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A miraculous underground water spring in Osama bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan?

"Fables should be taught as fables, myths only as myths, and miracles as poetic fancies. To teach superstitions as truth is the most terrible thing, for the ignorant mind of a child accepts them as Truths. And only through great pain, perhaps even tragedy, can the child is relieved of them!" - Hypatia [ca. AD 350–370]


The holy Quran testifies that Prophet Muhammad performed “no” Miracles, but the Hadiths record ‘marvelous’ tales of many miracles shown/performed by the holy Prophet of Islam – such as, causing water to flow from between his fingers, splitting the moon into two, satisfying multitudes believers from a little food etc., etc. But these miracles can be regarded as absolutely worthless, because had there been any one single miracle of the kind, it would have been mentioned in the holy Qur’an? On the contrary, in the holy Qur’an where Prophet Muhammad was asked to perform a miracle, he repeatedly says/proclaims, and gives the reason that he was sent with none!!! He claimed the Quran was the only miracle, an creation of Allah, not his own.

So, when Hadiths are at variance with the holy Qur’an, shouldn’t honest believers reject Hadiths and accept the Qur’an alone?

Miraculous ground-water spring in bin Laden house in

Moreover, in the second part of this article, we will look deeper into Islam’s ‘Qur’anic miracle-less’ shame, given that Muslims love to claim sanctimony of divine fame for Islam’s base of trustworthiness and credence of godly support.

Lately, I got to hear of this miraculous water sprouting from the ground. It was a stunt of fantastical proportions when the locals correlated the spring with mystical justifications. A surprise indeed, when gushing water oozes out from Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan!

Wait! This is not the real surprise. The actual bolt from the blue is the fact that, the local residents call this an Islamic Miracle. A miracle, which happened because, according to them (Mullahs), innocent (yes, you read it right, innocent) people were killed (martyred) there.

Now, wonder which myth to bust here: The myth of innocence or the myth of nonsense?

Well, let’s stick to the latter, as it is related to an indigenous and unknown phenomenon in this scientific age!

The area where this holy miraculous spring oozed (gushed out) from the ground is located in the Orash valley, where the River ‘Jab’ once flowed through this valley. The fact here is that, due to the river that once flowed from here, this area has turned into a freshwater wetland. Hence, the water table in this area rises after the spring and monsoon heavy rains, resulting in sprouting of groundwater through the various land-crevices throughout these areas. It is a common practice for the locals too, to bore six to eight feet ground injections and get continuous sweet water from the deep land water table. Even when the foundations of new buildings are laid in this area during any seasons of the year, contractors will have to fill those foundations straight away after digging, because of the water table that fills these foundations in no time. Consequently, it was a stunt of fantastical proportions, when the local clerics connected this spring with mystical justifications.

Ever since hearing this story, the thoughtful wondering - ‘if the gushing of the sweet water had to be an Islamic Miracle, then why in favor of Osama bin Laden?’ May be, a more “rational” explanation would have been that, the holy water sprouting from this compound is justifying Islamic blessings to wash the Pak (holy) land and clean it off the Kafirs’ sins.

For now, all visiting or entry to this site (OBL Compound) is off limits to all people. So, we have to wait for this revelational Islamic Miracle to be thoroughly inspected and authenticated by scientists. Till then, it is just mere speculations of bigoted Islamic beliefs and heresies.

And given that no such thing as miracle ever happen, we can be wise to what Einstein had said: "Human stupidity has no limits!"

To be cont’d …