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“The word ‘Allah’ predates Islam. Each Pagan Arab tribe had its own idol-gods and goddesses, but a number of tribes also acknowledged the existence of an “unknown god” they called al-ilah, which literally means (the god). He was considered to be the invisible, supreme deity; however, they did not have a unified concept of who he was. In due time, Allah became “…a universalization of that tribal god, who was often referred to as al-ilah (the god). When the tribe encountered another tribe, who had a god whom they also referred to as al-ilah, they both thought that they were referring to the same being, and so a universal idea of Allah grew among the Pagan Bedouin Arabs.”Nazir Ali

At this very moment, a Muslim is born and again on his/her death bed, seven Arabic words are whispered unto his/her ears: “La ilaha illilla, wa Muhammad ul rasul Allah” which translates as “(There is) no god except Allah and Muhammad (is) Allah’s prophet.” This creed, which is the focal point of the Islamic religion, is instilled into the minds of many a Muslims from cradle to grave for the last 1400 years. It is repeated five times a day to the Islamic call to prayers, etc. And, Muslims are also encouraged to repeat the name of Allah as many times as possible throughout those days in their lifetime!

Who is the so-called god of Muslims? What do we know about him? Or how was this god discovered some 1400 years ago? Questions…(?), I am sure many have asked and many still don’t even know about?

In this essay, we will try to delve into this and exemplify what is the real picture of Allah. History is there to know and learn about.

Ancient Pagan Bedouin Arabs had lots of deities, whom they worshipped. They were actually very superstitious believers. Hence, they believed in anything that amazed them and/or they were fearful in not knowing about it. Subsequently, some 360 odd idol-deities were represented in the sacred temple of Kaab’ah in their holy city of Mecca. Of these deities, four were prominent and the dominant gods in the desert region around Mecca and in large parts of the dunes of Arabian Peninsula.


They were: al-iLah, and his three daughters, al-Lat, al-Uzzah and al-Manat. The top god was al-iLah (the name simply means “the god”).

The Three Goddesses of Pagan Arabia.

Muhammad simply chose the Pagan Arab’s supreme god al-iLah, aka Allah, and told that all the other gods were just made-up fantasies, and that Allah and the Jewish/Christian god Yahweh was one and the same god.

The Jews and Christians totally reject the Muslim claim that Islamic and the Jewish/Christian god, given there are too many fundamental and stark differences between their belief systems! It impossible to reconciles the god of the Quran and that of the Bible/Torah, unless this ILLUSTRIOUS god has a severe split personality—schizophrenia or a serious disorder in his godly mind frame (“Do not kill” vs. “Do not kill without a good reason”, the search for and the value of the “lost lamb” vs. “Do not mourn the wrongdoers”, to mention just the two).

However, Allah is also a much harsher god towards non-believers than Yahweh, at least as you meet Yahweh in both the Old & New Testament scriptures and the new covenant versus Allah in the late parts of Muhammad’s teachings Medina Surahs. In the Old Testament (OT), it is told about religious wars 2000-4000 years ago, whilst in the New Testament (NT) hardly accepts any wars. The Koran, especially those Surahs from Medina times, not only incites to hatred and war against non-believers, but also makes such wars a compulsory and unceasing duty upon the believers of Islam until Islam prevails, dominates and supersedes all the religion (2:193, 8:39 etc)! And that the second-class Kafir citizens must be measured with differing rights and privileges from those of Muslims, and they must always pay extra taxes under Islamic governance. Nice texts for terrorists?

It must be agreed that the Christian faith were sometimes used for political or military purposes despite no overt commandment to the effect in the NT scriptures. Islam has been used rights for terrorist, political and military purposes solely in accordance with its overt commandments to the effect, especially in the last some 22 Surahs from Medina (ones that are really valid according to Islam’s rule of abrogation – i.e. when two or more verses disagree, the youngest one normally is the correct one and the older ones are invalid. Obviously late Medina Surahs—that preach hatred, rape, violence and oppression—are the youngest).

Allah and the Christo-Jewish god are the same only if Allah is schizophrenic

Since there no convincing answers to the problem, let us list the mistakes that have been found, and then ask Muslims and non-Muslims for explanations. Please tell us where we are wrong, so we can understand why Islam is a real and true, and benevolent religion.

  1. “As for the Kafirs, whether thou warn them or thou warn them not, it is all one for them; for they believe not in Allah. Allah hath sealed their hearing and their hearts, and on their eyes there is a covering. Theirs will be an awful doom [...] In their hearts is a disease, and Allah increaseth their disease. A painful doom is theirs because they lie”. (Koran 2:6-10)
  2. “And Allah's is the direction of the way, and some (roads) go not straight. And had He willed He would have led you all aright”. (Koran 16:9)
  3. “And Allah guideth not the disbelieving folks. For such are they, whose hearts and ears and eyes Allah hath sealed. And such are the heedless. Assuredly in the Hereafter they are the losers”. (Koran 16:107-109)
  4. “As for him who disbelieveth, I shall leave him in contentment for a while, and then I shall compel him to the doom of Fires of Hell -a hapless journey's end!” (Koran 2:126)
  5. “For he whom Allah causeth to go astray, thou (O Muhammad) wilt not find a way for him: O ye who believe! Choose not disbelievers for (your) friends in place of believers. Would ye give Allah a clear warrant against you?” (Koran 4:143-144)
  6. “Lo! For those who disbelieve and deal in wrong, Allah will never forgive them; neither will He guide them unto a road, except the road of hell, wherein they will abide forever. And that is ever easy for Allah.” (Koran 4:168-169)

The spoken words of al-iLah overlap with those phrases such as “superiority of Muslims”, “making no friends with non-Muslims”, and “incitement to dislikes, hate and suppression” etc. They promote general dislikes, distancing from other beliefs and owning superiority – making an "enemy-picture" between Muslims and non-Muslims, whereas other verses directly incite hatred, violence and war.

And thanks exactly to such sacred teachings, Islam and non-Muslims has a very dark history – not quite black, but nearly – in spite of the use of good points as glossy flagships in official Islamic speeches and propagandas. While it is not entirely black, if you take into consideration the Mecca part of Quranic verses, but only when you “forget” that the softer attitude of the Quran in Meccan verses have basically overridden by the much harsher Medina Surahs, cruel and inhuman toward non-Muslims.

But beware that few, if any, of the ethical codes behind even this softer part of Islamic teachings were in fact not new ideas of Muhammad or Islamic Allah. They were taken/copied in thoughts mainly from neighboring cultures – Jewish, Christian, Persian and old Pagan Bedouin Arab cultures and religions.

To mention two of Islam’s “flagship” teachings, which we get to hear always:

  1. Muhammad put an end to killing girl babies (Koran 6:51)” – This is true, but a one blown out of proportion. It is clear – and also agreed by Muslim scholars – that while such killings happened, but only seldom. And Arab wise men were already condemning the practice before Muhammad. Muhammad simply picked up the thoughts of other Arab wise men and “sanctified” it as his own religious teaching.

Muslims – Allah’s Superior Race

It is only normal that in certain totalitarian racist system, the ruling group is said to be of better class or superiority, while all others are the marginalized lot. Allah has systematized this in the Koran to an extreme degree, where Muslims are the only worthy sort! Ironically, the Arabs, from the birth of Islam to this day, have reckoned themselves to be better quality Muslims than Muslims of other races, and honorable Muslims from non-Arab races have always criticized this. Below, we will review verses of Mecca part of the Quran that unravel the fact that Islam was racist religion from the very start.

Year 611-614 AD, Surahs 68:

68:8: “…So hearken not to those who deny (the Truth).” – do not bother about the lowly infidels.

68:35-36: “Shall We (Allah) treat the people of Faith (Muslims) like the People of Sin (non-Muslims)? What is the matter with you? How judge you?” Yes, “how judge ye” to believe non-Muslims can be of as good quality humans as Muslims?

Year 612-615 AD, Surahs 53:

53:29: “…shun those who turn away from Our (Allah’s) Message…” Shun the non-Muslims.

Year 614, Surahs 50:

50:24: “…throw into Hell every contumacious Rejecter (of Allah)!” Good Muslims do not end in Hell, so they clearly are much better.

Year 614-615 AD, Surahs 25:

25:44: “They (non-Muslims) are only like cattle -nay, they are worse astray in the Path.” Non-Muslims less worth than cattle. Well, we have heard that in some madrasas (Muslim religious schools) they discuss if non-Muslims have half the value of Muslims or less. It may be true?

Year not later than 614 – 615 AD, Surahs 20:

20:16: “…let not such as believe not therein (in the Koran) but follow their own lusts, divert thee (Muslim) there from...” No, it is much better to be a Muslim.

Year 614-615 AD, Surahs 35:

007 35/8: “Is he, then, to whom the evil of his conduct is made alluring (non-Muslims)… (equal to one who is rightly guided)?” Of course not – Muslims are much better, of course. This even though the famous Muslim al-Ghazali (1058-1111 AD) - "the greatest Muslim after Muhammad", according to Islam – marked the end of any new thinking in any science in the eastern and central Muslim world with his book "The Incoherence of the Philosophers" against philosophy in 1095 AD. For more than 900 years, there have not come one single new thought or idea bringing humanity forward in any kind of science, "humanoria" included, from the Muslim world, Mahgreb/Spain excluded. (There the ability and freedom to think yourself lasted another ca. 100 years – the death of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in 1198 can arbitrarily be said to mark the end there). Not one single new thought or new idea in over 900 years! Among now some 1.2 BILLION people! Yes, it has really to be said: It is difficult to match Muslims and Islam.

Actually, for long times, new ideas meant punishment or even death penalty in some places, although after some time it was agreed on that new ideas building on the Koran and the Hadiths could be accepted, but all other ideas were “Bad new thoughts” and negative or punishable.

35:19: “The blind (non-Muslims) and the seeing (Muslims) are not alike…” No, a blind man – like Stevie Wonder – has no value!

35:20: “Nor (alike) are the depths of Darkness (meaning non-Muslims*) and the Light (meaning Muslims)…” Logically, as true as a number of other loose statements that is in the Koran. But is a religion and culture that do not bring one single new thought or idea benefiting man for more than 900 years – and that is literally speaking – really represents light?

35:21: “Nor (alike) are the (chilly) shade (non-Muslims) and the (genial) heat of the sun (Muslims)…” Is it here symbolic that in Paradise there is shade according?

35:22: “Nor (alike) are those who are living (Muslims) and those that are dead (non-Muslims).” In a stagnant civilization of the intellectually living-dead (see 35/8), this is likely to be true of course. (But there have been some small tendencies to new intellectual life the last some 60 years – though not enough to bring forth new ideas, only to question some of the old ones).

Is it symbolic that intellectual life in medieval Islam lasted longest in the West (Mahgreb/Spain?)? But Muslims are best according to this verse and many more in the Koran.

Year 614-615 AD, Surahs 38:

38:28: “Shall We (Allah) treat those who believe and work deeds of righteousness (Muslims) the same as those who do mischief on earth (non-Muslims)?” Of course not – Muslims are the best and deserves the best treatment. Just like the Nazis in Germany, the Chinese in Mao's China, the Serbs under Milochewich or communists under Pol Pot, to mention a few.

38:28: “Shall We (Allah) treat those who guard against evil (Muslims), the same as those who turn away from the right (non-Muslims)?” Above we have commented the quotations – and will comment more. But read them alone and pretend you are a believing Muslim. Lots of such statements make an impression, and build up something inhuman inside a person who comes to believe it. (May be a reason why the humanitarian organizations mainly originate in the West, not f. ex. in the rich Saudi Arabia? - a fundamental difference somewhere deep down?)

Year 615-617 AD, Surahs 39:

39:9: “Is one (Muslim) who worship devotedly during the hours of the night - (like one who does not (non-Muslim)…?” According to the Koran, there is big difference. And who in a primitive or brain-washed audience or in an audience WANTING to believe, understand they are manipulated?

39:9: “Are those equal, those who know (Muslims) and those (non-Muslims) who do not know?” Statements and questions like this is a psychologically efficient way to build up a belief in “our” own superiority and the inferiority and badness of the rest. Many dictators frequently use similar technique – be it countries or organizations. The not too intelligent and/or those with limited education mostly do not understand they are manipulated.

39:9: “It is those (Muslims) who are endued with understanding that receives admonition”. This is another efficient way of manipulating: Flatter. Especially the ones not endowed with too much reasoning power, easily like to believe things like this. It makes their self-esteem swell. And if other groups in addition are said to be inferior to them, that surely does not hurt their self-esteem either.

39:19: “Is, then, one against whom the decree of Punishment is justly due (non-Muslim) (equal to one who eschews evil (Muslims)”. Still another technique for manipulation. In this case, partly to induce real discrimination, “they” are bad people and cannot be compared to “us”. Maybe we even had better shun them – or do worse?

39:22: “Is one whose heart Allah has opened to Islam (Muslims) - - - (no better than one hardhearted (non-Muslim)”. Of course Muslims are the best – at least according to the Koran. Good for the self-esteem, at least for the ones needing a boost of the same – which often includes the rubble in a society.

39:24: “Is, then, one (non-Muslim) who has to fear the brunt of the Penalty (Hell) on the Day of Judgment - - - (like one (Muslim) who guarded there from)?” Like 39/22.

39:29: “…most of them (non-Muslims) have no knowledge.” But Muslims of course have, and are much better people. This included not one single new thought promoting the life of man for some 900 years in the Muslim world. Actually, there is a well-known Hadiths saying something like ‘All new ideas (“bida” in Arab) are heresy (“wrong teaching”), all heresy is wrong, and everything that is wrong leads to hell’. Islam found a way to moderate it a little, though: If a new idea – a “bida” – is in accordance with the Koran and Hadith and all decisions are made by consensus among the leading learned Muslims through the times (such decisions are called “ijima” in Arab), the new idea may – may – be a acceptable “bida”.

Under such conditions, it is not strange that few new ideas emerges – and none that is not meant to question (or at least not conflict with) old ideas, not to mention with the religion.

Year 616-618 AD, Surahs 40:

40:58: “Not equal are the blind (non-Muslim*) and those who (clearly) see (Muslims)”. According to the Koran the answer is obvious - and the self-esteem of Muslims increased. There is a feeble feeling, though, that something is wrong. On the ones side a book relying only on the words of a somewhat special man, and a book containing lots and lots of the hallmarks of cheating, swindling and deceiving. On the other a culture that in spite of mistakes - f. ex. taking colonies like each and every empire and even smaller powers have done throughout all times, included Arabia and other Muslim states - has brought most humans a very much better life the last few hundred years - just in medicine the poor today often are better off than the richest king was just 100 years ago.

As far as we know, not a single of those medicines originated in the Muslim world. Neither did one single of the other new ideas. But, in a society where only the next world (real or imagined or wrong -as it is built on a book with lots of mistakes) really counts, the Muslims after all are the elite class?

40:58: “…nor are (equal) those who believe and work deeds of righteousness (Muslims) and those who do evil (non-Muslims)”. This is obvious.

Year 616-618 AD, Surahs 41:

41:33: “Who is better in speech than one who calls (men) to Allah, works righteousness, and (is Muslim)?” Of course “we” – the Muslims – are best. Muhammad did not know the word psychology, we think, but he understood people and how to pep them up.

41:40: “Which is better? - he (the non-Muslim) that is cast into the Fire, or he (the Muslim) that comes safe through…” Does anyone feel a wisp the word “discrimination” or the lack of proof?

Year 616-618 AD, Surahs 45:

45:21: “What! Do those who seek after evil ways (non-Muslims) think We (Allah) shall hold them equal with those who believe (Muslims) and do righteous deeds - - -?” Except for that there is a question whether it is a righteous deed, for a thousand years to give their believers education only in Muslim sciences – all knowledge that was needed to study Islam, mainly religion and Arab and related knowledge – but block as many believers as possible from all “foreign sciences” – all other knowledge, which was the case at least from al-Ghazali ("The Incoherence of the Philosophers") at the end of the 11th century (in Spain about 100 years later). Except for things like that, may be the Koran is right: Muslims are at the top of quality.

Year 618-619 AD, Surahs 67:

67:22: “Is then one who walks headlong, with face groveling (non-Muslims), better guided - or one who walks evenly on a Straight Way (Muslim)?” A rhetorical question with an obvious answer where Muslims of course are the best… Especially, when they obey Allah and make war or in other ways kill or suppress non-Muslims - they are the on top of the social and moral human pyramids?

Year 620 earliest, Surahs 34:

34:33: “We (Allah) shall put yokes on the necks of the Unbelievers: it would only be a requital for their (ill) Deeds.” That is what those bad people deserve. They are not better.

Year 621 AD, Surahs 6:

6:21: “Who doth more wrong than he (non-Muslim) who invented a lie (said something else than Muhammad) against Allah and His Signs (none of whom is logically valid proofs)?” No, it is not possible to be more wrong than the non-Muslims. “We” (Muslims) are morally and in other ways far superior. But, do Islam really have a moral or ethical philosophy? In that case, we have never seen it. They have some commandments and codes from Muhammad – and some of them are horrible. That is all we have found.

Year 621 AD, Surahs 28:

28:61: “Are (these two) alike? - one to whom We (Allah) have made a goodly promise (Muslim) - - - and one (non-Muslim) who We have given the good things of this life, but who (will go to Hell)?” Another rhetoric question with an obvious answer enlarging “our” self-esteem and feelings of righteousness. But with an addition: many religions have a problem with non-believers or not-so-good believers, who have a good life in this world so as Islam. But the Koran explains it very simply like some other religions: “It is Allah who in his unfathomable wisdom has decided it like that – to try the bad person or for some other reason only Allah understands – but Allah is going to punish him in the next life”. A fulfilling explanation that leaves the others envy half satisfied, and their gloating also half satisfied – and our self-esteem at least on par or a little in plus. You find this argument in variations time and again in the Koran.

AND FINALLY: Allah has never – EVER – proved his existence or any connections to his holy prophet. There only were words… The cheater and the betrayer (e.g. Khybar and its peace-talk delegation). All belief systems, both older and newer, are of wishful thinking of imaginary psychological constructs & fanciful delusions.

To be continued…