The Daily Mail reported that on January 25 that Adil Rashid, a Muslim child molester and rapist was spared of punishment by UK court, because of his Muslim upbringing. According to the newspaper:
My Islamic upbringing teaches
women are just "lollipops" & no
problem with raping little girls - He met the girl on Facebook and they communicated by texts and phone for two months before they met
- He was educated in a madrassa and 'had little experience of women'
- Said he had been taught 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground'
- He accused the girl of ‘tempting’ to have sex with her
It is fundamental to our justice system that differing cultural ethos or ignorance about a law cannot be used as a defense for breaking the law.
In Islamic perspectives, Adil Rashid is a good, moral, devout Muslim and he was only following the Islamic cultural ethos, shaped by the divine Islamic teachings of raping kafir women. In the eyes of Islamic God, Kafir women are no better than lollipops, dropped on the ground for Muslim pick and lick. As will be shown, Adil Rashid understands the Quran well and has followed in the footsteps of Muhammad, who was a child molester, rapist, murderer, terrorist, torturer, slaver.
Allah in his infinite wisdom and divine genius has created two categories of Homo sapiens women: Kafir women and Muslim women. A kafir woman has absolutely no humanity. Allah has granted Muslim men the full right to murder her husband, father, brother, boy friend and then capture her sex-slave and rape, no matter what her age. Muslims can then keep the kafir woman/child as his sex-slave or sell her into slavery. In Islam, these are all holy acts to be rewarded by accession to a virgin delight Paradise.
The second greatest crime a man can commit against a woman is to rape her (murder being the greatest crime). In Islam, rape is not only a sexual weapon, but also a weapon of war. Having murdered the kafir women’s male relatives, Muslims can now complete their final humiliation by dominating her body – all with the divine sanction of Allah. Rape in manners like this is not only the ultimate humiliation, it also instils fear and subjugation in the kafir.
In the eternal evil laws of Allah, apart from taking 4 wives, Muslim men are allowed to practice polygamy, but they may also allowed to capture Kafir women as slaves and rape them.
Quran 4.24
“(prohibited are) women already married, except those whom your right hands possess: Thus hath Allah ordained (Prohibitions) against you: Except for these, all others are lawful, provided ye seek (them in marriage) with gifts from your property,- desiring chastity, not lust, seeing that ye derive benefit from them, give them their dowers (at least) as prescribed; but if, after a dower is prescribed, agree Mutually (to vary it), there is no blame on you, and Allah is All-knowing, All-wise.”
Quran 23.1-6:
“Successful indeed are the believers, who…, And who guard their private parts, Except before their mates or those whom their right hands possess, for they surely are not blameable.”
Note the term “whom your right hand possess”, which means slaves. Rape of the captured female slaves is also sanctified in verses 4:3, 4:25, 24:33, 70:29-35, 33:50-52, and others.
Horrible as it is, Allah not only permits slavery, He sanctifies their harvest by waging war against the Kafirs and permits, as a holy duty, the sheer horror of unremitting rape of the captured women.
And Prophet Muhammad – a symbol of perfection for Muslim at all time – did exactly that: he waged war against the Jewish tribes of Banu Quraiza (627) and Banu Mustaliq (627), the Jews of Khaibar (628), and later the Pagans of Hawazin – and from all these unprovoked raids, Muhammad captured their wealth. The captive women were subjected to rape.
So, it is obvious that Islam, which as a complete code of life for Muslims, dominating all aspects of life – social, cultural and economic – sanctified rape of kafir women as a cultural practice, and it has been in practice throughout its history from the days of Prophet Muhammad onward.
Therefore, one must not be surprised when Adil Rashid said, he had been taught that 'women are no more worthy than a lollipop that has been dropped on the ground'. Neither is it surprising that he claimed to not knowing that having sex with under-age girls is a crime – when Prophet Muhammad started sexually molesting Aisha by thighing when she was six-year old and had sex with her when she turned 9. The Quran has allows having sex with girls of any age (see Quran 65:4).
What Adil Rashid did is perfectly fine with Islam, indeed, it is rather expected of Muslims in order to comply with their holy and the truest religion. Interesting, justice system in Western countries has also started accepting Islam as the only true and inviolable religion, which must serve as the guide to legal processes.
Jake Neuman is the author of “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and “Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster of History.” (free downloa
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