I came across this via an email from an old Muslim friend. He still has hopes of me changing my kafir ways…? He wants to make me understand that Islam is the truest religion and he is trying to convince me by sending this proof!
So, read below and make up your mind as according to this proof, Islam is the best religion and all the other religion is just lies…
There was a young man who went overseas to study for quite a long time. When he returned, he asked his parents to find him a religious scholar or any expert, who could answer his 3 Questions. Finally, his parents were able to find a Muslim scholar.
Young man: Who are you? Can you answer my questions?
Scholar: I am one of Allah’s (SubHana Wa Ta`ala’s) slaves and Insha-Allah (God willing), I will be able to answer all your questions.
Young man: Are you sure? A lot of professors and experts were not able to answer my questions.
Scholar: I will try my best, with the help of Allah (SubHana WaTa`ala).
Young Man: I have 3 questions: 1) Does God exist? If so, show me His shape. 2) What is taqdir (fate)? And 3) If shaitan (Devil) was created from the fire, why at the end he will be thrown to hell that is also created from fire. It certainly will not hurt him at all, since Shaitan (Devil) and the hell were created from fire. Did God not think of it this far?
Suddenly, the Scholar slapped the young man's face very hard.
Young man (feeling pain): Why do you get angry at me?
Scholar: I am not angry. The slap is my answer to your three questions.
Young Man: I really don't understand.
Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?
Young man: Of course, I felt the pain.
Scholar: So do you believe that pain exists?
Young man: Yes.
Scholar: Show me the shape of the pain!
Young man: I cannot.
Scholar: That is my first answer. All of us feel God's existence without being able to see His shape... Last night, did you dream that you will be slapped by me?
Young man: No!
Scholar: Did you ever think that you will get a slap from me today?
Young man: No, Scholar: That is takdir (fate) my second answer........ My hand that I used to slap you, what is it created from?
Young man: It is created from flesh.
Scholar: How about your face, what is it created from?
Young man: Flesh.
Scholar: How do you feel after I slapped you?
Young man: In pain.
Scholar: That’s it! This is my third answer. Even though Shaitan (Devil) and also the hell were created from the fire, if Allah wants, Insha-Allah (God willing), the hell will become a very painful place for Shaitan.
“Whoever wants to adopt another way except Islam then his/her that way will never be accepted and on the Day of Judgment he/she will be total failure and unfortunate.” -Al Quran 3:85. “Near Allâh the Deen (the way to live a life) is only Islâm. Those people, whom the Scripture was given whatever different ways they have adopted except this Deen (Islam), there was no other reason for their this behavior except that they did so to do unjust with each other after knowledge had come and whoever refuses to obey the orders and guidance of Allâh it does not take longer for Allâh to call them to account”. -Al Quran 3:19
“HE is Allâh WHO has sent HIS Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) with Guidance and the True Deen (Islamic Way of Life/Religion-Islam) so that to make it dominating over all kinds of Deens (ways of life/Religions) and the Witness of Allâh is Sufficient for this truth.” -Al Quran (48-28). So, these verses clearly state that no other religion except Islam is acceptable to Allah now. All other religions are banned by Allah. This is the reason that other religion people are declared by Allah as disbelievers.
In Quran in Surah Bani Israil, verses 85-86, it is written “People is asking you O’Prophet (sav) about Ruh (soul). You tell them that Ruh is the thing created by the command of my Rabb (Allah). No more but a very few have been given knowledge about it.” Further, in Quran there is a mention of “Ilm al Ladunni” The ilm –knowledge given to khwaja Khizar (AS). This Ilm Ladunni is mentioned in Surah Kahaf in quran. These two are the secret knowledge by which very few people are blessed. Most pious friends of Allah like Najmuddin Qubara (R.A.) got these secret knowledge. These verses prove that secret knowledge people are living in the Muslims and they are helping the believers’ souls with the permission of Allah. These wisdom people know who the frauds are and who are on the truth. The system of the truth is thus secured and saved to protect universe.
In holy book quraan, in surah Bakarah, it has been mentioned that those who are killed in the way of Allah are not to be called as dead, but they are alive but you (people) do not know. The verse is “la takulu le mayyuktalo fi sabilillahe amawaat bal ahayaa walakin la tashourun” Here, those who are killed for the sake of Allah are called Shahids (martyr) and they are always alive. Now in holy book , it is mentioned in ayat 69 of surah Al Nisa that the nabiyyin, siddiqin,Shohadas (martyrs) and saalehin are considered to be best friends of Allah upon whom he granted prizes (ne’amat) and at other place in quran further stated that they (these friends) are happy with Allah and Allah is happy with them. So, the true belief is that all friends of Allah are alive as martyrs are belonged to this group who are alive according to quraan. In surah Aley Imran in quran, in verse 169 it is written that “ wa laa tahsabanna allazin qotelu fi sabilillah……” do not imagine the martyrs who are killed in the way of Allah as dead, but they are alive and they are provided provisions (rizk) by their lord.
In Surah Al Nisa verse number 80 in quran it is written “Whoever obeys Rasool (Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in fact he/she has obeyed Allâh. And whoever turns away, then anyhow we have not sent you on those people as a custodian” clearly implies that obeying of Prophet (Pbuh) is obeying Allah. The obeying itself includes any order which may include seeking help from him (person to whom an order is given). This is the reason why the companions of the Prophet (pbuh) used to go for help. The friends of Allah are alive, their graves are considered as the signs of Allah. When they are alive, their divine help can reach everywhere. In surah Ambiya verse 91, Hazarata Maryam (AS) and Hazarat Isa (AS) have been written as symbol for alamin (creation). So, the prophets, the siddiquin, the saalehin and the martyrs may be considered as symbols and so as their resting places (shrines) also. To respect these shrines is a good and noble thing. The prophet of Islam has been admired by holy quran in surah ahjaab saying him as Siraaj-um-muniraa. (Meaning very brightening sun). Now see, if the sun of this world is seen around half of the globe at a time, and that it will last till qayaamat – a day of judgement, what may be the position of the sun of risaalat ( Siraj-um-muniraa ) told by Allah. Undoubtedly our beloved prophet can be present everywhere anytime he may wish. Ayat of surah tauba in quran “lakad jaakum rasulum min anfosekum ………Raufurrahim” tells that prophet has been sent towards us from mankind for mankind and who gets woes when monenin (believers) are in trouble and he is well wishers and rahim for the believers. The properties of Arrauof and Arrahim have been assigned to him to help the momenin of all times and all places till qayaamat-a day of judgement. This clearly states that the prophet is alive and is helping to the believers of all times and at all corners of the earth. Our prophet is assigned a property of Rahamtal lil Alamin. (Rehmat for all Worlds). In quran in surah ambiyaa it is stated “wa maa arsalnaak illa rahamatal lil aalamin” The meaning is that “and you are sent for no other cause but rehmat-the blessings for all worlds.” It should be noted that in quran, in surah al Ahzaab in ayat number 45 it is written that “Ya ayyohannabi inna arsalanak shahidaun wa mubashsheraun…sirajam munira” “O prophet, we have sent you as witnessing, giving happy news, fear warning and calling towards Allah by the order of Allah and as a shining (brightening) sun (or lamp)” Everybody knows what should be the attributes (qualities) of a good witness. The witness must be physically present at the place of an event for which he/she is witnessing. Further, witness must have seen and recognized the characters of an event. So, all the doubts about attributes of the prophets and friends of Allah are now removed. From this, one can easily differentiate between the true akidah and bad akidah people. Some people argue that we must be unite and should not differentiate among Muslims! But bad akidah people cannot be true Muslims. Can we mix milk with a curd (yogurt)? If the milk say that the curd is from the milk so let us unite (the curd and the milk), then what will be the result? In stead of curd becoming milk, the milk itself becomes curd. This is the reason our beloved prophet warned us about various groups and told that only one group is on right path and that will go to jannah. In holy book quran, in ayat two of surah Hujarat, “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la tarfau aswaatakum……. Wa antum laa tashourun” states that “o believers do not keep your voice louder than the voice of nabi (Pbuh) while talking to him as usually you talk loudly to each other while you talk to each other, lest your good deeds should be destroyed and you even cannot know” This ayat is alarming us that even to speak louder in front of nabi (pbuh) is treated as insult to him and becomes a reason to destroy our good deeds. Now think of those who speak displeasing words about our prophet by one or other way. What will happen to those people? Their good deeds are vanished without their knowledge. They will know this thing at the time of Day of Judgment. Normally, if someone drinks wine, a sin will be written in his or her account as wine is prohibited in Islam but this sin will not erase his or her good deed like salaat (namaaz), fasting, etc. This clearly implies that to insult or to displease nabi or any friend of Allah becomes so great sin that cause all previous merits (sawaab) of good deeds destroyed. Further, in ayat number 104 in surah bakarah, holy quran teaches us “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la takulu raaenaa wa kulun zurranaa….azaban alim” do not say raaenaa (to his beloved prophet pbuh) and say anzurnaa and listen to him (prophet) and there is tremendous woes (azaab) to disbelievers (infidels). The word raaenaa has good meaning in arabic language but it has abusive (mean) meaning in the dictionary of jews. So, Allah declared through quran that it will be considered as insult to his prophet if some word is used for his prophet who has abusive meaning in any language of the universe even though there is no intention to do any kind of insult. The history of descending this ayat was that the companions of prophet (pbuh) used to say the word raaenaa just to request the repetition of meaning what prophet talked of during holy speeches. Though, the intention of the companions was never to have any kind of bad meaning, the quran ordered not to say any word which can have bad meaning in any other language or dictionary. Thus clear indication is that Allah wants no smell of disrespect of his beloved prophet from near or far. Any kind of disrespect to prophet or friends of Allah will be considered as a sin of so high magnitude that it will erase all good deeds of a person. Only disbelief (kufr) can make the good deeds erased and this ayat relates the sin as good as that of kufr (disbelief). So, come to true akidah and make our prophet happy by whatever way you can. The akidah shown in this essay will definitely make our prophet happy. These beliefs are adopted by the saints and friends of Allah. In holy book quran, in ayat two of surah Hujarat, “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la tarfau aswaatakum……. Wa antum laa tashourun” states that “o believers, do not keep your voice louder than the voice of nabi (Pbuh) while talking to him as usually you talk loudly to each other while you talk to each other, lest your good deeds should be destroyed and you even cannot know.” This ayat is alarming us that even to speak louder in front of nabi(pbuh) is treated as insult to him and becomes a reason to destroy our good deeds. Now think of those who speak displeasing words about our prophet by one or other way. What will happen to those people? Their good deeds are vanished without their knowledge. They will know this thing at the time of Day of Judgment. Normally, if someone drinks wine, a sin will be written in his or her account as wine is prohibited in Islam but this sin will not erase his or her good deed like salaat(namaaz), fastings etc. This clearly implies that to insult or to displease nabi or any friend of Allah becomes so great sin that cause all previous merits (sawaab) of good deeds destroyed. Further, in ayat number 104 in surah bakarah, holy quran teaches us “ya ayyohallajina aamanu la takulu raaenaa wa kulun zurranaa….azaban alim” do not say raaenaa(to his beloved prophetpbuh) and say anzurnaa and listen to him(prophet) and there is tremendous woes(azaab) to disbelievers(infidels). The word raaenaa has good meaning in arabic language but it has abusive (mean) meaning in the dictionary of jews. So, Allah declared through quran that it will be considered as insult to his prophet if some word is used for his prophet which has abusive meaning in any language of the universe even though there is no intention to do any kind of insult. The history of descending this ayat was that the companions of prophet(pbuh) used to say the word raaenaa just to request the repetition of meaning what prophet talked of during holy speeches. Though, the intention of the companions was never to have any kind of bad meaning, the quran ordered not to say any word which can have bad meaning in any other language or dictionary. Thus clear indication is that Allah wants no smell of disrespect of his beloved prophet from near or far. Any kind of disrespect to prophet or friends of Allah will be considered as a sin of so high magnitude that it will erase all good deeds of a person. Only disbelief (kufr) can make the good deeds erased and this ayat relates the sin as good as that of kufr (disbelief). So, come to true akidah and make our prophet happy by whatever way you can. The akidah shown in this essay will definitely make our prophet happy. These beliefs are adopted by the saints and friends of Allah. In surah Mudassir, verse 25 it states that “This is a word of a human.” Word is meant here as quran and human is meant for Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). These words were spoken by the non believers but in the immediate next verse Allah replies to non-believers that “Soon I shall throw them in hell fire” Now think about this. Some so called today’s Muslims used to say our prophet as human being only. Such people must see the reply given by Allah. Hence the strong faith Muslims today call such people as one kind of present day munaafiq. And due to this they avoid to perform salat behind faulty akidah imam. When Allah made (His) covenant with the prophets, (He said): “Behold that which I have given you of the Scripture and knowledge. And afterward there will come unto you a messenger (Prophet Mohammed-Pbuh), confirming that which you possess; you shall believe in him and you shall help him.” He said: “Do you agree, and will you take up my burden (which I lay upon you) in this (matter)?” They (All the Prophets) answered: “We agree.” He said: “Then bear witness each other and I will be a witness upon you.” – [Quran 3:81]. These verses are the dialogue of Allah with All prophets’ souls in the world of souls before the creation of physical humans on this earth. Allah made a covenant from the all the souls of the Prophets that they must obey and help Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in whose time he would descend on the earth. This was the condition to obtain prophet-hood for all the Prophets! From this one can understand the reality of Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh). If any Prophet had refused this covenant, his Prophet-hood would have lost! Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) became the leader of all the Prophets and he lead the prayers in Al Aqsa Mosque at the time during the me’raj, the ascension towards heaven and above to meet Allah. As Prophet was descended as a final Prophet, all the Prophets asked Allah about how they could obey Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) according to covenant as he was descended last, Allah ordered them to meet him and follow him in the prayers during night journey of me’raj. This was the reason why All the Prophets were gathered to meet Prophet Mohammed (Pbuh) in Al Aqsa mosque. In Surah Al Ahzaab, verse -6(quran) it is written “Annabiyyo awla bilmu’menin min anfosehim wa azwazohu ummahatohum” meaning that the Prophet (Mohammed-Pbuh) is nearer to mo’menin than their lives/souls and his wives are mothers of mo’menin. So, the prophet is near to all believers till qayamat (judgment day) in such a way that he is more nearer than believers’ souls. It must be noted that word “mo’min” is used. It means that he is near to only true believers and not to all humans. So, the qafirs and munafiqs are avoided from nearness. So, one can easily recognize the bad aqidah people who say that prophet is not near and “Ya Rasulallah” cannot be said! True aqidah people say “Ya Rasulallah” because they know that prophet is very near, near than their souls and listen to them.
Abu Jahal, one of the disbelievers' leader came to Prophet and told "Your face is good but this mole on your face make it distractive." The Prophet replied "You are correct." He went away. After some time, a pious devotee, hazarat Abu Bakar (RA) arrived at the same place. The Prophet and his companions were sitting at the same place. Hazarat Abu Bakar told the Prophet "You face is shining like a sun and on it this marvelous mole makes it so beautiful and attractive." The Prophet replied "You are correct" Listening the same words for both the persons, the companions sitting on the same place exclaimed. They told the Prophet "What is the matter that you replied the same though Abu Jahal's and Abu Bakar's statements were totally opposite?" The Prophet explained "Abu Jahal spoke what his heart looked and Abu Bakar told what his heart looked. The Prophets are like mirror. Everybody sees his or her face in that mirror." In holy quran in Surah al Qalam there is a verse mentioning of an abusive word used by one disbeliever to the Prophet of Islam. In reply, Allah revealed that person's ten abusive attributes out of which one was that he was a son of his illegitimate father. On listening to this revelation, he went to his mother angrily. His mother agreed that he was a son of the illegitimate father who was employed by his so called father as a slave and working on the farms. So, the persons who used to tell bad words to the good ones behave like this due to fault in their blood or due to improper mind situation like arrogance, madness or depression etc. So, the Islam and book of Islam is so universal that it guides for the character of people too. People’s character can be easily identified by his or her talks about holy persons and the Prophets.
Well, after going thru his email, my head started to spin. It is that Al-lah made me sick of something but it was due to the gibberish that was spoken by this scholar. Now my faith of unbelief has grown even stronger and I laughed at the thought of such praising of the Prophet of Islam!
I remembered Ali Sina’s words: ‘Islam should be flushed down the toilets’….
I did it, what about you???