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...there's too much wrong in Islam to even begin to justify the little good it contains. So Fatimah, her brother and two friends -- all from Pakistan -- have left Islam....

My name is Fatima Muhammad and I'm originally from Pakistan and born into a Muslim family. I was a Muslim for 19 years and went through many episodes of extreme devotion to Islam and sometimes less so. After watching many debates from Christopher Hitchens, Sams Harris etc., and also reading about Islam I gradually began to see a huge vacuum between what reality actually was, and how it was described by religion.

Also, Muhammad's extremely evil nature convinced me that he was just a man, who exploited the Arabs to get his own way. Even if he did everything perfect, there is no way to reconcile his marrying 6-year-old Aisha, and then sexual intimacy when she was 9. It doesn't matter if the Arabs practiced it. A man sent as a perfect example in all matters of life for the entire world till the end of times would never do this. And how could Allah's morality be so warped that he was unable to tell Muhammad that it would be considered inappropriate in later centuries?

Anyway, there's too much wrong in Islam to even begin to justify the good that it does occasionally contain. My brother and two other girls I know have also left Islam and we're all from Pakistan. I wish Pakistan as a country would give up Islam and re-join with India since India is a progressive country, whereas Islam has literally reduced my country to chaos. Peace to everyone (including Jews) :)