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Nigeria Muslim healer 107 wives, 185 children

Islamic stories claim that Prophet Muhammad, the great master of love, was endowed with extraordinary sexual power, sexual power of 30 men. That's why, claim Islamic clerics, Allah gave the Prophet of Islam the special privilege to marry unlimited women (see Qur'an 33:50), while limiting normal Muslims to 4 wives only. We don't know exactly how many women Prophet Muhammad had sexual relation with. We know the Prophet had married nearly two dozen wives; on top of that, he had the right to have sex with numerous female captives he obtained from his war-booty. Now here is a Prophet-like Muslim, who claim to communicate with Allah, might have broken the record of Muhammad. Certainly Muhammad was less potent, given that this new prophet has produced 185 children, while Muhammad sired only 3 to 4. Read the story: Meet the Islamic faith healer who married 107 women.