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While Muslims deny it, Allah was the pre-Islamic "Moon-God" of the Arab pagans; Islamic Allah Himself says it in the Quran...

For many centuries, Muslims have been boasting and exaggerating that the Quran is the only book on earth that is still in its original form, without a word or letter being altered since it has been passed through Muhammad to their followers some 1,400 years ago. But in the last century, it has been researched widely to probe whether the Quran is the word of God (Allah) or made up by a human or humans. After thorough research, many intellectuals and historians prove that there are not only numberless flaws and errors in this book, but also it shows us the high degree of misconception of Muslims. All Muslims believe that if a Muslim has any doubt about the Quran, he/she will be considered murtad (infidel) and the punishment of such an infidel, according to Islamic law, is death with brutality in this life, and eternal Hellfire in the hereafter. Thus, every Muslim is bound to be staunch in his/her belief that the Quran is a book that stands today as it was revealed 14 centuries ago.

The topic of this article is that the same Quran proves that Allah was a pagan god before Islam, whom the Arabians, especially Meccans, venerated, and prayed to, in pre-Islamic days. But Muslims’ belief regarding Allah (god) is totally different. They firmly deny that Allah is or was the god of the pagans, also known as “Moon God”. We will probe this point in light of the Quran as to how Allah, unknowingly, made a mistake and got himself caught in Sura Nahl, verse 57 (Quran 16:57). The verse goes as follows:

quran 16:57

Translation: "And they attribute to Allah daughters - exalted is He - and for them is what they desire."

If we think logically for a moment, this verse itself proves that Allah, without doubt, was a god of the pagans of Arabia. It should be noted why Allah felt guilty of, or angry about, having offspring that were attributed to him by the pagans. If Allah was not the god of the pagans, but rather god of Adam, Jews, Christians, Muslims and of all universe, why the pagans needed to claim Allah have daughters that made no sense to him. In this verse Allah uses his name, who, the pagans attributed, had daughters. If Allah would be different god from one of those of pagans of Arabia, the pagans would never have claimed that Allah has daughters. Instead, they would have attributed goddesses al-Lat, la--Mannat and al-Uzza to being the daughters of their own pagan god, not Allah.

Likewise, similar are the verses 53:19-21, in which Allah again complains that the pagans associating Allah with having daughters. Though, Allah didn’t reveal his name in such verses but referred to himself. Verses are as follows:

Quran 53:19

Translation: "So have you considered al-Lat and al-'Uzza?" [53:19]

Quran 53:20

Translation: "And Manat, the third - the other one?" [53:20]

Quran 53:21

Translation: "Is the male for you and for Him the female?" [53:21]

This is crystal-clear that Allah was same god worshiped by masses of the Arab pagans.

I have stated earlier that Muslims firmly believe in originality of the Quran; that they can never doubt, at any cost, that Quran was ever been corrupted. I don’t know how Muslims see these verses, and how they explain them. But one thing I know, a large number of Muslims, unintentionally, ignore many flaws and errors when they read the Quran.


If, after this clear truth, Muslims are still adamant to their false belief that Allah was not a pagan god, then I think they are rejecting the verses, therefore, blaspheming against the Quran. So, they should be considered infidels, because they do not entertain the basic and essential requirements of the Islamic beliefs and shariah laws.