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Recently, I noticed most western social media making fun about a Saudi Sheikh, who was killed years ago by a donkey while he allegedly tried to sodomize the poor animal.

Never criticize Islam without knowing its noble teachings fully

saudi-sheikh-killed-sodomize-donkey-assIt has become a fashion in recent years to make fun about anything and everything related to Islam without analyzing the depth of such incidents. Those who criticize Islam don’t have adequate knowledge about Islam and its founder Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Not that it is their fault, who mock the Prophet (pbuh) of Islam out of ignorance. Instead, it is absolutely the fault of Islam’s so-called Scholars, Mullahs and Imams, who gave up their responsibilities to worldly pleasures, and forgot to deliver the message delivered by our Prophet to the ignorant Kafers. Our prophet (pbuh) strongly insisted Muslims to deliver his message to each and every dirty Kafer till the Day of Resurrection. Though our so-called Scholars failed to deliver the Messages of our beloved Prophet, it becomes the responsibility of each Muslim who read the Islamic scriptures to share the Messages of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) to the unclean infidels.

Convey my teachings to the people – prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

Due to limited space for this article, I’ll give the extracts of hadiths and their numbers, by which the ‘Kafers’ can search the internet and check the detailed hadiths. In Part 1 of this article, let us investigate the reality behind the nasty Islamophobic infidel critics of Saudi Sheikh's sodomy incident and enlighten them about Sodomy and Homosexuality in Islam.

Abu Dawud, Book 25, Hadith 3639: Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) allowed his companions to record his practices as hadiths so as to make easier to his followers to adopt his practices (Sunnah) in their day-to-day life.

Mishkat al Masabih I, p. 173: The Book of Allah and Sunnah of the Prophet is all you need. The apostle said, "I leave with you two things. If you hold fast by them both, you will never be misguided. The Quran and my Sunna"

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 4, Book 56, Hadith 667: The Prophet said, "Convey (my teachings) to the people even if it were a single sentence….

Al Imran 3:31: “...If you love Allah, then follow me (Muhammad)..."

Al Ahzab 33:21: "Ye have indeed in the Apostle of Allah a beautiful pattern of (conduct) for anyone whose hope is in Allah and the Final Day."

Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 1, Book 3, Hadith 98: “…..Do not accept anything save the Hadiths of the Prophet. Circulate knowledge and teach the ignorant, for knowledge does not vanish except when it is kept secretly (to oneself)."

Authenticity of Ahadith

Ahadith (plural of hadith) were collected in abundance, and were screened to such an extent that the watered-down collections of ahadith what we have today were reduced to less than 1% of the initial collections. This was done primarily due to the lack of ‘morality’ in most of the hadiths initially collected. For example, the author of Sahih Al-Bukhari had collected over 600,000 (some other reports assert 900,000) ahadith, of which he kept only 7397 as ‘dependable’. It is a shame on our irresponsible so-called Scholars, Mullahs and Imams for not making available even this less than 1% sanitized traditions of our beloved Prophet (pbuh) to the nonbelievers. Maybe they are just obliging to the following hadith for securing their livelihood:

Teach religion to the people according to their mental calibre” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Vol 1, The book of knowledge, Chapter 50, Hadith 129)

And the Quran also teaches Muslims to lie under its Al-Taqiya doctrine. (Quran: An-Nahl 16:106 & Al-Imran 3:28)

Let us forget the hypocrisy of our scholars and Imams. Here we are to convey the sacred teachings about Sodomy and Homosexuality that penetrated deeply in Islam, and will rub it on the faces of the stupid Kafers, who makes fun of our practices. I strongly ‘condemn’ the dirty criticism of the Kafers and give them the message that “Don’t talk anything against the Islamic sodomy or homosexuality from now on. Do you think you can eradicate Islam by raising the issue of sodomy in Islam? Well, Islam will not exist today without Sodomy and Homosexuality. Without Sodomy and Homosexuality, Islam will be like ‘omelet without an egg’.

Prophet Lot was sent exclusively to the land of sodomy

Islam has a long history of Sodomy and homosexuality.

There were 124,000 failed attempts of our Almighty and All-perfect Allah (saw) for bringing his creation to the righteous path, every time by sending a prophet to them in the tiny part (i.e. the Middle East) of the vast world. Amongst them, Prophet Lot was sent exclusively to the people of sodomy and homosexuality. Although the story of Prophet Lot in the Quran was copied from the Bible, it is not approved by us Muslims, as usual. The Quran contains several references to "the people of Lut", the biblical Lot, citing the residents of Sodom and Gomorrah (ref. Quran 7:80–84, 11:77–83, 15:61-75, 21:74, 22:43, 26:165–175, 27:54–58, and 29:27–35), and their destruction by Allah was explicitly due to their their perverse sexual practices. Despite this, most Muslims commit Sodomy, Allah (swt) knows better.

There happened an interesting incident during the Prophet Lot’s time, which is recorded in the Quran. It is about the visit of two angels to Prophet Lot somewhere in the Arab land. It is to be noted that Allah condemned the Christians in the Quran for giving feminine names to his angels, and says that all of his angels are male (Quran: An-Najm 53:27). After seeing the two ‘handsome’ boys (angels), a mob of the people of Lot started chasing to sodomize them. Loot rushed at a critical moment and saved the two angels of Allah (swt) by trading her two young daughters to the mob to rape and ravishes them. Remember! Lot traded his two girls to save the two boys (angels). This incident reflects the perverted mentality of the author of our Quran towards homosexuality.

Quran: Hood 11:78, Al-Hijr 15:71: Lot offers his daughters to a mob of angel rapists.

It is recorded in the History of Al-Tabari that about four million men lived in Sodomy during the period of Allah’s another Prophet, Moses (Al-Tabari 2:124)

About four million males in Sodomy during the period of Moses? Then what would be the total population during the period of Moses in Israel?

O Muslims! Control the thing inbetween your legs

Our beloved Prophet knew the art of teaching Allah’s message in simplest form. He taught Allah’s message to us in a very simple and easily understandable language, as if he was fond of speaking such language, as he did in the following hadith:

Malik, Book 56, Hadith 56.5.11 : “…..The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said, "Whomever Allah protects from the evil of two things will enter the Garden. They are what is between his jaws and what is between his legs, what is between his jaws and what is between his legs, what is between his jaws and what is between his legs."

O Muslim men! Don’t sleep without undergarment while sleeping in group with men

Our Prophet (pbuh) had a very clear idea about what would happen if his Sahaba didn’t wear their underwear while sleeping in groups. So, he always advised them before hand:

Abu Dawud: Book 32:Hadith 4038 : The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) forbade ……men sleeping together without an under-garment ….”.

Abu Dawud: Book 31:Hadith 4007 : The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: A man should not look at the private parts of another man…..”.

O Muslim martyrs! Enjoy your stay in your graves along with your fellow martyr

Our prophet (pbuh) was very grateful and responsible toward his martyred Sahaba, for they sacrificed their life to make him the Sultan of Arabia. Muhammad knew that there is no such place called Paradise or virgins or young boys in therein, for which his gullible but greedy Sahaba were rushed for. So, to give them immediate pleasure – which he himself believed in – he used to bury the martyrs in pairs in graves.

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol 2: Book 23: Hadith 427 & 429 : The Prophet buried every two martyrs in of Uhud in one grave.

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol 5: Book 59: Hadith 406 : Allah's Apostle used to shroud two martyrs of Uhud in one sheet….”.

Some of his Sahaba were hated to see their loved one is being buried with the corps of other homosexual. So, they reacted against Muhammad’s deed and buried their relatives in separate graves:

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol 2: Book 23: Hadith 434 & 435 : Narrated Jabir: A man was buried along with my father and I did not like it till I took him (i.e. my father) out and buried him in a separate grave.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) slept with young men for 20 nights in his mosque

Our prophet's house was separated by a partition wall from his Medina mosque. Although, he had a number of wives in the other side of his mosque (i.e., his house) along with similar number of servant (sex) girls, the holy prophet preferred to sleep with the young men in his mosque:

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol 1: Book 11: Hadith 604 & 653, Vol 8: Book 73: Hadith 37; Sahih Muslim: Book 4: Hadith 1423: We went to the Prophet and we were all young men and stayed with him for about twenty nights. ‘The prophet was very merciful!!’……”

(‘god’ alone knows how merciful that Muhammad was)

Prophet Muhammad used to sleep between two men

Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol 4:429: The Prophet said, “While I was at the House (Kaba) in a state midway between sleep and wakefulness, (an angel recognized me) as the man lying between two men…..”

(Hope our Prophet would have worn his undergarment…………., probably’!)

Allah (saw) promises Muslims with prepubescent pearl-like boys in paradise

Allah (swt) the Wise and Merciful knew the weakness (toward Sodomy & homosexuality) of His creation (especially Arab Muslims). So, he guaranteed in his Quran to grant us with prepubescent boys to fulfill our urge:

Quran, Al-Waaqia 56:17-23: Those in the Garden will be attended by immortal youths with wide, lovely eyes.

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was fond of buttocks

In his usual skill at delivering his messages in simplest form to reach his gullible followers, our holy prophet conveyed his message of how he paid attention to the buttocks of the kuffar women in this hadith:

Sahih Al-Bukhari: Vol 9: Book 88: Hadith 232 : Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established till the buttocks of the women of the tribe of Daus move while going round Dhi-al-Khalasa." Dhi-al-Khalasa was the idol of the Daus tribe which they used to worship in the pre-Islamic period of ignorance.

(We Muslim men should be are eagerly waiting to see the shaking hot buttocks of kuffar women as the signs of the Dooms Day)

Allah to sticking flags of unbelief on kuffars' buttocks

Allah will insert flags to the buttocks of the wrongdoers on doomsday.

Sahih Muslim: Book 19: Hadith 4309 : It is narrated on the authority of Abu Sa'id that the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: On the Day of Judgment there will be a flag fixed behind the buttocks of every person guilty of the breach of faith.

Not interested in having sex with your wife for a period? Just imagine her buttock like your mother's!

If a Muslim doesn’t like temporarily to have a sex (anal?) with one of his wives, he can take oath by saying “Your buttocks are similar to my mothers’” and stay away from her.

Abu Dawud/ Book 12/ Hadith 2207, 2212 & 2214 : Narrated Salamah ibn Sakhr al-Bayadi: I was a man who was more given than others to sexual intercourse with women. When the month of Ramadan came, I feared lest I should have intercourse with my wife, and this evil should remain with me till the morning. So I made my wife like my ‘MOTHER’S BACK’ to me till the end of Ramadan. But one night when she was waiting upon me, something of her was revealed (Quran/ Sura Al-Mujadila 58:2). Suddenly I jumped upon her. When the morning came I went to my people and informed them about this matter.

Quran verse 58:2 was revealed to allow Muslims to have sex from evening to early morning during Ramadan fasting. This shows how merciful our Allah is towards us Muslims. He even reveal a verse instantly to ease our sexual urges during the holy fasting month in Islam. My Muslim brethren should not feel bothered by bad-mouthing if the filthy Kafers about our religion. Comprehending the dept and meaning of these spiritual teachings of Islam are beyond their lowly intellect.

Umm Sulaim, the outstanding female companion of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

I conclude this article with a shameful act of the sexually perverted Sahaba couple (Muhammad’s companions) and our beloved Prophet's the shameless blessings to it:

Islamic scriptures never reveal the names of Muhammad’s female companions (Sahabiyaat). But there are few exceptions, because without them, it is not possible to complete those scriptures. Islamic scriptures name those consorts of our holy prophet with whom he had deepest intimacy. Umm Sulaim was one such intimate girlfriend of our noble prophet (pbuh).

Before going to that particular hadith, it will be worthwhile to know the extent of intimacy of Um Sulaim with our Prophet (pbuh). Here are some hadiths that will help us understand the level of intimacy between our Prophet and his married female Sahabi (female companion) Um Sulaim, wife of Abu Talha. Women in Islam are usually recognized by their father, husband or any of their male relatives. But Umm Sulaim’s husband and her son were recognized by herself. Here are the hadiths:

Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 4: Book 52: Hadith 97/ Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 7: Book 62: Hadith 92 : Muhammad used to visit Umm Sulaim’s house very often, apart from his jumbo harem (nine to eleven wives at a time).

(May be our wise Prophet used to send her husband Abu Talha to some warfront on Jihad during his visit to her house).

Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 8: Book 73: Hadith 170 & 221 : Muhammad used to compare Umm Sulaim with glass (i.e., too delicate to handle her).

Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 1: Book 11: Hadith 694/ Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 1: Book 12: Hadith 830: The Prophet used to offer night prayer in Umm Sulaim’s house!

(How many rakah he performed? Allah knows best).

Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 1: Book 3: Hadith 132/ Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 1: Book 5: Hadith 280/ Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 8: Book 73: Hadith 113 & 142 : Umm Sulaim clarified doubts about her wet dream (nocturnal sexual discharge) with prophet Muhammad (pbuh) without shyness.

( When everything is open, what is to kept secret?)

Sahi Al-Bukhari: Vol 8: Book 74: Hadith 298: Umm Sulaim used to collect Muhammad’s sweat, while he was sleeping at her home, and used it as perfume.

(Allah knows best, from which part of Muhammad’s body, she has collected the sweat)

After reading the above hadiths anyone can assert about the characteristics and the bondage between a married woman Sahabi Umm Sulaim and our ‘noble’ Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). (Let us not forget to say PBUH – Peace be upon him, each time).

A real challenge to us, Muslims, to emulate this practice of this Sahaba couple and fulfill our prophet’s wish

Now, we are left with a hadith describing a most shameful sexual act between our prophet's married companion couple, Abu Talha and Umm Sulaim, which will make the entire humanity feel ashamed. The beauty of this shameful hadith is that the narrator Anas bin Malik was the son of couple committing the act. Anas bin Malik was given to Muhammad by his mother Umm Sulaim as a servant when he was ‘young boy’. This boy was taking care of ‘all’ the needs of our Prophet (pbuh).

Sahih Muslim: Book 25: Hadith 5341: Anas b. Malik reported that the son of Abu Talha had been ailing. Abu Talha set out (on a journey) and his son breathed his last (in his absence). When Abu Talha came back, he said (to his wife): What about my child? Umm Sulaim (the wife of Abu Talha) said: He is now in a more comfortable state than before. She served him the evening meal and he took it. He then came to her (and had sexual intercourse with her) and when it was all over, she said: Make arrangements for the burial of the child. When it was morning. Abu Talha came to Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) and informed him, whereupon he said: Did you spend the night with her. He said: Yes. He (the Holy Prophet) then said: O Allah, bless both of them (and as a result of blessing) she gave birth to a child……”.

It is a long hadith, and are few more hadiths on this subject. The child by name Abdullah, born to their intercourse while their dead child laying beside awaiting burial, became a Jihadi hero (martyr!!) in later days. So, my Muslim brethren! In case one of your child die, do not let the fortuitous opportunity pass by in grief. Instead, do have sex with your wife before your dead child is buried.

Abu Talha and Umm Sulaim would have been the worst example of human being on this planet to engage in sexual act near the corps of their little son awaiting burial. But the real question is: How come our holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ask the couple whether they had intercourse in presence of the corps of their beloved child? What kind of a perverted person our holy prophet was? And do we Muslims dare to adopt this practice ourselves, which our noble Prophet (pbuh) wished us to do?

CONCLUSION: Though, it is a shameful act that the Saudi Sheikh was killed by a donkey while he allegedly attempted to sodomize it, our ‘Prophet’ Muhammad (pbuh) was no better as he used to spend his time with the married woman Umm Sulaim, especially when he had a jumbo pack of wives at home. And does he deserves to be called as a decent human being when he could ask his Sahaba couple if they had sex in front of the dead-body of their deceased child.

In this part, we have discussed about homosexuality and about few human buttocks. In Part 2 of this article, we will discuss about Muhammad’s ‘affections’ toward animals (especially the she-animals), and the domesticated animals, (i.e. women of Islam). I apologies for using this term about my Muslim sisters, but this is what what our boeloved holy prophet called them as his farewell hajj sermon.

Tabari IX:113: "Treat women well for THEY ARE LIKE DOMESTIC ANIMALS WITH YOU and they do not possess anything themselves. Allah has made the enjoyment of their bodies lawful in his Qur'an."