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Have you ever wondered why Quran implies that Prophet Jesus had godly characteristics and Prophet Mo had satanic characteristics? It is because Christians have corrupted our holy book. Here are the proofs:

Quran says Jesus could make a clay bird and give life to it (5.110). That means he was capable of creating his own food. On the other hand Allah had to make stealing halal for Mo because Muhammad was not capable of earning his own bread (8.1,8.41) .

Quran says Jesus could give life to dead people (5.110). On the other hand Mo could only kill live people dead (3.152, 8.17, 8.67, 33.26-27)..

Allah  made Jesus very kind and cmpassionate, one who abhored slavery. Allah made Mo a slave monger (33.50)..

Allah made Jesus a very loving man who loved children. Allah made Muhammad a pedophile, who made love to children (65.4).


Does all the above facts sound like they are from Islam's holy book? How can a book which shows Islam’s prophet Muhammad to be worse than a common criminal in every respect, be from a God, who claims him to be his equal (obeying Mohammad is obeying Allah, 4.80). Surely Christians have corrupted it and Muslims are in denial about it.
