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Terrorists: A Metamorphosis of Satan or God?

by Alamgir Hossain

03 Nov, 2005

The terrorist carnages worldwide by the Islamic militants have not only been causing brutal destruction, pain and sufferings to the victims but have also caused much distress and pain to compassionate human beings all over the world. Despite the fact that a great number of Muslims take pride and joy in their hearts at such incidences, which even sometimes manifest in wild exuberance on the streets of the Muslim world, yet there are a great many compassionate Muslims who find it equally barbaric and distressing. They even take the liberty of giving all kinds of demonizing labels to these suicidal murderers. One Muslims friend recently, in outrage at the terror carnage in Delhi on 29 October which killed 60 mostly shopping women and children for the Dewali Festivity, termed the perpetrators a Metamorphosis of Satan.1

Although that was a good commentary from a Muslim for the sufferings of the Hindu infidels, yet it begs explanation as to why these murderous human beings are to be called "Satan"? Why the poor guy Satan has to be made scapegoat for the abominable acts of these terrorists? Logically, there is no scope for human beings to metamorphose into Satan or vice-versa as per the deliberations of the Bible and Koran. It is clearly mentioned in the Bible and Koran that Man is created in the image (spirit) of God/Allah, not in that of the Satan:

Genesis 1:27: So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Koran 38.71: When your Lord said to the angels; Surely, I am going to create a mortal from dust.

Koran 38.72: So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, then fall down making obeisance to him.

Thus in the simplest of logic, it is impossible, according to Bible or the Quran, to metamorphose Satan to man or man to Satan. Instead, it is clearly possible to metamorphose man to God/Allah or God/Allah to man since both are of the same or similar image, spirit or material.

Now let us analyze if these barbaric murderers of innocent kids and mothers in the festival bazaar of Delhi are more similar to the spirit and attitude of Satan or to that of the God/Allah. As per the story of the Koran, Satan is the symbol of sanity, dignity, justice and protest against tyranny. God/Allah created angels and the Satan was their leader for his excellent performance of the Job for eons in the heaven. The pre-human period of angels' world in heaven is characterized by a period of great peace, order, harmony and tranquility. Now God/Allah created this new creature, called man in Adam, in his own image/spirit and ordered all angels to bow to this new entity in respect, submission and obedience. Although the idiot batch of the angels quickly bowed to Adam at the order of God/Allah, Satan (Shaitan, Iblis) did not. He wanted to know why he has to show submission and obedience! He wanted to be sure what he was doing! He wanted God/Allah to explain but God/Allah, instead of explaining why his new creation was worthy of a bow, became infuriated with Satan. God/Allah, like any earthly human tyrants, such as Saddam Hussein, Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot, must punish Satan with the most cruel and barbaric punishment in his capacity - which is, burning him in hellfire for eternity.

Satan was a voice of reasons.3 He wanted to be conscious of what he does and of the worthiness of his doings. When a father wants his son to do something new or strange, it is expected that the father will explain the rationale to his son in advance before asking him to do the strange job. If he forgets to explain beforehand and the son requests an explanation, he will quickly apologize for his failure to explain earlier and would quickly do the explaining. If the son does not become convinced by father's explanation and refuse to do the job, the father will let go of or at best be a bit disappointed and in a couple of days, everything will be alright. This is what is like a good, educated and civilized father in modern society. Of course, we have uncivilized fathers in backward societies who do not to explain but only orders to their children. If children do not follow his orders, with no questions asked, he would punish them severely. Thus, God/Allah was not a civilized and decent kind of father (creator) to Satan but was the latter type - an uneducated, uncivilized and tyrannical one. Allah was not like a civilized, democratic and just administrator but a tyrannical brute who punished Satan so severely for asking the most reasonable question. Satan deserved appreciation for being judicious and intelligent instead of being timid and blind subservient like the other angels. Here Satan again had shown the glimpse of as to why he was the leader of the angels. But instead of getting a reward or applaud from God/Allah, the supposedly supreme intelligent entity of the Universe, he got the severest of punishment imaginable.

So, condemnation of Satan by Allah on that fateful day of Adam's creation - marked the end of reason, sanity and justice.3

That day marked the triumph of tyranny, injustice and unreason of God/Allah. That day also marked emergence of a new creature, named man - who represent all the qualities of God/Allah - including tyranny, injustice, unreason, brutality and what not. It only turns true that God/Allah created Adam in his own image or spirit in that the qualities of man as history has witnessed and that of God/Allah, as displayed on that fateful day, perfectly attest to that truth. Man is truly the image or spirit of God/Allah and exactly the opposite of what the Satan stood for.

Thus, the bombers of the 9/11 (NY), 7/7 (London), 29/10 (Delhi) and so on cannot be called metamorphoses of the Satan. This is because of the fact, ascertained by God/Allah Himself, that "man" was created with materials opposite to that of the Satan. Man was, in stead, created in the image (materials?) of Allah/God himself, so the murderous bombers of these brutal destructions must represent the image of Allah/God - not that of the Satan.

Now let us examine if these suicide bombers followed the command of Allah or the Satan. The story of Adam's creation tells us that Allah favors those who follow his orders with absolute obedience, like the Lemmings, to self-destruction. For example, all the angels who followed Allah's order to bow to Adam like the Lemmings to surrender their own prestige, despite their impeccable service and integrity, to a creature that can be worse than any other creature on Earth. In this present case, these murderous suicide bombers are also taking orders of Allah like the Lemmings to their own destruction along with as many other innocents as possible. This order of Allah has been outlined in many of his own words in the Koran. A couple of those are presented here:

1. Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.  [Koran 2.216]

2. Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise ): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain: a promise binding on Him in truth, through the Law, the Gospel, and the Qur'an: [Koran 09:111]

3. Fight those who believe neither in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book (Christians and Jews), until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. [Koran-9:29]

Thus, Allah has made fighting compulsory to all Muslims and has urged Muslims to kill and get killed in Allah's cause (to establish Islam) until unbelievers are completely defeated, subdued to submission and Allah's commands are being established at every corner of the world. It is unfortunate that even ~1400 years after Allah commanded this, his command is vastly absent in many parts of the world, including India, Europe, America and many parts of Asia. Instead, Allah's much hated idolatry and other false Gods or complete unbelief dominate those parts of the world. Allah must be extremely frustrated and these so-called terrorists are only following Allah's commands to expand His supremacy to those parts of the world. These terrorists are jumping into suicidal missions exactly like under-strength comrades of Prophet Muhammad used to do against the dominant enemy forces of Allah and most of the time causing much greater destruction on the enemy-side. These suicidal murderers are doing the same with equal or greater efficiency, sometimes one of them killing hundreds of the target enemies.

On the other hand, Satan is never known to have commanded such brutality. The pre-human world of the angels under the leadership of Satan was a world of justice, order and tranquility. However, Allah/God claims that Satan committed a "great crime" by leading Adam and Eve to astray. But was that at all any kind of serious crime? God created Adam and Eve with the desire for eating the forbidden fruit and most irrationally He commanded them not to eat that fruit like a cruel and playful tormentor - not like a loving and caring father. All Satan did was to convince Adam and Eve to eat the fruits for which they were created with a strong desire and should have been entitled to. Satan only helped Adam and Eve out of the continuous torments. He was a compassionate friend of Adam and Eve unlike an irrational, tormenting and cruel father in Allah/God. Once again, Allah showed his tyrannical injustice for a crime which was committed by Satan but also punishing Eve heavily for it - because she stepped into the trap of the Satan, set by Allah/God himself. In a nutshell, the irrational, barbaric and cruel acts of the terrorists in no way represent the principles and morality of the Satan but clearly that of the God/Allah. These terrorists are the reincarnate of God/Allah - not that of the Satan.

Many a religious Muslims, indoctrinated by the secular education and humanistic ethics of the modern world often, most outrageously, terms these terrorists as reincarnate of the Satan although they represent the commands, attitudes and characteristics of God/Allah. The same is true for the other religious moderates, educated in the modern world. For example, when one raises the issue of burning millions of innocent women in Europe labeling them as witches4 or great many men and women as apostates, the modern Christians would quickly terms those persecutors as reincarnate of the Satan. Yet, it is Biblical God who commanded his followers to execute those acts of cruel barbarity:

Similarly, all good Christians believe gay nightclubs (homosexuality), abortion clinic etc. are considered sinful and not approved by their God. Yet, when Eric Rudolf bombed such nightclubs and clinics in order to destroy the vestiges of sins which killed, inured and maimed many people2, all Christians would quickly lay the blame on innocent Satan by calling Mr. Rudolf a reincarnate of his, instead of the spirit and hatred of God for such sinful places which inspired Mr. Rudolf into doing these barbaric acts of terror. No where in the world, Satan has said that he dislikes those places such that reincarnation of him in Eric Rudolf would lead the latter to bomb those nightclubs and abortion clinics.

In fine, let us not make this innocent Satan guy a scapegoat for the barbaric acts of the terrorists but in stead, place the blame where it truly lies. Else, finding the solutions for ending this unnecessary barbaric cruelty would remain as elusive as ever.


Literature cited:

1.  Metamorphosis of Satan []

2. Man Confesses to Atlanta Olympics & Abortion Clinic bombing []

3.  Paradise Lost - John Milton

4. Malleus Maleficarum - Dr. Jakob Prenger (more info:

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