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Bearded Momin Muslims, in their joyous celebration of deposing Hosni Mubarak in Tahrir Square, added further spice to their joy by capturing the kafir woman reporter Lara Logan of CBS and gang-raping her one after another as others, watching the show and masturbating shouted: "Jew! Jew!! Allahu Akbar".


Politically correct mainstream news-media did not give details of the rape and just called it simple 'sexual assault 'for the fear that details may offend Muslims (see the video). The fools do not know that the Egyptian Muslims were doing what our prophet did after every jihadi raid and reading the details is like reading sahih Bukhari hadiths. Here are the actual details of the incident as reported by Muslim media based on videos taken on cell phones.


Although momins of Egypt tried to do to a reporter what our prophet did to his captured women, their actions fell way short of the standards our Prophet set for all Muslim (33.21: prophet is your role model).

- Momins raped Lara for an hour and then let her be freed while Prophet claimed the owner ship of all his captured women.

-  Momins did not kill any relative of Lara. Prophet Mohammad often killed all male relatives of his victims.

- Lara is 39 years old. In his heydays, the Prophet would not touch a 39 year old captured woman with a ten foot pole, let alone with his six-incher. Prophet was very selective in his choice of captured women. He liked very young meat. Judging from his fondness of sexual activities with 6 year old Aisha, one can safely say that he always chose very young girls as part of his booty.