and morally. The negative vision is divinely sanctioned in Koran, corroborated by the Hadiths and perpetuated by the commentaries of the theologians, the custodians of Muslim dogma and ignorance”.
The Sha’ria Law permits temporary marriages. This is called Mutah marriage, which is nothing more than a form of prostitution in the guise of marriage. As per Dictionary of Islam, Mutah is ‘a marriage contracted for a limited period, for a certain sum of money’. (cited Brahmachari, 2008). Under this system a Muslim can change his wife everyday. It’s a temporary permit for sexual service and hence a legalized prostitution.
The Indian Mullahs and Maulvies are very much aware of this divine sanction in Islamic marriage. In Hyderabad, a mega-city of India, these Mullahs and Maulvies work as pimps for old Arabs. Many heavily rich but morally bankrupt Arabs visit Hyderabad and marry young Indian Muslim girls in assistance with the local Mullahs for a period of 15-30 days. After satisfying their lust using these poor Muslim girls and enjoying the Indian hospitality, these Arabs divorce (Islamic divorce - triple talaq) the girls after robbing them of their virginity and respect and return to their lands as respectable grand-fathers and fathers. In one incident, an old man called Muhammad Zafer Yaqub Hassan al Jorani from Sharjah married Haseena Begum; a 19 year old girl on May 7, 2004 and after two days divorced her. Again on May 24, he married another 16 year old girl Ruksana Begum. Haseena, reported the matter to police and the culprit was arrested together with the shameless Mullah-pimp Shamsuddin who received 40,000 Indian rupees from Jorani. Jorani already had two wives and 11 children back home. As per another report published on Hindu-Voice January 2007 issue, a 60 year old rich Arab married 3 girls, Afreen, Farheena and Sultana, at a single sitting within ten minutes in Hyderabad. (Brahmachari, 2008).
There are about 35 to 40 reported fake marriages occur every year between rich Arabs and young Indian Muslim girls in Hyderabad. The actual figure is much higher. In fact, the Mullahs start chasing these Arabs right at the International airport of Hyderabad. As soon as an Arab lands at the airport, the Mullah pimps target him and the negotiation starts then and there. Photographs of young girls are shown, financial matters are settled and date and place for such marriages are finalized. It’s a big racket. Their shameful acts remain unknown to their own daughters and grand daughters of equal age back home. What is disturbing is that these Arabs are even rented out rooms made conveniently in the homes of these Maulvies who perform these fake marriages. In some cases these Islamic marriages last only 24 hours (Sheikh, 2005). This is how, using Islam, the Mullahs are promoting Islamic prostitution and filling up their pockets with money. Majhar Hussain, the president of the Confederation of Voluntary Agencies said, “This [Mutah marriage] is turning the young Muslim girls into prostitutes”. (cited Brahmachari, 2008). If this practice keeps on going unabated and these Mullahs are not stopped, then very soon Hyderabad might become the centre of legalized, Sha’ria-approved Islamic whore city, another ‘Brothel Mecca’ of fornication sought by Muslim men mostly from the Arab world. Many Muslims will be seen coming to India for Sex-Hajj (i.e, Islamic sex pilgrimage). Once there is shortage of young virgin girls, Mullahs will probably look for young Muslim housewives to carry on the prostitution.
How many Indian Muslims know these Mullah activities in Hyderabad ? The tragedy is that, Mullahs, the ‘keepers’ of Islam are also the biggest ‘exploiters’ of Islam. Mullahs make money at the cost of the pride of common Muslim’s daughters and sisters.
In Islam, even the breast-milk of a woman does not belong to her and the husband (who purchased her with ‘mahr’) has the lawful right on it. When the adult husband forcefully drinks the milk of his wife under ‘Sha’ria’, the milk is treated as a food and not as foster milk. According to Malik’s Muwatta (Book 30, Number 30.1.11), "Suckling…after the first two years, little or much, it does not make anything haram. It is like food." As per another Hadith from Malik’s Muwatta (Book 30, Number 30.2.14), a Muslim man is divinely allowed to drink his wife’s milk (or, multiple wives’ milk on choice and test) regularly and still can remain her sex-partner (Truly, a Muslim has a lot of advantages over non-Muslims!). This is the height of stupidity in Allah’s divine law.
Few years ago AIMPLB (All India Muslim Personal Law Board) had formulated the Muslim marriage law. But there were no woman in the board (Sheikh, 2005). In a civilized society, this is unthinkable but in Muslim world it is natural. The “halal meat” of a woman’s body has no individuality, no identity of its own.
As per Sha’ria, a woman can be married at any age even when she is a newly born baby. Khomeini said "A man can have sexual pleasure from a child as young as a baby” (Paz, 2006). What Khomeini said was ethically wrong but islamically divine. Muhammad, the master of darkness was a sex-maniac. Much had been written about his superb collection of wives (which includes baby Aisha and daughter-in-law Zainab), slave-girls and concubines. The lesser known fact is that, once he was sexually attracted to a crawling baby also. Ibn Ishaq, the earliest and most authentic biographer of the prophet recorded in his book Sirat Rasul Allah.
“…the apostle saw her (Ummu’l-Fadl) when she was baby crawling before him and said, ‘If she grows up and I am still alive I will marry her.’ But he died before she grew up…”
Umar (Khulafa Rashedin, the rightly guided Caliph) followed Muhammad’s footsteps and married Umm Kulthum, the four years old half-sister of Aisha. This is the divinity of Islam. If both Prophet and Caliph are abnormal, how can we blame Khomeini ? Encouraging child marriage is same as advocating child prostitution.
Polygamy is allowed in Koran (4:3). A Muslim can take maximum four wives a time. In India, the Mughal emperor Akbar’s foster brother Mirza Aziz had a droll explanation as to why a man needed four wives. ‘A man must marry one woman of Hindustan to rear up children, one wife from Khurasan to do the household work, one woman from Iran to keep company and talk’. And the fourth ? ‘Why? One woman from Transoxiana to whip the other three and keep peace’(Early, 1977 p. 666).
Al-Ghazali advices to all Muslims, “If one woman does not suffice, take some more (up to four). If still you have not found peace, change them”.
The laxity in the number of wives and concubines, and freedom of men to marry and remarry, marriage within close relatives etc often make Muslim families to proliferate confusingly. So, when little Munawwar Ali goes to Madrassah for Islamic education; his best identity is; he is one of the twenty children by one of the thirteen wives of Sheikh Abdullah Ali! Large family is one of the reasons for which bulk of the Muslims are poor.
Throughout the history, Muslim rulers used to have a closely guarded wing called ‘harem’. In Arabic a ‘harem’ is a prohibited place where all the ‘begums’ (wives) live – vacuum-sealed world of their own. In plain language these harems are private brothels. In India, the Mughal haram was an immense establishment.
Akbar, the Mughal Emperor had more than 5000 women (Early, 1977. p. 642). Out of this, his private wives numbered only 300 and rest all was concubines. His son Jahangir had more than 1000 wives. Ali had 200 wives. Ibn al-Teiyib , a famous dyer of Baghdad, who lived to be 85 years, is reported to have 900 wives, al-Mutawakkil had 400 wives – each of whom had shared his bed one night only (Durant, 1950, p. 222). Muhammad’s grandson Hasan had up to 300 wives. Hasan often married four wives in one sitting and then divorced four wives in one sitting (Kasem, n. d). Muslims have no respect for celibacy. Most Muslim saints are married with a houseful of kids. Durant (1950) commented, ‘Perhaps Islam erred in the opposite direction, and carried marriage to the extreme’.
Abul Fazl,(cited Early, 1977 p. 643) had an excellent reason for the support of polygamy - ‘Just as for other people more than one wife is not suitable, so for great persons more are necessary, so that their dwellings may be more splendid, and a large number people may be supported.’
Now the question is, how these people did manage to have so many wives, when only four are sanctioned to each of them. It is very simple, only a little manipulation is required. Allah said in Koran (4:3), “Marry what seems good to you of women, by twos, threes or fours”. This statement was interpreted in different ways by different Koranic scholars – one scholar added two, three and four and got nine wives. Another got a total of 18 wives by doubling two, three and four and added the results (Eraly, 1977). Since, in Islam there is no shortage of Koranic scholars, there are many interpretations when fat incentives are given. This is how the number of women in private harems increased.
In the orthodox Muslim families in Middle Eastern countries, the father or the brother might marry off the woman to whomever he wished before she became of age. Love marriages are generally unheard of and prohibited, because in a love-match the villainous man gets too much for nothing. Girls are usually married by the age of twelve, and are mothers at the age of thirteen or fourteen (Durant, 1950; p. 220). Often the groom is not allowed to see the face of his bride before marriage. There are parties, fisting and prayers. After many ceremonies, the husband in privacy of the bridal chamber drew aside of the veil of his wife and pray, “In the name of Allah, the compassionate, the merciful….”. If this belated examination left the groom dissatisfied, he might at once send his wife back to her parents with dowry and search for another bride (Durant, 1950; p. 220).
In general, women have no meaningful life (the situation is not much changed since the time of Muhammad) of their own in Islam. Even at the lowest stratum of society, where gender inequality has little meaning, their life is bleaker than men. Wretchedly poor and undernourished, their health is broken by intermittent childbearing, weighed down by endless drudgery, often in addition to work alongside their men in the field, there was not much more to their lives than bare existence. In Afghanistan and in Bangladesh, more than half of the teenage girls are married. In Iran, Girls often get married when they are only nine (Spencer, 2005). In Bangladesh, 59 percent girls suffer from malnutrition and 10 percent girls suffer from acute malnutrition. (UNDP, 1995).
Even for the middle-class and upper-class Muslim women the situation is same, as Manucci (1989) observed “they [Muslim women] had no cultural interest beyond their blind and routine devotions, had no social life outside the circle of their extended families, no role in the society”
The education of girls, in most ranks of the population, seldom went beyond learning their prayers, a few chapters of the Koran and the arts of home (Durant, 1950; p 221). Liberation of women and education is seen as a threat to male dominance. Omar, the second Caliph said, ‘Prevent the women from learning to write! Say no to their capricious ways’. And again ‘Impose nudity on women, because cloths are one reason for leaving the house’ (Warraq, 2005, p 299). Elsewhere Durant (1950) lamented, “her winsome childhood earned a few years of love, but at seven or eight she was married off to any youth of the clan whose father would offer the purchase price for the bride … she formed the part of the estate of her father, her husband, or her son and was bequeathed with it; she was always the servant, rarely the comrade, of the man. He demanded many children of her, or rather many sons; her duty was to produce warriors. She was in many cases, but one of his many wives. He could dismiss of her at any time at will.” In Pakistan, Islamic fundamentalists are too opposed to education of women. In one lawless five-day period in February, 2004; the fundamentalists burnt down eight girls schools (Spencer, 2005). The Mullahs in Pakistan, while addressing rebellious women in Rawalpindi cautioned, “Let these women be warned, we will tear them to pieces. We will give them such terrible punishments that no one in the future will dare to raise a voice against Islam.” (cited Warraq, 2005. p. 321)
Some medieval theologians thought that Muhammad had invented polygamy, but it is not true, because it antedated Islam by some years (Durant, 1954; p. 39). Muhammad legalized polygamy in his newly established religion and lowered the status of women to the level of prostitutes with divine sanction. As Ascha (1989) concluded, “Islam is the fundamental cause of the repression of the Muslim women and remains the major obstacle to the evolution of their position.”
In cultures that permit polygamy, the youngest co-wife is required to care for elder co-wives. This relationship is sometimes a daughter/mother relationship, but in many cases the elder wives view the younger with bitterness and resentment. In many polygamous relationships, the child bride is treated as an unpaid servant and may never succeed in earning the respect of the elder wives or their children.
In addition to above; domestic violence is the most widespread and common form of violence against women and young girls in Muslim families. Child brides live with older men who expect them to carry out all the duties of an adult woman, even if those responsibilities are too great for a child, let alone a woman. Frequently, the husbands assert their authority in the home through physical violence and consider wife torture a heroic deed. In Egypt twenty-nine percent of married adolescents have been beaten by their husbands; out of this forty-one percent during pregnancy. In Jordan, twenty-six percent of reported cases of domestic violence were committed against wives under eighteen. As per one report by Amnesty International; over ninety percent of Pakistani wives have been mishandled (struck, beaten, or abused sexually) for minor offences like cooking unsatisfactory meal and failure to give birth of a male child (Spencer, 2005). Wife beating is sanctioned by Allah (Koran 4:34). In a Hadith Muhammad advised, “Hang up your whip where your wife can see it” (cited Warraq, 2005. p. 314). In Sudan, the genital passage of the divorced women and widows are closed by stitching keeping a small portion open for menses (Azad, 2005. p. 197).
Even Muhammad raised his violent hand on his child bride, Aisha. It is recorded in Sahih Muslim, Book 004, number 2127 (cited Kasem, 2005) – once while sleeping with Aisha, Muhammad secretly left his bed and went to the graveyard at Baqi; Aisha spied and followed Muhammad; when Muhammad learned Aisha’s misdeed he hit her (beat her) on her chest that caused much pain to her. This divine act of wife-beating is recorded in The History of al-Tabari. Vol. IX, (cited Kasem, 2005). However, the ‘kind’ treatment of women does not end here. Kasem (2005) cited another Hadith from Sunaan Abu Dawud (11.2142) – ‘The Prophet said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife’. Somalia Muslims whip their newly wedded wives on the very first night (Azad, 1995. p. 197, Miles, 1988. p. 89). Merciless beating without any reason is a religious tradition in Somalia.
Fajlur Rahaman referred to one Hadith (cited Azad, 1995. p. 166), which says “even if the husband is a leper and the wife cleans the pus of his wounds with her tongue and swallows the pus, still she is not equal to her husband” (original in Bengali, translated by author).
In pre-Islamic Arabia women were free, happy and respectful. They used to take part in meetings, often attended in court of law with similar equality of man; run business (Khadija, the first wife of Muhammad was a business women and employed several men to look after her business); even fought many battles. Only under Islam they were animalized.
So, this is the status of married women under Islam. No doubt, a comparison of a legally married woman with prostitutes is unethical and of bad taste. It does not reflect well on the author. But, this article is not the product of a sick mind. Every bit of information on this article is true and taken from authentic sources. On the other hand, Muhammad’s and his followers ‘high regard’ for women points to the only conclusion that Islam cannot be a God approved religion. It is because; high status and respect of women and responsibility of a married couple towards each other, to the family and to the society in general; as taught in Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and other established religions; is totally absent in Islam. The plain truth is that, the God of Islam is an invented God. This God is actually a puppet and his only purpose is to legalize any crime in the name of religion. And, no doubt, this God is doing well in his job, ever since it was invented.
In general a Muslim takes his ‘sex’ philosophically, with hardly more of metaphysical or theological misgiving than an animal. Marriage is never a sacrament with him; it is frankly a commercial transaction. It never occurs to him to be ashamed that he treats women as prostitutes or animals; he would rather be ashamed of the opposite.
In Islamic nations, much of the married women’s work remains unrecognized and unvalued. Women are constantly under the threat of divorce (Azad, 1995). Often they don’t get enough food to eat from their husbands. In Bangladesh, seventy-seven percent of married women from middle income households and more than ninety-five percent of those from low income households are underweight and malnourished (UNDP, 1995). On top of this, their contribution to the family often goes unnoticed. In Sudan the time spent for gathering fuel wood has increased fourfold in a decade, which is the duty of a woman. In Mozambique, women spent more than fifteen hours a week just for collecting water for the family (UNPD, 1995). Some Afghani women are compelled to go for grazing around the mountain valleys looking for a blade of grass to feed themselves and their children (Sina, 2001). A recent UN report disclosed that women in Saudi Arabia are the victims of systematic and pervasive discrimination across all aspects of social life (Times, 2008). In Islamic nations, more girls than boys die at young age. Birth of a girl is still seen as a disaster in Muslim societies. Women, who constitute half the global population, definitely deserve a better deal.
Islam seeks power, promotes hate and domination in the name of an imaginary God. In a civilized society, charity begins at home, but in Islamic society; hate and domination begin at home. Probably prostitutes are in a better position than those helpless ‘animals’ called ‘Muslim women’. The greatest task of moral is always sexual regulation. A sense of family value is observed amongst many animals also. Mother is the first ‘Guru’ (spiritual guide) for a child. The child learns the alphabet from his mother. The child learns to speak from his mother. She may make him a saint or a ruler or a rogue. She imparts her virtues to her child with her milk. No society can progress unless their women folks are educated and free. Muslim women should be given education and liberty and then they will bring the required revisions for their betterment. No need to shed endless crocodile tears by the so-called intellectual Muslims to try to fool the civilized world. It’s a pity that the Muslims are too spiritually deprived to ever realize this fact.
Reference list
Book, Treatise, Journal and newspaper
- Ascha G. (1989), Du status inferieur de la femme en Islam. pp.11. Paris.
- Azad, Humayun (1995); Nari (woman), originally written in Bengali. Revised third edition. Sept’95. Agami Prakasani. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Durant, Will (1950), The story of civilization - The age of faith. Simon and Schuster. NY.
- Durant, Will (1954), The story of civilization – Our Oriental Haritage. Simon and Schuster. NY.
- Eraly, Abraham (1977), The lives and times of great Mughals. First edition. Penguin books. New Delhi, India
- Kaleeby (2002), Dictionary of the Quranic phrases and its meaning; compiled by Sheik Mousa Ben Mohammed Al Kaleeby, Maktabat Al Adab, Cairo.
- Manucci, Niccolao (Italian adventurer in India in the second half of the 17th century); Storia do Mogor, 2nd volume (translated by William Irvine). London 1907-08 / Delhi 1922.
- Miles, Rosalind (1988); The women’s history of the world. Michael Joseph publication. London.
- Nasrin, Taslima. (2007), Let’s burn the Burqa, Outlook, the weekly news magazine published from India, January 22, 2007 issue, pp 62.
- Pelsaert Francis (a Dutch treader in India in the second decade of the 17th century); Remonstrantie (translated by W. H Moreland as Jahangir’s India), Cambridge, 1925 / India 1972.
- Spencer, Robert (2005); The politically incorrect guide to Islam (and the crusades). pp. 69 – 77. Regnery Publishing. Inc. USA
- Times (2008); Saudi woman strip-searched for café meet with man. The times of India, a daily newspaper published from India. 7th February. 2008 issue, pp 15, first column.
- UNDP (1995); Human Development Report. Published for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), pp. 35 . OUP. Delhi. India
- Warraq. Ibn (2005), Why I am not a Muslim, Prometheus books. NY.
- Winn, Craig (2004); The Prophet of Doom - Islam’s Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad’s Own Words. First edition. Cricketsong books (A division of Virginia publishers), Canada.
- Brahmachari R. (2008), Mutah, or temporary marriage in muslim society. Published on 26th January, 2008. at Faith Freedom International. (Last accessed 28th January / 08).
- Hairan, A. (2007), Husband cut off wife’s ears, nose on Eid day. Published in on December 23, 2007. (Last accessed 14th February / 08).
- IRIN, (2007); Nazia, Afghanistan, "My husband cut off my ears and nose and broke my teeth". Published in on 26th December, 2007. (Last accessed 14th February / 08).
- Kasem, Abul (n.d), Sex and Sexuality in Islam, Islam-watch. (Last accessed 10th January / 08)
- Kasem, Abul (n.d); Women in Islam. Islam-watch. (Last accessed 11th January / 08)
- Kasem, Abul (2005) - Did Prophet Muhammad ever beat his Wives? Published on 28th April, 2005 at Mukto-mona. (Last accessed 10th December / 07)
- Paz, (2006), Khomeini's Teachings on sex with infants and animals. (Last accessed 24th March / 07)
- Sheikh Q. (2005), You opened my eyes in Leaving Islam section of Faith Freedom International. (Last accessed 16th June / 06)
- Silas (n.d), Wife beating in Islam, Answering Islam. (Last accessed 20th December / 07)
- Sina, Ali (2001), The fall of Islam, Faith Freedom International. URL: (Last accessed 1st March / 05).
Author can be contacted at
- Name: Ibn Kammuna
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 08:05:52 -0700
Thank you author for this fine article. Actually also, allow my "bad" language here, "Nikah" literally means "Fuck" or "Fucking" in arabic. I am sorry about the use of bad language here. But this is what it means. Actually, if my memory is correct, Ibn Warraq, in his great scholarly book "Why I am not a Muslim" mentions that very same meaning. Muslims should be ashamed of themselves with regard to Islam's teachings about women. It is high time for them to leave this evil cult (Ali Sina proved to me that Islam is the biggest cult and lie there is) Peace and blessings to all. I apologize again about the use of bad language above, but thats the truth.
- Name: Women in Hinduism
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 08:20:15 -0700
Women's intellect hath little weight: "Indra himself hath said, The mind of woman brooks not discipline, Her intellect hath little weight." [Rig-Veda 8:33:17] Women are powerless and they have no inheritance. They are even worse than bad man: "Women are powerless, have no inheritance, and speak more humbly than even a bad man." [Krsna Yajur-Veda Taittiriya Samhita 6:5:8:2] There can be no lasting friendship with women. Their hearts are like hyenas': "With women there can be no lasting friendship: hearts of hyenas are the hearts of women." [Rig-Veda 10:95:15] Women should beget sons, not daughter: "Almighty God, you have created this womb. Women may be born somewhere else but sons should be born from this womb" [Atharva-Veda 6:11:3] "O Husband protect the son to be born. Do not make him a women." [Atharva-Veda 2:3:23] Women's veil and other limitations: "Cast down thine eyes and look not up. More closely set thy feet. Let none See what thy garment veils, for thou, a Brahman, hast become a dame." [Rig-Veda 8:33:19] Widow burning (Sati): "Let these unwidowed dames with noble husbands adorn themselves with fragrant balm and unguent. Decked with fair jewels, tearless, free from sorrow, first let the dames go up to where he lieth. Rise, come unto the world of life, O woman: come, he is lifeless by whose side thou liest. Wifehood with this thy husband was thy portion, who took thy hand and wooed thee as a lover." [Rig-Veda 10:18:7-8] "If a woman抯 husband dies, let her lead a life of chastity, or else mount his pyre." [Vishnusmrti xxv.14] [Clayton 13] "Arjuna having found the bodies of Krishna and of Rama, performed for them, and the rest of the slain, the obsequial rites. The eight queens of Krishna, who have been named, with Rukmini at their head, embraced the body of Hari, and entered the funeral fire. Revat?also, embracing the corpse of Rama, entered the blazing pile, which was cool to her, happy in contact with her lord. Hearing these events, Ugrasena and Anakadundubhi, with Devaki and Rohini committed themselves to the flames." [Vishnu Purana, 5:28] Slavery in Vedas: "Two wagon-teams, with damsels, twenty oxen, O Agni, Abhydvartin Cayamdna, The liberal Sovran, giveth me. This guerdon of Prthu's seed is hard to win from others." [Rig-Veda 6:27:8] Dowry system in Vedas: The Vedas prescribe that a dowry be given by the bride抯 family to the groom. The Rig Veda states that cows and gifts given by the father of the bride to the daughter accompanied the bride抯 procession [Rg Ved X.85] [Apte 12]. Kakshivat says he became rich by the father-in-law giving him 10 chariots and maids and 1060 cows during the marriage ceremony [Rg Ved I.126] [Apte 13]. The ancient custom of kanyadan, where the father presented his daughter with jewelry and clothes at the time of her marriage, and vardakshina where the father presented the groom with kith and kind are, in essence the dowry system. Disable women and the women from low family cannot be married: "Nor (should he marry) one of a low family (such as an agriculturer's, or an attendant of the king's family); Nor one diseased; Nor one with a limb too much (as e. g. having six fingers); Nor one with a limb too little." [The Institutes of Vishnu, 24:10-14] There is no creature more sinful than women; women are blazing fire; they are poison; they are snake; they are living lies: "There is no creature more sinful, O son, than women. Woman is a blazing fire. She is the illusion, O king, that the Daitya Maya created. She is the sharp edge of the razor. She is poison. She is a snake. She is fire. She is, verily, all these united together. Women have no especial acts prescribed for them. Even this is the ordinance that was laid down. The Sruti declares that women are endued with senses the most powerful, that they have no scriptures to follow, and that they are living lies." [Mahabharata, 13:40] Although Gita doesn't talk about men-women issue yet it accuses only women for corruption and unwanted progeny: "And when immorality prevails, O Krishna, the women of the family become corrupted; when women are corrupted, unwanted progeny is born." [Gita 1:41] Destruction of women抯 independence: "In childhood a female must be subject to her father, in youth to her husband, when her lord is dead to her sons; a women must never be independent." [Manu-Smrti 5:148] "Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence." [Manu-Smrti 9:3] Mental subjugation: "By violating her duty towards her husband, a wife is disgraced in this world, (after death) when enters the womb of a jackal, and is tormented by diseases (as the punishment of) her sin." [Manu-Smrti, 5:164] Women must worship their husband as god: "Though destitute of virtue, or seeking pleasure (elsewhere); or devoid of good qualities, (yet) a husband must be constantly worshipped as a god by a dutiful wife." [Manu-Smrti 5:154] Women and Sudras were declared to be unfit for study of their own sacred texts: "And as women, Sudras and the inferior members of the twice-borne classes were unfitted for hearing the Veda, and were infatuated in desiring the blessings, arising from the ceremonies, the muni, with a vision to their felicity, in his kindness composed the narrative called the Mahabharata." [Bhag.Pur. I.4.25; Muir III, p.42] "They [women and Sudras] are debarred ... from being competent students of the Veda." [Vedarthaprakasha of Madhava Acharyya on the Taittriya Yajur-Veda, quoted in Muir III, p.66] No remarriage: Manu (V.157) states that a widow should never think of remarriage after her husband's death [1200, p.69]. The Aditya Purana (XXI.14) also says that widow remarriage should not be performed in the Kali age. [1200, p.69] If by a mistake or under some pressure a person married a widow, he had to perform penance and abandon her as the marriage was invalid [Laghu Ashvalayana XXI.6] [1200, p.69] The offspring of remarried woman are declared to be illegitimate: "Offspring begotten by another man is here not (considered lawful), nor (does offspring begotten) on another man's wife (belong to the begetter), nor is a second husband anywhere prescribed for virtuous women." [Manu-Smrti V.162] Women cannot even sleep alone: "Whilst her husband is absent, she shall sleep with one of her female relatives and not alone." [Vasishta's Padma Purana, DuB.p.349] Female infanticide: "Tasmat striyam jatam parasyanti ut pumamsam haranti." (Hence they reject a female child when born, and take up a male.) [Taitt. Samh. VI.5.10.3] [Muir I 26] Child marriage: "A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl of eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would otherwise be impeded, he must marry sooner." [Manu-Smrti IX.94] Death Penalty for guilty of infidelity: "When a woman, proud of her relations [or abilities] deceives her husband (with another man), then the king should [ensure that] she be torn apart by dogs in place much frequented by people"[Manu Smrti 8:371] "And the evil man should be burnt in a bed of red-hot iron." [Manu-Smrti 8:371-2] VIII.371. "If a wife, proud of the greatness of her relatives or (her own) excellence, violates the duty which she owes to her lord, the king shall cause her to be devoured by dogs in a place frequented by many. VIII.372. Let him cause the male offender to be burnt on a red-hot iron bed; they shall put logs under it, (until) the sinner is burned (to death)." [Manu-Smrti Buhler VIII 371-372] Adultery is defined as the simple touching of clothes and even conversing with men: "He who addresses the wife of another man at a Tirtha, outside the village, in a forest, or at the confluence of rivers, suffer (the punishment for) adulterous acts (samgrahana)." "Offering presents (to a woman), romping (with her), touching her ornaments and dress, sitting with her on a bed, all (these acts) are considered adulterous acts (samgrahana)." "If one touches a woman in a place (which ought) not (to be touched) or allows (oneself to be touched in such a spot), all (such acts done) with mutual consent are declared (to be) adulterous (samgrahana)." [Manu-Smrti VIII 356-358] Incest in Vedas: Pushan is the lover of his sister [Rig-Veda VI.55.4] [Apte 11] Agni is the lover of his own sister [Rig-Veda X.3.3] [Apte 11] Ashvins are referred to as the sons of Savitar and Ushas who are brother and sister [Apte 11]. The Ashvisns married Surya and Savitri who is their sister [Rig-Veda I.116.19]. Agni is the son of his father and his sister [Rig-Veda I.91.7] Yama wards off his sister Yami, saying marriage between brother and sister is forbidden [Rig-Veda X.10] [Apte 11]
- Name: Godot (ex-Muslim in exile)
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 08:45:23 -0700
to Ibn Kammuna: You were right. In Islam, marriage is called "Aqd Nikah" which means literally in Arabic: Fucking/Fornication Deal. I apologize for the language but sometimes one needs to use the exact word(s). So if Arabic is your native language, you would feel extremely awkward during wedding ceremony when this term is used over and over.
- Name: Godot
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 09:16:16 -0700
I am not defending Islam at all. I am defending objectivity and common sense. We need to be reasonable when we expose Islam and avoid demagoguery. To mention one invalid example that has was used by Sujit Das...the Benghali guy who mutilated his wife is not a good example. It's like conemning the entire society for Colombine incident. Also incest is not limited to Islamic society. Moreover, deforming Arabic to prove a biased point is very short lived. Expose Islam and stay rational.
- Name: Sujit Das is an ignorant and hateful Hindu fanatic
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 09:42:41 -0700
Sujit Das is an ignorant and hateful Hindu fanatic. On one hand he is defending indefendable Hinduism, and on the other he is attacking Islam in the most hateful and ignorant way! He is using Taslima Nasrin, Ibn Waraq, Abul Kasem and otehrs' ignorant and hateful articles to attack Islam! As a Hindu, how dare he criticize Islam in the first place? Does he have any moral ground to criticize Islam? Has he ever read his own scriptures? Does he have any idea about Quran? This guy is a liar, deceiver and total disgrace to humanity. He is quoting all those BS from anti-Muslim stuffs to attack Islam! BS!
- Name: Women's Status and Rights in the Quran
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 09:47:16 -0700
4.1: O Mankind! Be careful of your duty to your Lord Who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate. (Men and Women are equal) 30.21: He created for you mates from among yourselves, that ye may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your hearts. (Men and Women are equal) 3.195: Their Lord responded to them: "I never fail to reward any worker among you for any work you do, be you male or female - you are equal to one another." (Men and Women are equal) 9.71: And the believers, men and women, are protecting friends one of another. (Men and Women are equal) 2.187: They are your garments and ye are their garments. (Men and Women are equal) 17.70: Verily we have honored the Children of Adam. (Men and Women are equal) 16.72: God has made for you mates and companions of your own nature. (Men and Women are equal) 49.13: The noblest among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. (Men and Women are equal) 4.124: If any do deeds of righteousness - be they male or female - and have faith, they will enter Heaven, and not the least injustice will be done to them. (Men and Women are equal) 16.97: Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions. (Men and Women are equal) 40.40: Whoever commits a sin is requited for just that, and whoever works righteousness - male or female - while believing, these will enter Paradise wherein they receive provisions without any limits. (Men and Women are equal) 33.35: Surely the men who submit and the women who submit, and the believing men and the believing women, and the obeying men and the obeying women, and the truthful men and the truthful women, and the patient men and the patient women and the humble men and the humble women, and the almsgiving men and the almsgiving women, and the fasting men and the fasting women, and the men who guard their private parts and the women who guard, and the men who remember God much and the women who remember-- God has prepared for them forgiveness and a mighty reward. (Men and Women are equal) 49.13: O Mankind! We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other not that ye may despise each other. (Men and Women are equal) 4.32: To men is allotted what they earn, and to women what they earn. (Men and Women are equal) 2.228: Women have rights over men similar to those of men over women. (Men and Women are equal) 4.7: From what is left by parents and those nearest related there is a share for men and a share for women, whether the property be small or large - a determinate share. (Men and Women are equal) 4.19: Ye are forbidden to inherit women against their will. Nor should ye treat them with harshness. Live with them on a footing of kindness and tranquility. (Women cannot be inherited against their will and they should be treated nicely) 24.4: And those who launch a charge against honorable women, and produce not four witnesses to support their allegations - flog them (liars) with eighty stripes; and reject their evidence ever after: for such men are wicked transgressors. (Women's honor and dignity have been protected from false allegations against them) Prophet Muhammad's Last Sermon: "O People, it is true that you have certain rights with regard to your women, but they also have right over you." (Men and Women are equal)
- Name: ZuK
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 10:25:13 -0700
Hey, Mr. or Mrs. or Miss "Women's Status and Rights in the Quran"! Can I share some insights with you? -------- 1. Did you notice that the first blank line in the message window reads "NAME", not "SUBJECT"? Why don't you better pick up a name that fancies you, like "Sensitive Muslim" or "Dhimmis for Allah"? ------------ 2. If in Islam women and men are accorded equal status, then why is it that the testimony of a woman, and her inheritance rights, are A HALF of that of men? ------------- 3. What is the reward for women in paradise? Because unless she is a lesbian (and I assume lesbians won't enter Islamic paradise) the blessed muslimah won't particularly enjoy the company of 72 huris... 4. (and most importantly) Instead of quoting from a book, why don't you better tell me what is the situation, the REAL situation, of REAL women in REAL Muslim countries? in other words, and assuming that all your marvelous quoting means something, WHAT did it mean to WHOM? WHAT changes for better in society have this understanding led to? Please show me how women in Muslim countries are better off than their Western counterparts, not in "The Book", but in life - because, with all its probable mistakes and even Hindu bias, THAT IS what Sujit Das' article is about. So, instead of spilling sh*t on the author, why don't you get a name, try to understand his point, and address the ISSUE in discussion? You want some respect - earn it!
- Name: Ex- Muslima
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 11:41:38 -0700
Excellent and very factual article Sujit Das. These brain dead muslims who are calling you ignorant are themselves ignorant of islam. They practise their made to order islam in a kafir country under the protection of kafir laws.I challenge them to go live under true islamic sharia in Taliban areas of Pakistan and Afghanisttan where islam is practiced based strictly on Quran and Sunna is practised. I bet they will be beheaded for practising a watererd down heretic islam.
- Name: Ibn Kammuna To: Godot
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 12:21:15 -0700
Hello Mr. Godot I did not deform arabic in my note. my mother tongue is arabic, and I told the truth in my note regarding the word "Nikah" thank you
- Name:
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 12:53:09 -0700
Ibn Kammuna is an Arab Christian Missionary. He/she is a true follower of his/her lord Jesus!
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 15:46:41 -0700
Comment I
"Arab Shiekh marries poor Indian girl", "Arab marries, and then ditches teenage Hyderabadi girl", "Arab Sheikhs marry young Indian girls and flee", "Parents marry off daughter to Arab for money" Arab Shiekhs marry poor Indian girls paying a paltry sum, live with them for a short while, and then, go back to their countries, abandoning the girls. And, in Hyderabad, also known as the City of Nawabs, the practice has become very common, with marriage becoming a trade and woman a commodity.In a recent case that came to light, an impoverished Muslim family married off their daughter to an Arab Sheikh for a meagre amount of Rs. 5000, offered through a broker."He gave Rs. 5000, but it was all taken by the broker. My mother didn't get anything. I married him wilfully, even though he was 50 years old," said a girl. Hyderabad, Aug. 22: A religious institution in Hyderabad, Jamia Nizamia, has said in a fatwa that a Muslim man can marry as many as four women in one sitting. This fatwa comes a few days after another fatwa issued by the same institution absolving qazis from being accountable of underage marriages. It also said that the data mentioned in the nikahnama (marriage proforma), such as age, records of previous marriages etc are not the responsibility of the qazi. The new fatwa is in response of a question seeking advice from the ulema about the permissibility of a Muslim man marrying two women simultaneously. Jamia Nizamia, the 130 years old religious institution in the city responded in affirmative. The literal translation of the fatwa “(issued in Urdu) in English is: “The Islamic law has allowed a man to keep four wives in his marriage simultaneously on the condition of justice. If he marries four women at different times or gets married to four women simultaneously before two witnesses (men) or one man and two women according to the Islamic law, the marriage will be valid.” The fatwa has been signed by Mufti Muhammad Azeemuddi. On August 1, an UAE national married two girls, both of them said to be underage. He gave his name in the nikahnama as Al-Rahman Ismael Mirza Abdu Jabbar. He disappeared from the city once the news of his twin marriages in one night came to light. Police is investigating the case. Wealthy Arab pensioners come to Hyderabad looking for pubescent brides to satisfy their paedophiliac lust, but these cases come to light only in the rare instance of a girl complaining to the police. In some cases, these men “marry” an underage girl, have sex with her in a hotel for a week, “divorce” her with a quick talaq, dump her back at her parents’ and fly home. The custom of getting girls married the moment they menstruate has made the predominantly Muslim city of Hyderabad in south India a favourite hunting-ground of rich, old Arabs in search of Lolitas. Most Indians still remember the 1992 scandal of Amina Fatima, 11, who was married to a 70-year-old Arab by her father, a poor auto- rickshaw driver. An alert air hostess on the flight between Hyderabad and New Delhi noticed Amina crying and on landing called the police. The wrinkled bridegroom was arrested, Amina sent back to her parents. Muslims want the legal right to wed girls at puberty.Sitting on the floor of her dishevelled home, the size of a broom cupboard, in Old Delhi, Bano recounts her precocious achievements. She was married at the age of 10 and had her first child when she was 11. Her daughter was 12 when she married and 13 when she had her own child, making Bano a grandmother at 24.Bano’s granddaughter also married at puberty and gave birth when she was 14 — thus Bano became a great grandmother at 38. Child marriage in India is not peculiar to Muslims. Marrying girls at puberty is much more prevalent among Muslims than Hindus. In addition to the inexorable logic of poverty and culture, it enjoys the powerful sanction of religion and the Prophet’s own example. Muhammad’s favourite wife, Aisha, according to her biographer, was six when they wed, nine when the marriage was consummated. The Shariat (which guides Muslims in matters such as marriage, divorce and custody) is, as the board general secretary, Mohammed Abdul Rahim Qureishi, says, “absolute, final and non-negotiable”.the board is demanding that Muslim men be allowed to marry underage girls, to the horror of women’s groups only too aware of the catastrophic consequences for girls of becoming pregnant while their bodies are still maturing. It is not just that they are condemned never to experience personal freedom or development (though that alone is an immeasurable loss), it is sickly babies, a high infant mortality rate and mothers dying in their forties. “Why do men follow the Koran only in marrying underage girls?” says Sabiha Hussain, a Muslim academic in New Delhi. “If Muslim men want to follow the Koran, why don’t they do the other things the Koran encourages, like marrying divorced women or widows? Muhammad’s first wife was almost twice his age, but I don’t see any Muslim man following that particular example.” A report by the National Commission for Women in 2000 depicted Muslim women as “bearers of children and beasts of burden”. No education, married at puberty, mothers of six to nine children because husbands and mullahs forbid birth control as “anti- Islamic”, constant fear of husbands taking a second wife, and victims of “instant” divorce with no accompanying alimony or maintenance. Islamic laws, the report said, are being used by men as “instruments of torture”. Many Muslim men are cynical. They ignore what doesn’t suit them — such as giving a woman her mehr if they divorce her — but they enthusiastically follow laws allowing them to marry girls of 10 or 11,” Hussain says. The board’s view that it is fine for girls to become pregnant at the first biological opportunity nauseates Hussain: “No girl this age is ready for marriage or motherhood. It’s a terrible burden. The girl is mentally, emotionally and physically immature. For me, any man having sex with a girl of this age is guilty of sexual abuse.” Evidence that early childbirth is a disaster is personified in the girls who walk into Dr Nileema Zutschi’s clinic in Nizamuddin East, a Muslim neighbourhood in New Delhi. “What you have is a child bearing a child. Also, the girl is usually malnourished. Because Muslim women marry so early, I see cases where both mother and daughter are expecting,” says Dr Zutschi. Some doctors have treated families in which grandmother, granddaughter and great-granddaughter are all pregnant. URL:,,7-396355,00.html
The UN Special Rapporteur dossier on muslim marriages in India makes one reach for the sick bag. Muslim marriages is nothing more than legalised prostitution. There are cases where a woman has 5 children fathered by 5 different men. HOW? Decades of research show that Muslim men in India ignore all the Islamic tenets intended to protect women’s rights in divorce, maintenance or mehr — the money a Muslim man pledges to his wife at the time of marriage, intended to give her security in the event of divorce. For example, men divorce their wives by saying “talaq” (I divorce you) three times — the woman does not even have to be present — and then refuse to give her the mehr, leaving her penniless. To be a muslim man is to be a lecher, a pimp, a parasite. To be a muslim woman is to be a victim of incest, sexual molest, and a prostitute. Still wanna defend Islam, muslim scums? And don't bother showing Hindu child marriages. This came about because of youfilthy scourge of the earth when your vile forefathers invaded a countrythat gave wisdom and goodness to the world. Sociologists trace the origin of Hindu child marriages in India to Muslim invasions that began more than 1,000 years ago. Filthy muslim invaders raped unmarried Hindu girls or carried them off as booty, prompting Hindus to marry off their daughters early to protect them. Tons of maerial on this.
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 16:16:45 -0700
he Quran, causing mental retardation since 632 AD, and Islam the Opium for the Stupid, the subhumans, has their mullahs and ayatollahs (lots suffering from AIDS in Iran) chief among them Khomeini who decreed OK with perversion. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field," "There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humour in Islam. There is no fun in Islam." “A man can have sex with animals such as sheeps, cows, camels and so on. However, he should kill the animal after he has his orgasm. He should not sell the meat to the people in his own village; however, “If one commits the act of sodomy with a cow, an ewe, or a camel, their urine and their excrements become impure, and even their milk may no longer be consumed. The animal must then be killed and as quickly as possible and burned.” In islam there are no Rights for humans let alone animals. "A man can marry a girl younger than nine years of age, even if the girl is still a baby being breastfed. A man, however is prohibited from having intercourse with a girl younger than nine, other sexual act such as foreplay, rubbing, kissing and sodomy is allowed." YES, INDEED, ONE CAN BE A GOOD MUSLIM WHILE COPULATING WITH THE THIGHS OF AN INFANT! But the ayatollah also said to heighten the muslim male's lust : . A man having intercourse with a girl younger than nine years of age has not committed a crime, but only an infraction, if the girl is not permanently damaged. If the girl, however, is permanently damaged, the man must provide for her all her life. But this girl will not count as one of the man's four permanent wives. He also is not permitted to marry the girl's sister." Muslims must be very very proud of their barbaric genes. Muslims are SEX MANIACS and this proves it: Terror leader arrested having car sex near Arafat's grave. Israeli forces raid jeep of longtime wanted militant caught in compromising position = polite euphemism for that four letter word.
- Name: wally
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 17:46:59 -0700
I'm surprised the article does not touch on the subject of mass rape of infidel or takfir tainted women who come under the power of Muslims during war or in the course of raids. During that notorious Motoon demonstration in London,Feb 2006, placards saying 'behead those who insult Islam' and 'Islam should dominate not integrate' were displayed. Less attention was paid to the shouting, by one of their cheerleaders, of the line:'We will invade Denmark - we will have their wives as war booty.' -clearly to be heard on one news video of the demonstration. This is a reference to the fact that Islam decrees that any marriage by a person before they become a slave is invalid and that the owner of a female slave is legally entitled to use her as a sexual plaything. There has been rape on a large scale in many wars but Muslim armies do it consistently and have done so throughout the last 1400 years. Three particularly well known examples are the tens if not hundreds of thousands of rapes committed by Pakistani troops in Bangladesh in 1971, the systematic rape of women in Darfur by the Janjaweed and (based on the eye witness evidenc of their German allies) the systematic rape of Armenian women, before they were killed, by Ottoman forces in 1915. Such incidents are common throughout the history of the Islamic world because the religion gives sanction to it and more or less encourages it.
- Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
- Date: Wednesday February 20, 2008
- Time: 22:23:12 -0700
To the true ISLAMIST who posted here on the forum with names like .........1) Women in Hinduism , 2)sujitDas is an ignorant,hateful hindu fanatic ....3) Women's status and rights in the Quran ---- YO you are nameless,facelessISLAMIST. Your name is ZAKIR NAIK - the evil moslem with criminal mindset and hatred,ill will, jealousy, with full poison in his heart. ZAKIR NAIK you are a traitor against your own country. You are a terrorist. You are a liar,deceiver, instigating ISLAMIC terrorism in INDIA. This is evident from your DAWA and other activities you carry out in INDIA. You belong behind the bars in a cage - not in a civilized ,most noble Hindu country like INDIA . You are a curse for humanity. ALLA the SATAN will kill you soon. How is Sujit das hateful or for that matter all the great intellectuals you named ---- Ali SINA , ABUL kasem, Taslima Nazreen , Ibn warraq - who are all great thinkers, with pure integrity,truth,good conscience ,goodness in their hearts . We - the world's people are indebted to them greatly for telling truth and determined to protect humanity,human civilization and noble ,progressive,liberal,humane values of kindness,compassion,equality,freedom,equal justice ( values which are absent in ISLAM/QQURRAN/MOSLEMS/MO_HAM_MAD ) . I know you have all this propaganda material which is filled with lies, deception,disinformation,misinformation,cheating, devious ways of posting all untruths, mud slinging on other religions without any truth ,evidence or facts.You already - with the intention of this kind of countering truths against ISLAM- prepared all your material and kept ready- hence you posted in response to SUJIT DAS, all lies and filled with deception,imagination,concoction like your profiteer ,pedo,rapist MO......... I caught you red handed . ..................SUJIT DAS wrote this article with meticulous research and base don truth,facts- hence he provided all references and proof. Actually , all this can be established as fact by just living in an ISLAMIC Country such as SAUDI ARABIA, IRAN,AFGHANISTAN,SUDAn,PAKISATAN,Bangladesh for a couple of years- in interior parts . CAN you prove even one example cited by SUJIT is not factual?
- Name: To Apologist muslims:
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 08:05:45 -0700
If you think islam gives equal rights to women , go take your wives sisters and daughters and live under strict sharia in Taliban country . It is very easy to make those claims living in kafir west. If islam is so great why dont you go live in an islamic country, why are you living among kuffars?
- Name: Rerere: Understanding Islam
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 08:07:52 -0700
How can somebody be a sister of someone who lived many centuries ago? Are you real? And dont you think that this is indeed something easy to be misunderstood in the "clear" quran? And there are many more discrepancies concernig logic, science, history and even grammar. In short, it is book too stupid, obviously written by people who would receive any elementary degree from school in modern times.
- Name: Saleem Ahmed
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 08:08:01 -0700
Great article Sujit Das. Keep up the good work. Send this article to mainstream media/publications.
- Name: rerere attachment
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 08:10:10 -0700
Sorry, there is an erratum in the last post. Of course the writers of the quran would not receive a degree from elementary school in modern times. They would deserve it.
- Name: Mike
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 18:38:19 -0700
Good work Das. Keep exposing islam. That is the only way to defeat islamists. Darkness is fought by shining light on it.
- Name: Roger: Islamic Umma is Blind
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 18:46:53 -0700
Ayesha Ahmed in her recent article referred to an article by Abdullah Arabi on which says meaning of nikah is penetrating a woman meaning "fucking". Aya 33.50 says that Mohammed is allowed to fuck any muslim woman who offers herself to him. What a fine Islamic God and what a fine islamic prophet and what a blind faith islamic umma.
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Thursday February 21, 2008
- Time: 21:17:38 -0700
A COMPARISON BETWEEN MOHD'S ISLAM TREATMENT OF WOMEN AND THE HINDU VEDAS. >>>>>>If you enter (your town) at night (after coming from a journey), do not enter upon your family till the woman whose husband was absent (from the house) SHAVES HER PUBIC HAIR.”Bukhari Volume 7, Book 62, Number 173 CIRCUMCISION keeps a woman from doing hanky panky Sunan Abu Dawud Book 41, Number 5251:Narrated Umm Atiyyah al-Ansariyyah:A woman used to perform circumcision in Medina . ": Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband." GENITAL MUTILATION IS A MUSLIM'S BEAUTY TREATMENT.Bukhari I Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298:Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet (Bollocks!!) and I used to take a bath from a single pot while we were Junub. During the menses, he used to order me to put on an Izar (dress worn below the waist) and used to fondle me. THAT'S THE CURE FOR MENSTRUATION!?! Allah allows men to use slave girls as young as 6 for sex Sura (5:33) - muslims have highest rate of pedophelie and sodomy. In accordance to islamic sources so much as 80% of men (boys) are practising sodomy. When they marry later, 50% of them sodomizing their wifes. Look even at islamic paradise - RAPING 72 virgins, AND SODOMISING LITTLE !!!! boys, who are "so pure (untouched) as pearls, so it is really fun to rape and sodomise child...Satanical .. This is the directlink: arabic(dot)islamicweb(dot)com(slash)Books(slash)taimiya(dot) asp?book=64&ID=889 Chapter 33 verse 50 of the Koran:"We have made lawful unto thee your wives unto whom thou hast paid their dowries, and those whom thy right hand possesseth (SLAVES!!)of those whom Allah hath given thee as spoils of war..." The children which were raped in Beslan - they were raped koranically, as they are considered to be slaves and SHOULD BE RAPED! Mohd. himself raped slaves and had numerous concubines. SO MUSLIMS ARE ALL PRODUCTS OF RAPES!!!!>>>>>>>WHEREAS: the Atharvaveda clearly states that the woman leads the man: “The sun god follows the first illuminated and enlightened goddess Usha (dawn) in the same manner as men emulate and follow women.” Athravaveda Samhita, Part 2, Kanda 27, sukta 107, sloka 5705. Women were considered to be the embodiment of great virtue and wisdom. Thus we have: “O bride! May the knowledge of the Vedas be in front of you and behind you, in your centre and in your ends. May you conduct your life after attaining the knowledge of the Vedas. May you be benevolent, the harbinger of good fortune and health and live in great dignity and indeed be illumined in your husband’s home.” Atharva Veda 14-1-64. Women were allowed full freedom of worship. “The wife should do agnihotra (yagna), sandhya (puja) and all other daily religious rituals. If, for some reason, her husband is not present, the woman alone has full rights to do yagna.” Rigveda Samhita, part 1, sukta 79, sloka 872. That women and men are equal in the eyes of dharma is made explicit in a beautiful sloka from the Rigveda: “O women! These mantras are given to you equally (as to men). May your thoughts, too, be harmonious. May your assemblies be open to all without discrimination. Your mind and consciousness should be harmonious. I (the rishi) give you these mantras equally as to men and give you all and equal powers to absorb (the full powers) of these mantras.” Rigveda 10-191-3. >>>> The Adi Sanatan Devi Devta Dharam which means THE ORIGINAL DEITY RELIGION has WOMEN IN FRONT. It is Lakshmi-Narayan, Radha-Krishnan, Sita-Ram. Sanatan Dharam teaches that MOTHERS and UNMARRIED GIRLS ARE DESTINED TO OPEN THE GATES OF HEAVEN.>>>>>>But then muslims are brain-dead zombies, empty masses of protoplasm who are slaves to their filthy Mohd the sex maniac rapist and his from the pits of hell quran.
- Name: JORGE
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 07:08:44 -0700
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 14:45:59 -0700
- Name:
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 14:58:17 -0700
3- Age consent in our world today only 100 years ago to girls as young as 10: The following was sent to me by brother Johnny Bravo; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him: Assalam Alaiqum Brother Osama. I thought you might find the following information of some use pertaining to the marriage of Hazrat Ayesha (RAA) with Prophet Muhammed (PBUH). I took this info from the soc.religion.islam newsgroup and it is written by various knowledgeable Muslims informing that the age of consent in the USA was 10 hardly 100 years ago and 11 in the UK, Talmud allowing 3 year olds to get married! etc. :- "(And there is evidence that Ayesha was substantially older. That some of our ancient scholars preferred the younger age shows, in fact, that they did not consider marriage at that age to be reprehensible, otherwise they would have preferred the evidence for a later marriage and consummation.) At the time the marriage was arranged, Muhammad had not left Makka; he was not the leader of a powerful community; indeed, his life was in danger. I raise this point because it is asserted, sometimes, that, essentially, he could have whatever he wanted. Rather, if this marriage had been an outrage to the community, it would have been *very* harmful to his cause." Above comments by Abdulrahman Lomax. The age of sexual consent is still quite low in many places. In Japan, people can legally have sex at age 13, and in Spain they can legally have sex at age 12. (This data comes from the Age of Consent chart, which you can see at: The Prophet's contemporaries (both enemies and friends) clearly accepted the Prophet's marriage to `Aisha without any problem. We see the evidence for this by the lack of criticism against the marriage until modern times. However, a change in culture caused the change in our times today. A 40-year-old man having sex with a 14-year-old woman may be a "pedophile" in the USA today, but not in China today (where the age of consent is 14), nor in the USA last century. Biology is a much better standard by which to determine these things in my view, not the arbitrariness of human culture. ***** In the USA last century, the age of consent was 10 years old. California was the first state to change the age of consent to 14, which it did in 1889. After California, other US states joined in and raised the age of consent too. (Source: As for the reasons why we age of consent just seems to get higher and higher, Essentially, we need more education just to survive in today's society, and this takes much more time. This additional education we need to function in today's society seems to me to be the main cause of the increase in the age of consent in many 20th century societies. The Common Law age of consent was 10. The French penal code raised the age from 11 to 13 only a century ago. In England, it was only in 1929 (70 years ago) that the ancient Christian minimum age for the marriage of females, which was 12, was abandoned. The early rock and roll singer Jerry Lee Lewis was considerably older than his 13 cousin whom he married in all legality in Arkansas. Since then, the age there has been raised to 16. That marriage lasted for about 15 years and there was never any other "scandal" associated with Jerry Lee Lewis. The story is quite different, however, for his cousin Jimmy Swaggart (the well-known and disgraced tele-evangelist) who married a woman his own age but later publicly confessed that he was an adulterer and a whoremonger. In the seventh century, 3 year old girls were burned to death or tortured in Europe for copulating with demons, witches and sorcerers. Strong sexual passions were attributed to the youngest children. Even Jean Bodin, one of the greatest legal authorities of his time, said that the appropriate age of consent for a female was 6. (I do not mean to suggest that 3 year olds did in fact have sexual relations with demons. It is however interesting to see that at that time it was publicly believed that child-adult relations were the fault of seductive children who sought out mature men rather than today's popular belief that it is instead pedophiliac adults who prey on innocent, unsuspecting children.) In the US (an example of a prominent western country, since the west had the greatest effect on the world in the last couple of centuries.) They considered a seven year old female competent on making decisions regarding sex, though it was raised later on (in 1886, after attempts to raise the age of consent, Delaware was the only state to retain the common law age of seven, while twenty five states set the minimum age at a mere ten.) In older times, children were not perceived in the same sense that we perceive them, but the perception was changed gradually, which is due to a great extent to industrialization, and of course sigmund freud and others came along with their theories and supported these changes in social thinking (the word adolescent itself was introduced as recently as 1904.)
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 15:15:35 -0700
On Female Foeticide in India Female foeticide is common in India. The parents-to-be get the sex of their unborn child checked by ultrasonography, and if it is a girl, they abort the pregnancy This practice has invited outrage from the human rights organisations, the government, NGOs, intellectuals, religious organisations and others. It is a crime under law to abort a pregnancy just because the foetus is that of a female. Ultrasound clinics, which have mushroomed in the cities and towns, have been told in no uncertain terms that sex determination is illegal. There are three questions to be asked: What is the psycho-pathology behind this trend? Should this trend be curbed? How should it be curbed? Aetiology 1. In India, family ties form the basis of society. Children depend upon their parents usually till they are 25 years old (or even more), and parents expect their children to support them in their old age. Social security is not provided by the government. There are no professional old age homes in India. It is almost impossible to find a hospital where a patient is treated solely by the attentions of the hospital staff. The presence of a family member is always required. Even in Intensive Care Units, a family member usually serves as an attendant, to bring medicines and surgical supplies, to keep a tab on the intravenous infusions, and so on. In short, it is impractical for a person, though he may be rich and influential, to depend on institutions for care and medical treatment. 2. In India, after marriage, the woman transfers her attentions to the her husband and his family. It is not expected of her to fulfill any role at her parental home. The man, however, does not face any such transfer of responsibility. 3. In India, most women do not get vocational training. Most of them settle for low-skill and low-paying jobs such as school teachers, maid-servants, farm hands, day-wagers and so on. These jobs are very strenuous, but they do not require extensive skills or training. There is cut-throat competition for permanent, government, or high-paying jobs; and invariably, since a woman has to deal with motherhood and bringing up of her children, she compromises with her career to the benefit of her family. From childhood itself, she is groomed for the role of a mother and of a wife, not for the role of an earning member of society. Earning potential of women is therefore low. 4. The custom of an expensive ceremony at the time of marriage, and of paying dowry to the groom's family, is very prevalent in India. 5. In India, divorce is uncommon. It is hard for a divorced woman to get remarried, to get social respect and to fend for herself and her children with dignity. These factors have the following implications: 1. A woman considers her family and marriage to be of far greater significance than her career. 2. A woman is economically dependant on her husband throughout her life. 3. She is an asset for the husband's family. She fulfills the parts of a domestic servant, baby-sitter, earner, nurse for her parents-in-law, ... 4. She is a liability for her natural parents. If she is thrown out of her husband's home, they have to take her back and face the ire of society who usually gives her a bad name. Hence, they have to continue being agreeable to their son-in-law and to accept his demands for dowry etc. 5. Woman's status in society is very low. As sexual crimes are rampant in India and law enforcement and deterrence is very low, she is not safe without an escort. In her youth, she has to be protected from getting a bad name, as this would harm her marriage prospects. It can be readily seen from the above observations that a daughter is a big burden on her natural parents and she herself is a sufferer throughout life. On the other hand, a son is considered an investment which will pay off in the form of service and support to his old parents and which will bring a nurse, maid-servant and cook for free at their home. Hence, to have, and to be a daughter is a curse in India. It is therefore, not surprising, that parents prefer to have a son. The value placed on a son is so great that it is not uncommon to see parents tolerating the births of two or three daughters in the hope that the next offspring would be a son. Hence female foeticide is considered a welcome technology by the Indian masses in their struggle against getting a daughter. Clinical Picture We have discussed the causes of this phenomenon. What are, now, its effects? 1. It leads to an artifically skewed sex-ratio. In most regions in North India, the ratio of females to males has fallen below 900. In some towns it is as low as 750. This leads to further tension and crime in society. Men will fight over women, society will become even more predatory and hence protective of women, women will have less and less freedom because a valuable asset will not be allowed to roam freely and form associations of her own, ... It is averred by many that the skewed sex ratio will automatically make women more in-demand and thus increase their social status, and thus reverse this trend. This argument has some force, but in the meanwhile, the following effects continue to be: 2. It leads to disease. Frequent abortions play havoc with the physiology and health of the mother. 3. It has harmful mental effects. Voluntary abortion is psychologically a traumatic event for both parents, more so for the mother. 4. Ultrasonographic sex-determination is an imprecise technology which can give wrong results. Consider the mental state of a family which has been happily expecting a boy and gets a girl child instead. What kind of a life that girl child is going to have? As this technology has been declared illegal, only criminally-inclined doctors and technicians now indulge in it. Hence it has become even more un-trustworthy and dangerous. Abortions performed in secret are going to be unsafe. 5. For no fault of her own, a girl child in the womb is killed before her birth. It is thus clear that ultrasonographic sex-determination, and subsequent abortion, is a short-sighed and dangerous way to rid oneself of the burdens that society has put on oneself. The real disease is the social pattern and government planning which has made sons into a preferred commodity and daughters into a liability. Female foeticide is not the way to change society.
- Name: Arejaymack
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 20:01:38 -0700
Make no mistake about it...Islam is a satanic religion to it's core. It's total appeal is only to the flesh. No thinking individual would ever embrace such a monstrosity and call it a 'peaceful religion.' God help those people and nations who are trying to co-exist with such a farce!
- Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
- Date: Friday February 22, 2008
- Time: 23:00:44 -0700
To Answering falsehood , to the ISLAMIST/JIHADIST Terrorist who posted with the name (!!!!!) this is what Hindus do ........ Arey Yo answering falsehood !!! whom are you going to fool ? ISLAM itself is falsehood. QURRAN is a manual for terror, killing, rape, bloodthirsty fascism, imperialist ISLAMISM . Mo was a rapist,pedo,murderer,slave master,slave perpetrator . Islam is fascism and intolerant. See any ISLAMIC country. and analyze. So the whole of ISLAM/QQURRAN and MO are falsehoods - the world and humanity witnessed . ISLAM is a fraud ,based on fear, terror, killing, hatred, fascism.''''''''''''''''''''''''the other ISLAMIC monster who posted - do you know ths statistics in INDIA ? The gender imbalance is in PUNJAB and haryana mainly and also among MOSLEMS . Dowry ,bride burning is very common among Moslems . Ask the police depts to disclose the people and their names , committing these crimes.More than 50% are moslems. Moslems hate girl children as MO preferred boys only. ISLAM is racism . Read QQURRAN ,Hadis . Read the extensively researched from QURRAN, HADIS, SIRA - articles ,books written by ABUL kasem . All that makes you laugh - how evil,foolish, primitive, wicked, cruel ISLAM really is . How ISLAM is a biggest fraud committed by MO using his cruelty, uncivility, inhuman characters.
- Name:
- Date: Saturday February 23, 2008
- Time: 16:10:59 -0700
stop barking you kafir , cow and monkey worshiper.
- Name: To Saturday February 23, 2008 16:10:59 -0700
- Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
- Time: 00:06:42 -0700
Why muslim rapist? Truth hurts you? Go rape your mother, sister, aunt, baby sister, the younger the better, goat shagging, sheep buggering, camel sodomising. All these things muslims are noted for and excel in. Chi chi chi chi
- Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
- Time: 00:19:00 -0700
Hoi whacko. We are discussing what each religin's scriptures teach, or is that too difficult for you to understand as your brains is on the tip of your penis and all you know is to cf...k? No other religion teaches what your dirty Muhammad and his equally satanic book tells its adherents to do. The US has aborted some 50 million babies, as do the Chinese, the Russians, etc. No scripture in christianity, no chinese taoism teaches female foeticide, nor the vedas, musim pervert rapist. 95% of rapists in the west are filthy, pervert, sex maniac muslims.
- Name: Majority of Muslims are brain-washed and dangerous
- Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
- Time: 21:23:44 -0700
Unfortunately, a majority of Muslims are brain-washed and dangerous.
- Name: Tameem Rahman
- Date: Sunday February 24, 2008
- Time: 21:32:54 -0700
Islam is not the whole that some people are doing all over the world. if you really want to learn about Islam read the Quran and if you want to See a muslim to follow then Look at the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (S)(Peace be Upon him). because nobody is saying that all the muslim of the world are doing the right all the times. sometimes they are mistaken too.
- Name: sujat desh drinks cow piss daily!! read the un report you monkey worshipper!!!!
- Date: Monday February 25, 2008
- Time: 09:06:59 -0700
Two-third married Indian women victims of domestic violence: UN Press Trust of India Posted online: Thursday, October 13, 2005 at 1405 hours IST United Nations, October 13: Around two-third of married women in India were victims of domestic violence and one incident of violence translates into women losing seven working days in the country, a United Nations report said. As many as 70 per cent of married women in India between the age of 15 and 49 are victims of beating, rape or coerced sex, the United Nation Population Fund report said. However, the rate of domestic violence is much higher in Egypt with 94 per cent and Zambia with 91 per cent. The report said violence against women was putting a huge strain on a nation's social and legal services and leads to heavy loss of productivity. More Nation Headlines People who read this story also read Stop men from extremism, Musharraf to women 09.03.07 'Asian women making inroads in politics, biz' 07.03.07 Afghan women chase film dreams 20.01.07 Saudi may allow women to vote but not drive 14.11.06 Domestic violence biggest threat to women: UN 07.10.06 Women have to wait 150 yrs for equal pay: Study 28.07.06 Full Coverage Gurgaon Masterplan Delhi Masterplan SelectExpress ReporterTerror revisits MumbaiMandal 2Terror hits VaranasiIndo-US Nuke DealJustice for JessicaBihar PollsSave BangaloreMumbai FloodsDay in PicsDiscovery in SpaceRam Temple TurmoilJustice for ImranaWimbledon 2005Advani's resignationBollywood icon: Sunil DuttSamrat Shah RukhOne Year of UPA RuleThe Great Indian DebateParveen Babi's DeathNRI NewsKanchi Seer's ArrestAmbani vs AmbaniGujarat RiotsJ-K MonitorIndia Pak TalksIndia-Aus SeriesIndia-Pak SeriesIslamabad SummitIndia Down UnderWar on IraqNE MonitorIndia-Pak Face OffPak Nuke LeakElections 2003 "In India, one incident of violence translates into the women losing seven working days. In the united states total loss adds up to 12.6 billion dollars annually and Australia loses 6.3 billion dollars per year," it said. Noting that women with tangible economic assets were less likely to be victims of domestic violence than those who lack them, the report cited Kerala as an example. "In Kerala, a survey found that 49 per cent women without property reported domestic violence compared with only seven per cent who owned property," it said. The report also commended the family counselling centres set up by Madhya Pradesh police department and supported by UNFPA, which provide legal services in cases violence related to dowry, harassment by in-laws, child marriage and rape. The report said one in five women will be a victim of rape or attempted rape in her lifetime, one in three would have been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused usually by a family member or an acquaintance. Despite efforts by governments and campaigns carried out by international organizations, violence against women continued on a wide scale in both developed and developing countries, the report said. The report said women in several countries justify wife-beating for one reason or another. The reasons include neglecting children, going out without telling partner, arguing with partner, refusing to have sex, not preparing food properly or on time and talking with other men, it said. Overall, the report said, several governments have started taking action and enacting laws to fight the menace but their effect is limited because of deep-rooted social mores in several societies. Violence, it said, kills and disables as many women between the ages of 15 and 44 as cancer and its toll on women's health surpasses that of traffic accidents and malaria combined. The consequences of gender-based violence are devastating, including life-long emotional distress, mental health issues and poor reproductive health. "Abused women are also at a higher risk of acquiring HIV," the report said adding that it puts burden on the healthcare system as they become long-term users of health services. Besides, the effect might extend to future generation as children who see violence, or were victims themselves, often suffer a lasting psychological damage, it added. 10 Rules Losing Belly FatI Fought To Lose Fat, with These 10 Rules I Lost 9 lbs every 11 Days. Sex & Love AddictionLeading UK Addiction Counsellor Telephone 0845 123 2751 Counselling for Sex AbuseA professional counsellor providing counselling for sex abuse victims. Free VideoWatch & Share Millions of Videos about sexual abuse Sex Abuse Legal ServicesInformation and legal services for victims of severe sexual abuse
- Name: BALAM
- Date: Monday February 25, 2008
- Time: 09:46:30 -0700
Thank you for your beautifully researched article.Not many Muslims would have enough intelligence to appreciate.It would be like casting pearls before Swines.Anyway you have done excellent job.Well done again.
- Date: Monday February 25, 2008
- Time: 10:54:36 -0700
If one has to desribe if a cake tastes good,you do not have to eat the whole lot to give your verdict.Just a small sample could reveal whether it was good or bad.Muslims are basically evil,because the poor souls have been misguided and fooled by a cunning and ruthless Arab.These unfortunate Muslims have no choice but to submit to Mohammad and Allah,who are one and the same person.No body dared to oppose Mohammad because of fear of getting killed.He had nothing godly about him.If he were around today,he would be probably jailed for life or kept in a secure mental hospital because he suffered from a few mental illnesses.He suffered from Epilepsy,heard voice,saw things which were not there.He killed hundreds of Jewish people without any remorse.He got Asma murdered,who had five very young chilren .He got the old Jewish person named Afaq murdered and enslaved women and children.Would you have followed and worshed a man if he had raped your mother,sister or daughter and enslved your family member and murdered some of them.I am sure you would still love him,rather than despise him because you are brain dead Muslim and do not have the truth which could set you free.You are in the shakles of deceit of Islam and it is so very sad that you can not see that.The virus of Islam immediatly affects your brain first and then makes you spiritually blind.May God open your eyes,because Allah you worship is a pre-islamic pagan moon god,which can not help any body.I have not met you but you seem to be a better person than Mohammad.I am sure you have not killed or raped women like your prophet,who was never a prophet but a menace for humanity.You can always judge a tree by its fruits.
- Name: Bhab
- Date: Monday February 25, 2008
- Time: 12:12:03 -0700
Sujit Das, nice article. I think you do a pretty good job of comparing the "enlightened" Hindu or Christian view of marriage to the Muslim dogma on the subject. Of course, there are many Hindus and Christians that do NOT respect women (see, for example numerous examples in Srimad Bhagavatam and in the writings of Srila Prabhupada, and even in the Bhagavata Gita). On the whole, Hinduism and Christianity are superior religions to Islam, and anybody who is intellectually honest would admit it. The test of any religion are: what are its fruitive results. Christianity and Hinduism => fruitive results are sometimes good and sometimes bad. These religions do not promote using human beings as flesh bombs. They do not (in this day and age) promote terror, torture, murder, mayhem, mutiliation. They do not promote a world view that "looks down" on those who profess another belief system (yeah, I know there are many Christian bigots out there, but they don't kill people with whom they disagree). Contrast that to Islam. Fleshbombs: check. To the Muslim, HUMAN BEINGS ARE BAGS OF MEAT that can be USED CONSISTENTLY WITH THE "MORAL" STANDARDS OF ISLAM as fleshbombs to murder women and children. The next time a "suicide bomber" pulls this stunt let's tell the truth -- those folks were killed by an exploding bag of shit -- don't dignify these assholes with the term "suicide." Torture anyone? Ask a Muslim. Powerdrills work especially well, or hot needles under the fingers, or God knows what else. It really chaps my hide when people apologize for these incredibly evil Muslims. I know that not all Muslims are evil but where are the ones who aren't. They're intimidated by the guys who run the show who are again -- evil bastards. I think whoever approved "waterboarding" in the US should be put in jail, but I can see why they did it. What's this got to do with Marriage? Everything. Marriage is in a sense a metaphor for all human relationships. Muslims, in truth deny the human soul its incalculable value and quality. Because if they did not, if they recognized that every human being (even Muslims) was worthy of being loved and treated with respect, they would not act, day in and day out, as they do. You know them by their deeds. And before the Muslim apologists start blasting me for my inconsistency, hypocracy, let me just tell you -- it's ok to be angry. Just don't act on it. Write a letter, then toss it in the trash.
- Name: Feroze
- Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
- Time: 13:25:21 -0700
I think u guyz need to read more abt Islam.
- Name: None Religios
- Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
- Time: 18:29:53 -0700
Why people allow young girl married to someone who can be her grandgrandfather? why this happening? i born as muslim but i started to ask myself if this religion are true or false, i saw another location that gives much evidences why Mohamed married his adopted son? you guys really really think that he got message from ALLAH comon people let us be honesty here something arent right so here and now i change my cloth for ever i think i will be the YOU GUESS what you guys call DAJAL i will burn every one who stick with ALLAHU AKBAR proper for hell or open your mind deep and see what you cant see
- Name: kafir/infidel ( & Ex-communist ).
- Date: Tuesday February 26, 2008
- Time: 21:39:12 -0700
TO Tameem Rahaman & to Feroze : Dont act like evil ISLAMIC guys. You read, think, acquire knowledge, know truth, observe ,see the history of ISLAM ( 1400 yrs filled with gory, death, destruction,rapes, killings, murders, fascism, dogma, discrimination, misogyny, bloodthirstyness of the followers of MO-HAM_MAD . QQURRAN is a hatefilled, fear mongering, terrorist manual for killing, loot, rape, cruelty, uncivilized, inhumanity, barbaism. ISLAM is not for any good human society. why dont you take the case of SAUDI ARABIA , IRAN, PAKISATAN, BANGLADESH ,AFGHANISTAN as examples of ISLAMIC countries ( the making or naming any country itself as moslem country officially is an evil, discriminatory, cruel, uncivilized, barbaric act. ) ISLAM is imperialism by conquest, enslavement. what is good in ISLAM or ISLAMIC countries or Moslem societies ? nothing - zero . Not only that the existence of ISLAM/Moslem societies, ISLAMIC culture is a threat, danger to the rest of world, humanity. QQURRAN/HADIS/SIRA are cruel, wicked, murderous books, sunnas, and examples. ISLAM is darkness. DO not write lies, falsehoods, fabrications, imaginations.
- Name: somali muslim
- Date: Monday March 03, 2008
- Time: 21:18:41 -0700
this is the worst load of crap i have ever heard, "Nazia is his second wife. He already killed his first wife. (Hairan, 2007; IRIN, 2007). This is how some Muslims celebrate Eid festival; sacrificing own wife in place of a camel. Camels are costly but women are cheap. " sacrifce in islam whaaaaat seriously both you and I and every other human being who read that arrticle know that is just plain lying. what realy pissed me off was when he wrote " omalia Muslims whip their newly wedded wives on the very first night (Azad, 1995. p. 197, Miles, 1988. p. 89). Merciless beating without any reason is a religious tradition in Somalia." come ooooon seriouly or is this just a big sick joke !!!!!!
- Name: agnostic
- Date: Tuesday March 04, 2008
- Time: 15:13:57 -0700
To the muslm pigs who try to defend their paedophile Mo and his demon inspired quran, the foll. is another of the milion PROOFS. ****RIYADH, 2 March 2008 — Living in a high-tech world, many husbands have opted for new ways of divorcing their wives rather than confronting problems head on through discussion and dialogue. Jawhara, a divorcee, said that she received a message on her mobile phone from her husband that read, “Pack your things and go to your family before I return, you’re divorced.” Jawhara promptly telephoned her brother, asking him to pick her up. He, however, asked her to wait for her husband and ask him why he had divorced her. “I stayed and when he came he repeated what he said. I told him that I was off to my family and that he should keep his children,” she said. Munira Asaad was faced with a similar situation when her husband asked her, through an SMS message, to take their children and leave home. “At first I thought it was a joke. But when he came home he hit me and asked me to leave. I refused to leave the house saying it was mine and my children’s,” said Munira, adding that instead her husband left. A week later he returned and said he wanted to get back together. When her husband returned from his trip, he told her that he divorced her because one of his friends had not accepted an invitation to dinner. He had sworn that he would divorce his wife if his friend did not accept his invitation.******* Got that readers? THIS IS ISLAM. Muslim pigs use technology to cater to their LUST just as their sex maniac MO did. >>He had sworn that he would divorce his wife if his friend did not accept his invitation.>>> This is the MINDSET of these filthy scums who use the same "reasoning" on non muslims. Either submit to us or we are not responsible for the violence that we do to you. These filthy scourge of the earth pollute everything on this planet and should be interned and exterminated.
- Name: enough bullshit
- Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
- Time: 14:24:55 -0700
this article is 95% bullshit , ahadith u use are incorrect and quaran u use is also incorrect . pls read the quaran and use right ahadith . dont use things u made up . no religon what so ever not even devil worshiping can contain such nonsense . Islam is the second most spread religon world wide and it is the the fastest spreading religon nowadays . this article makes me believe more in Islam because if u are using wrong statements as if they are islamic writings that means u cant find anything right to crticize .
- Name:
- Date: Wednesday March 05, 2008
- Time: 18:15:19 -0700
haha..wat is the world coming to..a hindu..sitting there criticizing Islam..for the status of women? Wat about the status of women in YOUR own religion? Like seriously.. have u no shame..sitting there poking holes in other people's religions when your own religion degrades women like there ain't no tomorrow..seriously..get a life..and take arabic class..learn the language..and then read the Qur'an..after reading your article it is crystal clear that u know nothing of the religion..and how can u sit there and accuse the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) of degrading women's status..when Islam actually UPGRADED women's status..did u know that burying or killing live infant girls in the Pre-Islamic period was a common tradition? Did you know that women did not have the right to own property..because they were seen as property themselves? Did you know that women did not have any say in their decisions? That they could not divorce men even if they pleased? Did you know that polygamy existed for centuries and centuries in Arabia BEFORE Islam, and Islam actually REDUCED the number of wives allowed..and Islam allows polygamy only under certain circumstances..for example, marrying a widow who needs protection from society, or financial support, or help in raising her children; it is not allowed for men to marry whoever they fancy, and it is also recommended for men NOT to engage in polygamy because it would be hard to be just to all the wives. Are women even allowed to divorce in hinduism??? Aren't hindus the people that were burning their widows alive after their husband's death? so pathetic..
- Name: khan
- Date: Friday March 07, 2008
- Time: 00:16:11 -0700
this person does not know anything about islam. its just the rubbish whatever he is talking
- Name: Arshad
- Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
- Time: 05:53:27 -0700
This article is written by a hindu. who's mum was burnt live with his dead father.
- Name: Defination of a Shooder
- Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
- Time: 06:00:50 -0700
All hindus are low but lowest class, untuchable hindus like sujit das gandu.
- Name: Oh Shooder
- Date: Sunday March 09, 2008
- Time: 06:08:03 -0700
why u hindus cal woman an "istri" means iron& make her suck ur dick in your tample pictures? is that grading or degrading women. Y is not she allowed to re-marry when her husband passed?
- Name: nafees ansari
- Date: Wednesday March 26, 2008
- Time: 10:38:18 -0700
well there are two types of muslim, one is that which follows it and other is that which doesn't follows. You just have a survey of those woman who are following islam, than definitely you get your answers. Women are not ironically made that they are ready to suffer. If they get one slap, they offer us two. Burqa practice is not for the ladies to keep them under control but to save them from the eyes of the peoples who stare and pass comments on beautiful girls. regarding prophet muhammed you have to read more about him yet, if there will have been no limit for wives like in other cultures, these rich arabs and nizams would be having there marraiges daily. This order is for such people. A common leads his one wife peacefully through his life. And lastly, if there is degrading of women in islam than why mr. author that ladies from yhe west are accepting islam. Islam values women and people like you are exploiting women in the name of liberty. Shame on you. dont see the muslin , you better see their religion.