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Half of the members of Islamic Pakistan's National and Provincial Assembly hold fake degrees, and they are not ashamed of it...

Pakistani parliament is based on national and provincial assemblies. Members of national assemblies are known as MNAs and members of provincial assemblies are known as MPAs. There are 342 seats in the National Assembly. Thus, only 342 persons can be elected from all of Pakistan to represent the people at the National Assembly. The minimum educational requirement for the MNAs and MPAs is an F. A. (Faculty of Arts).

National Assembly is a parliament where bills are passed and laws are created to better serve the country. If needed, the constitution can be amended. In parliament, if more than half of its members are against the Prime Minister, they can send him home packing.

Educational System in Pakistan

The education system of the Islamic State of Pakistan is different from western educational system. In Pakistan, for any low-class job, one needs the Matriculation, which is equivalent to 10th grade. After that, there is a certificate of F. A. (Faculty of Arts), which takes two years after matriculation, i.e.  11th and 12th grade; it is also known as higher secondary education. B. A. (Bachelor of Arts) degree is further two years program after F. A. certificate.

Matriculation                                      10th grade

F. A. (Faculty of Arts)                         11th and 12th grade                  2 years

B. A. (Bachelor of Arts)                       13th and 14th grade                  2 years

M. A. (Master of Arts)                         15th and 16th grade                  2 years

In western countries Bachelors degree is for four years.

For the last couple of months, it has been a fiery issue in Pakistan parliament that about a half of the parliament's members are proven to hold fake degrees. Instead of feeling ashamed of their forgery, they started fiery protest against the department of HEC (Higher Education Commission), which verifies degrees. The news of fake degree holders spread across the country instantly over the electronic media and national news and local papers. Not only men but also women, who were involved in producing fake degrees, hurled their cursing words at the electronic media, while sitting in the parliament. They were insisting that their degrees are original. The same happened in provincial assemblies; some of their members were disqualified for presenting fake degrees.

It seems to us that those fake degree holders in the National and Provincial assemblies of Pakistan were professionally milkmen, cobblers, hair dressers, mistiri (auto mechanic) and pickpockets, and lead their lives very miserably. It is a common thinking of an ordinary Pakistani that politics is very easy way to make big money. Politicians are mostly safe, and through both black and white ways, they easily loot big money.

The reason behind this psychology is that in the last two decades, power in Pakistan has changed hands between the two main parties, Pakistan People's Party (PPP) and the Muslim League. Presently President Zardari of PPP, famous for his role in money laundering, corruption and Swiss banking scandal, is leading country. Former Prime Minister of Mian Nawaz Sharif is not less famous in such scandals than Zardari; he also went to jail in fraud charges.

The headache for HEC has been increased when some universities in Sindh (a province of Pakistan) are refusing to agree with the HEC. Apparently they sold degrees and now if they act upon the HEC judgment, employees of those universities will be in trouble.

Whatsoever is the situation, but one thing is clear that these fake degree holders are all Muslims living in an Islamic State, and they dream of establishing shariah law across the country and in the whole world, but they have no scruples in presenting forge documents and degrees to stand for public offices.

It reminds me the recorded history of the prophet of Muslims who was dishonest and of bias mentality. He chopped off the hand of a woman for stealing, but forgave the person who tried to informed Meccans of Muhammad's intention of attacking Mecca. When his attempt foiled and he was convicted guilty, Muhammad forgave him, saying that he was with Muslims in the battle of Badr, despite the fact that this was treason and he deserved severe punishment, no matter what. Muslims are just following their dishonest prophet in all aspects.