A pictorial presentation of some of Islam's great contributions to the world.
Two-tonques Tariq Ramadan---the most influential Muslim intellectial.
No other religion offers a short cut to heaven and 72 virgins just by killing infidels by blowing yourself up.
33.59: Hilali-Khan O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way).
Here is a neighborhood lady police in Islamabad, Pakistan:
Muslims are the first to determine that explosives in the rectum cannot be detected:
Advantages of rectal suicide bombing:
Face remains in tact making showing during funeral pleasant. Besides Allah can recognize the shaheeds and reward the 72 virgins to the right man instead of confusion between hundreds of suicide bombers who are mostly minced meat. This it in following image (caution: very gory picture): http://infidelsunite.typepad.com/.a/6a0111685b4b71970c0120a584fcfa970c-800wi. Explosive Public Performances: SHUKRANA SALATS Shukrana salats (thanksgiving prayers) give additional blessings for thanking Allah for his favours. After safely passing security on a suicide mission: After a massacre: Muslims are pioneers in this work. CIRCUMCISION Female Genital Mutilations: Prophet promoted female circumcision, which keeps women pious. Female circumcision removes the very sensitive part of the sex organ, eliminating their sexual pleasure. Male circumcision: Male circumcision, removal of foreskin of the penis covering the very sensitive part, was acquired by Muhammad from the Jews. Male circumcision enhances the sexual pleasure for men. CONTROL OF WOMEN THROUGH QURANIC COMMANDS 33.59 Hilali-Khan O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (veils) all over their bodies (i.e. screen themselves completely except the eyes or one eye to see the way). [You make another look at the neighborshood lady police in Pakistan (above) to understand Islamic control of women.] HALAL CAPTURED WOMEN || WAR BOOTY OF ISLAM (Islam allows sex with captured women) Islam allows sex with captured women and slave girls. During Islam’s early days of Prophet Muhammad and his followers, slave-markets of Islamic capital were bursting at the seems with gorgeous captured women from all over the world as Islamic armies conquered half the known world in 100 years and captured thousands and thousands of beautiful women. Our prophet always got 20% of them and after sampling them once or twice gifted them to friends and relatives or sent them to the slave market. HALAL ONE-NIGHT STANDS (TEMPORARY MUTA MARRIAGE) Islam (Quran 4:24) allows acquiring temporary wives with money. One does not have to be rich to cough up big bucks to buy a slave-girl and have fun. For a few bucks a poor man can also have fun with one or two women for a night. HALAL HAREMS Since Islam allows unlimited number of captured women and slave girls, many rich Muslim have large harems. FUN FOR PEDOPHILES WITHOUT GUILT Quran 65:4 allows sex with little girls: DUA FOR ALL OCCASIONS Islam is the only religion, which has duas for all occasions, even before and after defecation. Recently a woman was sentenced to flogging in Malaysia for drinking beer. PUNISMENT FOR BLASPHEMY AND APOSTACY (Islam requires killing of blasphemers and apostate) KILLING FOR DRAWING MUHAMMAD’S CARTOONS Punishment for drawing Muhammad's cartoons or naming any animal (or even an stuffed one like teddy-bear) Muhammad is death by beheading. POLYGAMY Islam allows four wives, which can be changed and replaced at will. Imam Hasan Bin Ali, Muhammad’s grandson, had married over 70 women in his short life. But they must be treated equally (although Muhammad made Aisha his favorite wife). Equal Treatment of All Wives: If you give one wife a hell of a beating, all must be beaten up also. HIDING BEHIND CIVILIANS IN WARFARE Muslims are the first to come up with this useful warfare technique. They got this idea from hostage dramas on TV. CAPTURING COUNTRIES BY REPPRODUCTION (All European countries will be Muslim majority in the near future due to population explosion of polygamous Muslims)
A beauty from Egypt disrobed and ready to be sold
A Persian beauty disrobed for inspection
by potential Muslim buyers.
A girl, fully hijabbed, being flogged in Aceh, Indonesia.