When I went on in further reading of the sirat written by Ibn Ishaq and ahadith, I felt more and more uncomfortable with all the atrocities and insane absurdities I found in them...
Am Italian Muslim girl's letter to Ali Sina of Faithfreedom.org:
Dear Ali Sina,
My name’s V…. and I’m a 26 years old girl from Italy. I have been in the tunnel of Islam for 6 years, and now I don’t adhere to any religion, I’m just a humanist. I still believe in God but no more dogmas or things like this, I had enough with Islam. I discovered it while I was searching a path to the Divine, and due to my fondness of Persian mystical poets I started to practice the deen at the age of 21. I used to read only apologetic books about the life of the so-called prophet Muhammad, and I thought he was a sort of Christ descended on earth to save humanity. Please, don’t laugh at my naivety, but if the finest intellects like Ibn Arabi said that the man was the best of creation it means that psychological power of this evil cult is very strong. Goebbels said that even a lie repeated over and over becomes truth.
When I went on in further reading of the sirat written by Ibn Ishaq and ahadith, I felt more and more uncomfortable with all the atrocities and insane absurdities I found in them – as a woman and (first of all) as a human. So I passed through a strong crisis because if Allah can deceive whoever he wants without any pity as it’s said in the Koran, then I was lost. After going in depth within the Koran also, I found out that it couldn’t be an uncreated book. There are clear opportunistic changes of religious and political agenda between the Meccan period and the Medinese one, too much incomplete phrases and a God that is represented like a Mafia godfather. According to Asharite theology Allah can deliberately do evil to his creatures, and we can’t argue with human reason in order of questioning the knowledge Allah has reserved to Himself. It’s for this reason Islam fears philosophy and the best intellectuals like Ibn Rushd and Ibn Sina were charged with apostasy.
I used to think this religion was the purest thing in this world, but it’s only a totalitarian cult. It’s not a case if its principal doctrine is tawhed. Tawhed means uniformity not unity. It’s a mercilessly reductio ad unum. Like the hellish desert sun, under which he was born, that destroys any sign of life around.
Islam doesn’t want free souls, it wants slaves. Totalitarian regimes care only to implement propagation of their ideology through the outer control of large masses. And for this purpose they need a fanatic army. We’ve seen in history that at long this method doesn’t work, for human mind can always been awakened at the end.
Muhammad instead did more: he implanted directly in the most inner corner of men the semen of self-deception; making people bow down towards Mecca several times a day and think in the same way, like robotic workers in a cruel assembly line. Whoever stops is fired in Hell. He promised men a heavenly brothel putting aside reward for women (who must obey even there), and made wedding and childbearing a categorical imperative. The burden is, of course, mostly on women’s shoulders, considered just a womb and a vagina for the satisfactions of their masters. Family is run as a military unit. Atheist philosopher Elias Canetti wrote similar things about religions in his greatest work, Mass and Power.
Unlike Ibn Taimiyya, my conclusion is that free evil is far better than a so called and unprovable Good imposed with violence. Free will, dialectic and ethical pluralism are the pillars of freedom. Who does not consider an individual outside his community is an enemy for freedom. It’s because of this that theocratic fanatics and other fascists hate the philosophy behind human rights. Continue with your job Ali Sina.