Mirza Ghalib
Mirza Ghalib
Miraj in Islamic Scripture: A Collection of Contradictory Fairytales
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 27937
The Islamic scriptures promises 100% entertainment to the readers by its logic and contradictions. For example, a day in heaven is equal to 1000 years on earth according to chapter 22:47 & 32:4 of the Quran. On the other hand a day in heaven is equal to 5000 years in chapter 70:4 of the Quran.
Here is one such sampling of contradiction from the story of Muhammad’s the famous “Night Journey” to heaven, known as ‘Miraj’ among Muslims. There are at least ten contradictions surrounding this one single event.
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When Prophet Muhammad Smiled and Laughed
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 5940
Islamophobes unfairly show the rude and cruel side of Muhammad only. But he also has a soft and graceful side, a smiling face, which should be revealed to the world too as matter of fairness. Even Muhammad’s favorite child-wife Aisha indirectly told in anger that Muhammad was like a tyrant and never laughed.
Narrated 'Aisha: I never saw the Prophet LAUGHING to an extent that one could see his palate, but he always used to smile only. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:73:114)
Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet), I never saw Allah's Apostle LAUGHING loudly enough to enable me to see his uvula, but he used to smile only….” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 6:60:353)
'A'isha, the wife of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him), reported: I never saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) LAUGH to such an extent that I could see his uvula-whereas he used to smile only….” (Sahih Muslim 4:1963)
But there were occasions when he did laugh.
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The Ideal Father-Daughter Relationship between Muhammad and Fatima?
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 5201
Daughters of Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad had over a dozen wives and many sex-slaves in his harem. Only two of those women were supposedly fertile. One was the wealthy old lady Khadija, his first wife, whom 25-year-old Muhammad married when she was 40. The second fertile woman was the Egyptian Coptic slave-girl Mariyah, sent from the harem of the Egyptian king after Muhammad sent him a threatening missive, demanding that Muhammad be accepted as the king and prophet of God. Soon after arriving in Muhammad's harem, Mariyah gave birth to a son, who died after a few months. Islamic scholars claim that all the wives of the prophet, mostly in their 20s or pre-20s, were barren and could not bore him any children.
According to Muhammad's biographical scriptures – the hadith and Sira – Muhammad supposedly had four daughters, all of them from Khadija. But hadith scriptures give a high level of coverage of his very loving daughter Fatima, while saying very little about the other three daughters—namely Zainab, Ruqaiyyah and Umm Kulthum.
In Islam, Muhammad is deemed to be the perfect human being and the ideal father, leader and prophet. The Quran also identifies him as “excellent example of human character” for Muslims to follow until the end of the world. We can, therefore, assume that the relationship between Muhammad and Fatima was the ideal father-daughter relationship that all Muslims must try their best to emulate for all eternity. Let us explore the supposedly ideal father-daughter relationship between Muhammad and Fatima in this essay.
Write comment (24 Comments)Dajjal – The Blind, Barren and False Evil Messiah of the Jews
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In Muslim, especially the Arab, culture, ‘Jew’ and ‘Dajjal’ are the most derogatory terms used to identify a person. Terms like ‘Satan’ or ‘pig’ comes only next. Let us first to learn a little about the Dajjal of Islam.
In Islamic scriptures, Dajjal is mentioned as Messiah ad-Dajjal. The term 'messiah', commonly used in the Jewish and Christian faiths, literally "anointed one", referring to a person who acts as a saviour or liberator of a people. In Islamic scriptures, the added term Dajjal to Messiah gives a negative meaning to the term 'messiah', - meaning a ‘false savior’ or oppressive villain. The term 'Messiah ad-Dajjal' in Islamic scriptures is used to refer to the person in the most derogatory term possible.
Write comment (81 Comments)The During and After Ramadan Scenarios in the Arab World
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Islam's fascinating success as a religion is primarily thanks to its non-Arab followers, who read, pray and practice Islamic terminologies like ‘Alhamdulillah’, ‘Masha Allah’, ‘Subhanallah’, ‘Insha Allah’ in Arabic, an alien language to them. The early Arab conquerors, who were clever politicians too, imposed their ‘religion’ and the Arabic language (only for religious purposes) intentionally on the conquered subjects in non-Arab lands. This policy became an excellent survival tool for their primarily political ‘religion’. Arabic is the ritual language in Islam. Non-Arab Muslims had no choice but to read their holy books (Quran, Hadith etc.) and perform Islamic rituals in Arabic without ever knowing the truth about what lies behind their supposedly peaceful religion.
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