Historical Record Reveals the Undeniable Truth about Islam
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- Written by Andrew Stunich
- Hits: 9181
A review of British academic Prof. Hugh Kennedy's book, The Great Arab Conquest, another tool in the arsenal of truth, seeking to cast aside the decpetion that enables the continued spread of the Islamic faith...
Shaming the Muslims Out of Islam (by Telling the Truth)
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- Written by Bill Warner
- Hits: 15263
In an interview on his book, Islamic Jihad, with well-known scholar of Islam, Bill Warner, author M. A. Khan talks about his mission of fighting Islamic radicalism: why the battle against radical Islam is not succeeding, and what is needed to fight this battle once and for all...
The Impact of Islam on Medieval Europe
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- Written by John J. O’Neill
- Hits: 36836
To what extent did Islam impact medieval Europe? This article is an interesting look into it, although some points in it would raise disagreements, and, hopefully, an interesting debate...
France Surrenders to Ahmadinejad
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5842
Whether Saddam or the Ayatollahs, France has always been on the side of blood-thirsty dictators. In 1978, France hosted Khomeini from where the blood-thirsty Mullah guided the 1979 revolution; in 2009, France is the first western country to recognize Ahmadinejad's fraudulent election victory, ignoring the blood sacrificed by freedom-loving Iranian people...
Silencing Stoning of Soraya M.
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- Written by Nonie Darwish
- Hits: 7901
How a so-called human rights activist attacks and discredits the new film on stoning in Iran---a plain reproduction of real-life event---as sensationalist and counter-productive....
Stop Terror Hizb ut-Tahrir's Fundraising at Hilton, Chicago
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- Written by Anonymous American
- Hits: 7456
Pro-terror Islamist supremacist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, which aims to create a global Islamic caliphate, although banned in most countries including UK, are holding a Jihad recruiting and fundraising event at Hilton Hotel in Chicago on July 19, 2009. Let's stop it!
Book: 'With Love from Afghanistan'
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- Written by Yoka van den Berg
- Hits: 7955
With Love from Afghanistan is an extraordinary poetry book as a dialogue between two poets—one from Afghanistan and the other from The Netherlands—both victims of Islam and unable to meet.
Unveiling the Islamic Veil, Part 3
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 7568
How to deal with the veiling issue? Is a ban, as currently deliberated in France, a realistic solution??
Islamophobia: Baring Islam for What It Is
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 9910
How Muslims and their ignorant leftist allies discredit the honest reseachers of Islam, who dare holding Islam's dangerously violent and terroristic theological foundation and history bare to the world, as "Islamophobes", but the same does not apply to criticism of Christianity and other creeds...
The Leftist-Islamist Alliance
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6255
How the lefist liberals' reckless alliance of political conveniance with the Islamists is undermining the liberal-democratic foundation of Western societies...
Was Islamic Veil Imposed for Saving Muslim Women from Molestation by Infidels?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7814
There's new accusation from none other than a non-Muslim authors that Muhammad had imposed head-to-toe veil upon Muslim women, because they were being molested/persecuted by his opponents, purportedly the Jews of Medina. How true is this never-heard accusation, which even Muslims, masters of making all kinds of unfounded accusations against Muhammad's infidel opponents of Arabia, never make...