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Head-to-toe veils are often being used by Muslim male criminals, terrorists and even secret-lovers to avoid identification. Could Muhammad have used the same to ploy to enter his daughter-in-law Zaynab's house to see her semi-naked???

In mid-2007, an event transpired in the Pakistani capital, where numerous youths, brain-washed young men and women, lost their lives for standing against the Pakistani government and resisting army’s operation against the Lal Mosque in Islamabad, a Jihadi terrorist-breeding Islamic seminary, which had been besieged for several weeks. Before the siege, there was a deluge of suicidal bombings by Islamic terrorists in Pakistan, which targeted both civilians and security officers.  Lal Mosque also acted as madrassa, wherein both men and women learned radical Islamic teachings. The Mosque was producing militants and terrorists, and had, secretly, accumulated underground large amount of explosives and weapons.

Maulana Abdul Aziz, the leader of the Lal Mosque, instructed his students, both men and women, not to surrender to the government under any pressure and resist the army firmly, come what may. On the other side, government was gradually gaining its hold on the Mosque; army officers started announcing for them to surrender to avoid further damage to lives and property. Maulana Aziz, when realized that his position has been weakened and resistance cannot be sustained any further, let his girl-students to leave the mosque in burqa and hijab, and surrender to the army. In the meantime, male-students inside mosque, still fighting, saw the situation going out of their hands.

The news-channels in Pakistan were constantly giving minute-by-minute live-coverage through electronic media, trying to keep the Pakistanis up-to-date about the event. All of a sudden, a breaking news appeared on TV that the leader of the Lal Mosque, Maulana Aziz, has been arrested by a female police officers, while attempting to escape, covered in a burqa (veil), along with other girls. Due to his height, police-officers got suspicious, which prompted them to inspect that doubtful figure covered completely in a black veil. They stopped him and asked for a search. Upon this, other women with Maulana Aziz tried to interrupt in order not to search him. But the officer insisted, and started to fumble the person, touching his body. Upon touching, she realized that the person inside the veil was not of a female but of a male. As a result, she shouted out: ‘that’s male, that’s male, arrest him’. This way, the cowardly Maulana got arrested.

As the news spread across the country like bushfire, Pakistanis felt ashamed that their maulana, as Muslim priest, tried to flee from the battlefield in cowardly, disguised as a woman, covering himself in a black veil. The video of that event is also uploaded on youtube website and can be seen here:

A Brief History of Veiling Women

First of all, Sharia did not introduce veiling of women to hold them in honor in any way, whatsoever. Muslims bragging around that Islam has introduced veiling of women for the first time, because, before Islam, women did not veil; as a result, they had no respect in society.

History tells us that veiling of women was practised even 1,000 years before the advent of Islam. Especially in the Mesopotamian and Greek civilization, women had their own identity and were generally well-respected in society. It is true that prostitutes were still there, but especially the women of noble families wore veils. For example, today we see in Christianity that nuns covered their heads and necks up to their chins.

In Arab society, even before Islam women of the higher class were well-respected in all circumstances and laws of their time. They went out with faces visible like the Jewish women, but the rest of their body was decently covered.

In Pakistan, students in schools are told otherwise. Before Islam, they are told, women in Arabia had no respect; they were buried alive in the period of Ignorance (Jahiliyah). I myself was repeatedly told these stories, and due to lack of maturity of young age, I believed them as be true; but anyways…

 The philosophy of Hijab (veil) in Islam

What Islam had to do with the veil is a very mysterious story. In this religion, Hijab was obligated to protect the modesty of women or not, it also helped them gain tactical gains as we just saw in Maulana Abdul Aziz's use of veil.

One cunning desire of veiling the Muslim women is not only to cover their bodies, but also their faces. Why the faces should be covered? Obviously to hide the identity of person, wandering around! This is a very peculiar aspect of Muslim veiling.

Muhammad command for all women to cover themselves from head to toe also offered him tactical advantage that enabled the prophet and his warrior followers to hide themselves inside veils like women. This allowed them to approach the women of their desire or enter the latter's house, so that other people would not be able to figure out that the person inside veil was a man. The point to be noted that Muslim women always wear and had been worn black cloaks while men had always been wearing white cloaks, as we can see today in middle east.

Did Muhammad use veil to enter semi-naked Zaynab's quarter?

This reminds me the story of love-affair between Muhammad and Zainab, the wife of his adopted son. In this aspect, I would assume that Muhammad, the prophet of Allah, either intentionally went to Zainab's house to fulfill his lustful desire, or to really see his adopted son. Before narrating this story, it should be noted that strangers, especially men, were not allowed into Arab homes, when the male-host were absent. Only women could visit homes in any conditions.

Thus, as Muhammad stepped inside her house, without asking prior permission for entrance, he tried to make his way into her bedroom, where she was lying half-naked. He could enter right into the house, even in Zayd's absence, because he was, probably, fully covered up in black cloak so that other people would not know that it was him.

Women generally do not mind to expose their face, back, arms or legs to some extent to other women. So, when Muhammad likely entered her quarter covered in a veil, she thought it was a female and she didn’t rush to cover her semi-naked body. This gave Muhammad an opportunity to watch her in that state and got fascinated, indeed aroused. Eventually when Muhammad could not resist any further, and uttered a few words in his amazement at her beauty, she got scared and ran to the other side to hide herself.

Had Muhammad visited her house in a manly dress and asked permission to enter, Zainab would definitely cover-up herself, before she would see him. But the history was devised otherwise to draw their Prophet and his followers innocent.

Muslims might call this a ridiculous article. But they should know that a long time after Muhammad’s death, the problem of identity spread became; for example, foreigner spies started intruding into Muslim land by covering themselves in veil. Muslim kings, who kept numerous women as wives and concubines had their own problem: the secret lovers of their women tried to come over to meet the women in king's harem, pretending as a woman covered in black cloaks. There are many stories of such kind and occasionally when culprit was caught, they were severely punished.

 Later on, the rulers decided that the women can cover their bodies save the face. This law was promulgated by some ruler so as to avoid intrusion from foreign borders. There are numerous instances in Islamic history that men have taken up veils to cover themselves to appear as female for meeting their secret lovers, as spies or soldiers. Khalid bin Walid took the cover of veil to deceive the Syrian army in his capture of the city.

Whether Muhammad did go to Zaynab's quarter under the cover of a burqa is not specified. No historian would have the courage to tell the details of the truth about their prophet, lest they would have got beheaded.