'Mountains are Extraterrestrial': The Quran
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 7974
Mountains are like pegs, which Allah has thrown or dropped upon the earth to act as stabilizers so as to prevent it from shaking...
Beauty for Women a Curse in Islamic Bangladesh
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- Written by William Gomes
- Hits: 11204
In Islamic Bangladesh, rife with sexual violation and rape of women, being beautiful for a women is rather a curse than blessing, more so when she belongs to a minority community.
How to Find Love: Advice for Muslim Apostates
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 7545
For ex-Muslims, it's tough life finding love. Ex-Muslims are too small a community to find a suitable partner most often, while the most moderate and liberal of Muslim man or woman would run away from you as soon as they learn that you are an ex-Muslim/atheist etc. Non-Muslims today are very careful not to fall for a person of Muslim background, even if you are ex-Muslim/atheist. Although it's a tough life with few solutions, Dr. Ali Sina has a few words, which could be of help...
Should Women Respect Muhammad and Islam?
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 6255
Muslims love to claim that Islam has granted women equal rights. Sadly, this is not true. The Quran states several times that women deserve less rights than those enjoyed by men.
New Muslim Demographics Data Calls for Hard Decisions on Immigration
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 5765
A new survey by the "Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life" shows one in every four people is Muslims worldwide. This surging Muslim populations globally call upon leaders and politicians of the freeworld to take hard decisions on Muslim immigration in order to safeguard the unconquered pockets from losing peace and liberty...
Portrait of the Good Muslim, Part 2
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 8284
There are many good people amongst Muslims. It has been emphasized in Part 1 of this series that these personally honorable Muslims are ironically the worst of Muslims; for, they give a bad religion a good name and aid its continuation. Those Muslims—who act as Imams and Islamic "academics", thus, working to further the goals of this fundamentally unjust, inherently violent, and highly intolerant religion—do a greater harm to humanity.
Terror Arrests and the “Misunderstood” Religion
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- Written by Nonie Darwish
- Hits: 5168
Another terror arrest in the U.S., this time at Boston: Tarek Mehanna, a Muslim, plotted to attack Shopping Malls to kill large number of Americans. And Muslims are shrilling, reminding the infidels not to link his case to Islamic teaching. He's another misunderstander of Islam.
Quranic Verses on Russian Muslim Child's Skin: Miracle or Skin Disease?
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 60575
How a Muslim mother in Russia is writing Quranic verses on her little son's hyperallergic skin and fooling the miracle-hungry Muslim masses, who, turning up at her home in thousands to watch the so-called miracle, have turned it into a center of pilgrimage.
Was Muhammad Purely Evil or in-between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 13295
Muslims often point to Muhammad's good deeds and sayings. Well, every individual does and says good things. Even Hitler was good to some people.
Muhammad and the Dogs
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 17538
Muhammad’s bizarre beliefs regarding dogs that set in a tragic legacy that continues till today. As per Muhammad’s absurd beliefs, now part and parcel of established Islamic dogma, Muslims, who intend to obey Muhammad and the Sharia’h, must kill their dogs...
On the Existence of God: Does Allah Exist?
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- Written by M. A. Khan/Amer Husain
- Hits: 10128
As per the definition of God by Amer Husain, a Muslim, Muhammad's Allah is a false God or He doesn't exist at all.