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In the previous part of this article, we discussed that an anti-Muhammad confederation, led by Abu Bakar and Umar, had developed during the last days of the Prophet in Medina. In this part, we will see how tactically this gang tricked Allah and his prophet Muhammad in order to achieve their goals.

As mention, Muhammad had quit sleeping with Aisha and Hafsa because of their compliant to his lecherous actions. Allah sent down strict verses, warning them of divorce and cursing them. Since people were observing the 'cold war' between Abu Bakar/Umar and Muhammad, they easily realized that those verses were solely directed at Aisha and Hafsa. Scandals were spiraling all around.

Conquest of Mecca, January 630

Muslims, as a cover-up for the credential of Muhammad and his prophethood, tell us that the Hudaibiya treaty between Muslims and the Pagan Quraish was violated by the Quraish. Thus, Muslims had to wage war against the Quraish to teach them a lesson for breaking the treaty.

Muhammad and his army of 10,000 to 12000 heads -- comprised mainly of Ansar -- attacked Mecca. He showed much greater his amnesty toward the Quraish, his clansmen, than he had shown to the Jews at Khyber, whom he treated with extreme barbarism. The Ansar (helpers) of Medina figured out that Muhammad was not a prophet, but a selfish warlord, hungry for money, women and power.

Muhammad did another stupid mistake when, after the conquest of Mecca, he distributed all the booty among the people of Quraish. The poor Ansars -- who helped Muhammad and his companions in their dire situations and stayed beside him in many battles -- got nothing at all from the captured booty. Muhammad's bias towards the Quraish made it clear to his Medinan followers that he had no regard for them; he still missed his relatives, the Quraish, and was favorable of them. Hence, the Ansars lost their interest in Islam, and participated in intrigues alongside Abu Bakar and Umar. Thus, it is no surprise that many of the Ansars, after returning from the conquest of Mecca, became scattered in different groups.

When the Ansars, dismayed by Muhammad flawed action, returned from Mecca, Abu Bakar perceived their dissatisfaction with Muhammad. This was the golden chance for Bakar and Umar to take the Ansars in confidence in pursuance of their tactical moves against Muhammad.

Failure of Attempted Assassination of Muhammad at Tabuk

Islamic literature informs us that when Muhammad was returning from the expedition of Tabuk, some of his companions devised a plot to kill him. They decided to hide at Aqabah, a narrow path through mountains, which Muhammad had to pass riding his camel. They planned to throw stones at his camel, so that she would be sacred and fall down from mountain along with Muhammad.

But Muhammad’s spies got the wind that some men had already approached the area. Muhammad also recognized the 14 men, who devised the plot. Among the plotters, according to records of Shia and Bakri sects, were Abu Bakar and Umar. The plot thus failed. Allah sent down revelations targeting hypocrites (conspirators) as thus:

And Muhammad is no more than a messenger; many were the messengers that passed away before him; if then he died or is killed, will you then turn back upon your heels? And whoever turns back upon his heels, not the least harm will he do to Allah; and Allah will reward the grateful. (Qur’an 144:3)

Since both the Quran and other Islamic literature affirm this, the story appears authentic; more so because Muhammad stopped participating in further Jihad expeditions after Tabuk, until his mysterious death. The failed attempt of assassinating Muhammad made him scared that his life was now in danger from his own companions. He feared that if he went to Jihad, he might get killed by his own men amidst the upheavals of fighting. Thus, Allah started to reveal chapters about hypocrites condemning what the conspirators were planning against His prophet. Allah came to His prophet's support, threatening the conspirators with catastrophic calamity.

Last Days of Muhammad

Muhammad was certain that something terrible would happen to him through the hands of his followers or his wives (Aisha and Hafsa). To reduce the threat and collective companionship of his opponents, he started sending the conspirators amongst Muslims away on Jihad expeditions for a certain period of time. Muhammad was sure that his opponents amongst his followers were not only against him and wanted to kill him, but also wanted to bring affliction to his son-in-law Ali and daughter Fatima.

Muhammad Husain Haykal writes in his book:

The Muslims did not stay long in Madinah following their return from the Farewell Pilgrimage in Makkah. The Prophet had immediately ordered the mobilization of a large army and commanded it to march on al-Sham. He sent along with that army a number of the elders of Islam, the earliest Muhajirun, among whom were Abu Bakr and Umar. He gave the command of the army to Usama ibn Zayd ibn Harithah. (The Life of Muhammad, Cairo, 1935)

Muhammad undertook those steps, to avoid death at the hands of his followers, as he wanted that his drama of prophethood that he started at the age of forty be proven true, and to put himself in history-books as a true messenger. As Muhammad had already lost only his male-heir Abraham, he now focused on Ali ibn Abu Talib to his seat of power, if something happened to him.

This event reflects Muhammad's intention, given the situation, that he did not want to send his trusted companions to the Jihad expedition of al-Sham; he, instead, wanted to send his opponent away, not only to ensure his safety, but also to work on nominating Ali, his son-in-law, as his successor.

It appears that the conspiracy to end Muhammad's life had been ripe. So, despite Muhammad's repeated orders, the appointed army deliberately delayed the departure. Meanwhile, Muhammad fell terminally sick and the army departed only after Muhammad's death was confirmed and the issue of succession was resolved, which went to the favor of his opponent camp of Abu Bakar and Umar. It appears that Aisha did her job well upon her father's directions to poison her husband.

Umar and Abu Bakar could not show him their antagonism against Muhammad openly during his lifetime. Once they were in control of the government in Medina, they were resolved not to let it fall, through miscalculation, into the hands of Ali. Had they obeyed Muhammad's order to depart for the Jihad expedition, they would have definitely lost power to Ali through Muhammad's stratagem.

In fact, in Muhammad's last days, when he was terminally ill, nearly all control was seized by Umar and Abu Bakar. Consequently, Umar, the arrogant character of the scene, dismissed all orders given by Muhammad. The issue of the pen and paper -- which Muhammad had demanded in his deathbed for giving the final direction to his Ummah -- was dismissed by Umar. Umar claimed that the Quran had been already declared fulfilled; therefore, there was no need of any new verses from Allah, although the prophet was still alive. To this, Umar said: the prophet has lost his mind and is uttering rubbish. Upon this, Islamic history holds records, that Muhammad uttered curses on his followers, and got them out of his room where he eventually died.

Soon after their master’s death and before his burial, the struggle for settling the succession of power started. Abu Bakar and Umar didn’t attend the prophet’s interment, but were busy in plotting to gain power. There was protest from Muhammad's trusted followers; but their number was small, because most knew that Muhammad was not a true prophet. As a result, Allah, Ali and his family were so weak that they couldn’t get what their prophet wanted. The death of Muhammad also proves that Allah was impotent, who couldn’t avert the situation; all he could do is to watch, like a silent spectator, the revolt against His apostle unfurl. All of Allah’s swears and promises -- which he kept mentioning in the verses and His boastings about his powers that He punishes those who trespassed their limits -- seemed nothing but fabricated fairytales.

It is also on record that six months after Muhammad's death, his daughter Fatima, aged about 27-28 years, was also got killed accidently. Abu Bakar sent some men along with Umar to get Ali's vote. Umar, known for his rough personality, broke the door of Ali's house as he wanted to drag Ali out of his house get his vote for Abu Bakar. Fatima, allegedly pregnant, was standing behind the door. The door, swung with brute force by Umar, fell upon her, which killed her.

Today, no one knows where the grave of Ali and Fatima is. However, the conspirators are still buried within the vicinity of Masjid-e-Nabwi, in Medina, where their master is buried.

After Muhammad was successfully delivered from earth, the Fadak state, given to Fatimah and Ali by the prophet, was confiscated from them.

Islamic literature depicts Muhammad as playing an innocent role in this event, in which he was conspiratorially murdered, most likely poisoned by his wives. But to the world, he will never enjoy the character of innocence, given his barbaric personality and creed brought immense brutality and sufferings upon mankind. He was 'Villain par excellence' in the history of humankind. He deserved no better.