Islamic State Jihadis Destroy Iraqi Acheological Treasures in Mosul
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 3802
Just like Prophet Muhammad destroyed the Idols of the Temple of Kabaa.
How Upset are U.K. Muslims by IS?
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 4525
In 2003 in the U.K. the “Stop the war coalition” (StWC) organised a march against the impending Iraq invasion by a military alliance which included the U.K.
A major theme was that this war was “not in my name”, i.e. the protesters were dis-avowing the government's impending action.
Estimates of the numbers involved range from 750K (Police), 1 million (BBC) up to 3 million (StWC).
This might equate to 1.5 million in reality.
The Media and 'Prophet' Mohammed
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4679
The "Unlettered" Prophet
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 4451
The Muslim claim that Muhammad was an unlettered prophet does not withstand critical analysis. It is a lie marketed to the public. I have published some articles in the past analyzing such a claim using evidence from the Hadith as well as the Qur’an. What I felt was lacking in my work is a more thorough analysis of the four verses in the Qur’an that use the word “Ummi” or any of its derivatives , where such a word is translated as “unlettered”. The current article is an attempt to correct this weakness.The Concept of Jihad according to Dr. Jamal Badawi
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 4044
The concept of Jihad according to Dr. Jamal Badawi
In a 5-minut video on youtube, Dr. Jamal Badawi explains the concept Jihad as he sees it. The assumption is that this is the meaning of Jihad in Islam. This article is an analysis of his ideas.Browsing Around an Arabic Bookshop
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 3359
Have you ever wondered what does the name of the Nigerian terror group Boko Haram actually means? It literally means: books (boko) are forbidden (haram), in other words: all un-Islamic education is sinful and must be forbidden, which is why the organization targeted school girls.
The irony is that Muslims do not stop bragging that ‘ikra' (meaning read) was the first word of the Quran that was ‘revealed’ to Mohammed. Interestingly, Mohammed actually failed to read at the time, although he later parroted what Archangel Gabriel allegedly told him to say. The Muslims too still fail to read apart from parroting those same old ‘revelations’. Muslim scholars may produce a long list of verses and hadiths that urge Muslims to learn. What they do not say is that all of those verses and hadiths urge Muslims to learn about one thing: Islam. As a matter of fact, Muslims often say: “science is about a verse and a hadith (al ilm aya wa hadith), outside this, it is a waste of time (or mashghala)”. As a matter of fact, the Arabic word for ‘science’ in Islamic terminology refers to Islamic learning and the word ‘scientists’ (ulama) refers to Islamic scholars (the singular is ‘scientist’(Alim)).Satire - Muhammad: The Cursing Prophet
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 6066
Muhammad – The Cursing Prophet
We, good Muslims, take our religion seriously. We love cursing. In fact, it is such a pleasure to just curse. We learned that from our master, peace be upon him, prophet Muhammad.
Now, let me tell you.. the Jews and Christians think Prophet Malachi of the old testament was a cursing prophet. You look up the book of Malachi. All that guy had in his book is three curses! Well, big deal. This is nothing. Those infidels are ignorant. You want a real cursing prophet, it is Muhammad. Malachi does not stand a chance when faced with a cursing giant like good ole Mo. If you do a little search for the word “curse” in the Qur’an, there is 55 of them in 47 verses. If you look up the word “cursed” in the Qur’an, you’ll find it 25 time in 24 verses. What a joker that prophet Malachi is compared to the master of cursing, prophet Mo.
The Author of the Quran Is a Cameleer, Part 3
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- Hits: 3239
The Quranic verses with full of wisdom mentioned in Part 2 of this article are the direct words from the author of the Quran, the non-existing Allah – the shadow of Muhammad. Similarly, there are countless hadiths, believed to be the voice of the prophet of Islam, speak volumes about camels. The volume of those hadiths are too large to discuss them all in a short article. The following are a small fraction of the hadiths on camels from the most authentic ‘Sahih Siththa’ hadith scriptures. These being the direct words of Prophet Muhammad on camels make him a perfect cameleer, like his Allah.
#MuslimLivesMatter and the Missing HashTag Campaigns
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3842
The murder of 3 Muslim students in the college town of Chapel Hill in North Carolina is a tragedy.
And the murder has rightly ignited a worldwide hashtag campaign #MuslimLivesMatter. Every person has the right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. So had those three Muslim victims.
The murderer is an an atheist. And a parking space dispute and noise from the Muslim students' quarter have been reported to have been the motivation of the murder. It is also claimed that he had hatred of Muslims. Whatever the real motivation, this is an incident of horrendous criminal homicide. No grievances justify taking lives. This heinous act stands against everything the American people stand for.
When Man becomes God
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 4528
It is only Islam that asserts the fact that Allah, the Islamic deity, and his angels, are so thankful to the prophet of Islam that they prostrate and pray on/for him.
Arab Muslims in their everyday context of speech may use an expression like “Salle Ala Al Nabi”. Translated literally, this expression says “Pray on the prophet”. The meaning of this expression does not become clear until we hear the response of the second Muslim who heard the first Muslim utter that expression. The answer is something like “Allahumma Salle Wasallim Ala Sayyid Almurasaleen, Sayyidina Muhammad.” Translated, this expression says “Oh God, pray and greet with peace the lord of those who were sent, our Master Muhammad.” Such an expression within everyday talk context in the Middle East is a common occurrence.
On Adoption in Islam
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 3150
The concept of adoption in Islam is a “distorted” concept indeed. There is no adoption in Islam. Muslims try to market a specific concept of adoption because Muhammad, through a sequence of immoral actions, canceled “adoption” as we know it in Islam and, subsequently, in Muslim societies. The sum of it is that Muhammad married his daughter in law and justified such immortality by Allah’s Qur’anic verses. I will start this article with a section on Zayd; Muhammad’s adopted son, followed by a section on the wedding events. and Muhammad’s desire to “sleep” with Zaynab. The last section will deal with the issue of Muhammad’s morality regarding the adoption events.