Dear Muslim, Stop Running Away from the Quran
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 6148
Muslims are becoming more and more annoyed when non-Muslims criticize their sacred book, the Quran, or their moral code, called Sharia Law. However, their campaign to demonize any criticism of Islam as bigotry or “Islamophobia” just isn’t working. Cudgeling socially unacceptable religious beliefs is a long-standing American tradition dating back to the witch trials of Puritans (1692), the doomsday cult of Johannes Kelpius (1708), the polygamy of the Mormons (1849), and the exhumation of corpses by the Branch Davidians (1987). Islam has more socially unacceptable beliefs than any of those other religions.
When confronted with shameful beliefs drawn from the pages of the Quran, Muslims usually run away from their sacred book. No, they don’t physically run away, but they use any number of ploys to avoid directly discussing the ideological problems.
Immoral and Perverted: Muhammad's Lust for Son's Wife Zainab
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- Written by Brother Ismaaeel
- Hits: 9860
75 Reasons Why Muslims Must Stop With Their Terrorism Condemnation?
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 5542
Recently, I came across the article “75 Reasons Why Muslims Must Stop With Their Terrorism Condemnation Ritual” by Ismail Ibrahim.
I thought it deserved something of a reply.
In the interests of brevity (how well achieved you may decide) I will not go through it point by point, rather I will group the “75 reasons” under heads, thus I regret that you will have to look at the original article to follow my reasoning.
A. Tu-toque reasoning. Otherwise “It's ALL the fault of the West.”
Points #1, 16, 33, 37, 39, 40, 41, 59, 61-a classic, 65. (10 instances.)
B. Irrelevancy.
Points #2, 19, 67. (3 instances.)
C. Muslim supremacy aka “we're fine as we are and don't need to change”.
Points #3, 8, 29, 30, 35, 51, 57; (6 instances.)
Muhammad's Lure of Blonde Women as Booty to Jihadis and the Enslavement and Rape of Blonde Yazidi Women by ISIS Jihadis
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- Written by Brother Ismaaeel
- Hits: 12785
The Peaceful and “terrorist” Muslim groups
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 6274
What do the following organizations have in common?
Al-Qaida, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, Boko Haram, the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Abu Nidal Organisation, Abu Sayyaf, Aden Abyan Islamic Army, Al-Badr, Al-Nusrah Front, Al-Shababb, Ansar al-Sharia, Ansar al-Islam, Ansar al-Deen, Army of Islam, Boko Haram, Great Eastern Islamic Raiders Front, Harqat al-Jihad al-Islamic, Palestine Liberation Front, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Taliban.
I'm sure you know.
These are just a few of the many Islamic terrorist organizations slaughtering Christians and Jews, other non-Muslims, those belonging to other Muslim sects and even those of their own sect whom they consider “not Muslim enough”.
Their overall aim is the violent imposition of Sharia law wherever they can; as Boko Haram, IS, and Al-Shabab have done in northern Nigeria, Iraq-Syria and Somalia respectively.
Most are off-shoots of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) aka “Ikwan”, though the MB will often disown them publicly.
Jihadi Massacre in Nice, France: Islam’s War on All of Humanity
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 4770
On Bastille Day, a day of celebration of independence in France, a Tunisian Muslim drove a transport truck 3 miles through a street in Nice, filled with revelers, massacring 84 including 10 children; 202 were injured, 80 critically including 50 children.
CNN: Native French people to blame for the attack
Commentators on CNN were quick to place the blame for the horrendous mass-murder on the native French people stating:
Former Convert Ismaa'eel Exposes How Muhammad Took Safiyah as Sex-Slave after Killing Her Husband
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- Written by Brother Ismaaeel
- Hits: 10074
Former Convert to Islam and Street Preacher Sees the Truth and Leaves Islam
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- Written by Brother Ismaaeel
- Hits: 9027
After 16 years of being an Islam apologist, expert and preacher, American convert Ismaa’eel eventually leaves Islam and out on a mission to tell the truth.
Orlando Gay Massacre: The Real Islam in Action
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5594
Sharia teaches that homosexuality is a vile form of fornication, punishable by death.
The shooting massacre of gays in an Orlando nightclub by an Afghan-born Muslim Jihadist Omar Mateen that killed 50 adds to the list of darkest days in recent US history alongside 9/11, Boston Marathon bombing, and the San Bernardino massacre. All of those attacks were carried out by pious Muslims inspired by the teachings of their religion, Islam.
Some Thoughts on Diversity and Multiculturalism
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 5753
It seems that diversity and multiculturalism, along with political-correctness, form the “core ethos” of Western societies.
Despite brave words by the former U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown and German Chancellor Angela Merkel about the “failure” of multiculturalism, nothing has changed – except for the worse.
Brown's words were lost when he left office. Merkel on her part clearly “repented” of her statements by opening the borders of her country to >1 million Muslim migrants in 2015 alone.
Francois Hollande said he was in war with Islamic terrorism after the Paris attacks, and then proceeded to 'fight' it with “solidarity” marches (we now know where we went wrong with Germany's Hitler, a few marches through London would have stopped his attack on Czechoslovakia cold).
Muhammad Phobia and Muhammad Syndrome
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7323
Muhammad Phobia
Many Muslims and their supporters claim that the Western world today suffers from a debilitating psychos, called Islamophobia, more accurately, Muhammad Phobia, an intense phobia toward the ideas left behind by the prophet of Islam.
The term Islamophobia is utilized by Muslims and their supporters to smear those kafirs, who oppose the implementation of Prophet Muhammad’s abhorrent ideas on their societies, as racists and bigots.
The prime directive of Muhammad’s ideas is the utilization of terror to intimidate the kafir people leading to the Muslim conquest of their societies through a process of Jihad osmosis, step by step imposition of Sharia Law and subjugation of the kafir societies. A truer manifestation of Muhammad’s ideological directive is reflected in the following statement of his:
Allah's Apostle said... 'I have been made victorious with terror' (Bukhari (52:220)