The Doctrine of Sitr
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 6091
The word “Sitr” itself is related to the Arabic word for a curtain or a veil, and carries the meaning of drawing a blind over something that is not to be revealed.
The doctrine of Sitr is related to the concept of “Aurah” or “dishonour / shame”.
In simple terms, when a person does something “shameful” or “dishonourable” within the Muslim community, it should be hushed up and only repeated offenders should be brought to (Islamic) justice. This is justified on the grounds that in the Hadith a duty is laid on Muslims to protect each other and each other’s honour.
Sitr developed in a primitive culture where the concept of a crime had not been fully developed into a formalised system. Muslims adhere to Sitr because of their religious belief. But times have surpassed this concept.
Islam is Arabic Judaism
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- Written by Anand
- Hits: 9410
Maimonides states that God is spreading ideals of the Torah to all over world through Christianity and Islam. This is plan of God. This claim of Maimonides finds support in the fact that all of those religions are bent on destroying idolatry.
Jewish patriarch Abraham can be considered the first Jews. And as offspring of his son Ishmael, Muhammad and the Arabs were in essence of Jewish descents, or were brothers of the Jews. Having residing in Arab Peninsula and deviating from Judaism, they become polytheistic Arabs.
Story of Uqba’s Mockery of Muhammad and Muhammad’s Cruel Revenge
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7082
Uqba ibn Abu Mu'ayt ( عقبة بن أبو معيط) (d. 624 AD) belonged to the Quraish tribe. He was a blood relative of the prophet of Islam. He had two children: a boy named Walid ibn Uqba and a girl named Umm Kulthum bint Uqba.
When Muhammad’s mission was not making any headway in Mecca, he started insulting the local polytheistic gods and beliefs. In return, some members of the Quraysh clan started treating Muhammad badly. He was insulting their religions, and when their cup was full, they returned the favor in his own coin.
Islam's Degrading Dictates toward Women Entertained in British Court
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6030
Islam: The Worst Anti-Woman Ideology Ever
The wearing of the Niqab, a compulsory religious obligation when women go out (Quran 33:59), is an act that is degrading and demeaning for Muslim women, which turns them into subhuman beings. Allah hates and belittles Muslim women, the sheer extent of which can found here. She is the property of her husband, who can rape her (she cannot refuse her husband's sexual demands). If she is raped by another Muslim man, she must produce 4 Muslim male witnesses to incriminate the man. Otherwise she will be guilty of adultery and will be stoned to death.
The Sunnah of Islamic Beard – A Few Words to Fort Hood Shooter Major Nidal Hasan
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- Hits: 6010
Few days ago, there was International news about forcible shaving of the beard of the USA Army psychiatrist Major Nidal Hasan, who was sentenced to death for the November 2009 Fort Hood shooting rampage, in which 13 people died and 30 were injured. He was born in the USA to Palestinian Muslim parents. He is now around 43 and served 25 years in the US Army.
Major Nidal Hasan began growing a beard after his November 2009 shoot massacre, which caused delays to his court-martial, because it violated the Army grooming regulations. Hasan said he grew beard, because his Muslim faith required it and was not meant as a show of disrespect to US Army regulations.
Treaty of Washington 2013: Peace Treaty with the Religion of Peace
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6793
The Quran commands Muslims to fight against the Kuffar until Islamic rule and law is established in every nook and corner of the world. Devout Muslims attacked the United States on September 11, 2001 (9/11) to achieve that divinely commanded goal of Islam. Islam has since kept making inroads into the American life, including the White House, where at least six Muslims serve as advisors for the Obama administration. On the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, let us review what would be the outcome of an Islamic conquest of America today.
The Quran: Jesus is God
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 9679
Note: This article looks at Jesus from the Islamic perspective. Therefore, and for the sake of arguments, Allah will be considered as God, which is believed by Muslims, although not shared by non-Muslims.
The Islamic perception of Jesus is clear to Muslims of all sects, in fact it is one of the few areas where all Muslims are in agreement. In summary, Islam teaches that Jesus was a prophet with a status second only to that of Mohammed, just like Moses and Abraham. He had different conception and birth from the rest of humans in the sense he had a mother but no father. Allah blessed Jesus with some special miracles, just like he did with the other prophets. The Jews tried to kill Jesus but they didn't, they killed another person who looked like him. Jesus did not die and was taken to heaven, where he is living today.
The Quiet Arab-Israeli Peace in Reality
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- Written by Alexander Maistrovoy
- Hits: 6402
For the Arab governments, Israel in, Palestinians out in the quiet...
The Fellowship of the Minds!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7675
"I am convinced about the veracity of my opinions, but I do consider it likely that they may turn out to be incorrect. Likewise, I am convinced about the incorrectness of the views different from mine, but I do concede the possibility that they may turn out to be correct.” — Imam Shafa’i
(This attire has explicit language contents about God Al-Mighty and if found objectionable, then you should not read it with closed eyes but an open mind!)
A man with a glower and a long thick beard was leaving a convenience store when he suddenly felt dizzy and shortness of breath. He hurriedly reached for the wall and slid down against it, then blacked out… Sometime later he woke up and could see nothing, but he felt a distinctly eerie presence!
Via-Negativa: The Language of Religious Reasoning
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7798
"It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." – Aristotle
Many of us have a dim and distant memory of early childhood gaffes with words, of those occasions when you thought you had grasped the meaning of a word only to discover sometimes in a rather embarrassing way that you had got the wrong end of the stick and were using the word in an odd and different way. My wife recalls one such tricky occasion with her use of the word "stoned".