How my experiences in Saudi Arabia, and, then, reading the Quran and biography of Muhammad opened by eyes about the barbaric cult, that Islam is.
I am an Indian of 50 years old, nickname Mirza Ghalib, an ordinary Muslim. I was made to pray 5 times a day by my parents from the age of seven. There is a custom amongst all Muslims in India that every child should complete reading the “Arabic’ Quran, whether they understand it or not. I am one of them. The local Arabic teachers, a mullah, who taught us Arabic, knew nothing about its meaning. None of us has the time to read and investigate Islam in our own language. Whatever we know about Islam is from the bluffing of our imaams and mullahs, and we were afraid to raise any questions to these mullahs. Usually our mosques are run and mentored by the old-age illiterate, ignorant and lazy people, and those, who don’t want progress in their worldly life.
It is compulsory for the very young children of the pious Muslim families to pray 5 times a day and I’m amongst them. In Friday qutbaas (sermons), we were brain washed and made to believe that Muhammad was a kind, merciful, generous and divine person. With this thought, I have lived my 30 years as a true, innocent Muslim.
The only fortunate thing that happened during those 30 years of my life is: I have completed my engineering studies successfully. And, this has nothing to do with Islam. Instead, it was because of my neighbours, who were Hindus and Christians. They inspired me in my studies. Usually Indian Muslims prefers to live among their closed Muslim community, where most of them are illiterates. Knowingly or unknowingly, my parents made this “mistake” to live among the “unbelievers”, which enabled me to complete my studies and think about the religion in later days.
In the year 1990 at the age of 30, I went to the sacred Islamic country, Saudi Arabia, with my family for a job as an engineer. This visit opened my eyes. My strong believes about Islam and my utmost respect toward Islamic Holy Land perished day after day in Saudi Arabia. Due to short space, it is not possible for me to explain here the terrible experiences that I and my fellow expatriates faced there; it needs at least 1000 pages to explain. Definitely I will write a book on my Saudi Arabian experiences in future.
Prior to my visit to Saudi Arabia, I was thinking myself as a perfect Muslim with praying 5 times a day and fasting 30 days in Ramadan. Actually, I was wrong. It was revealed to me by my Saudi Manager (a Muthawwa – religious person) and some of my Saudi colleagues that my activities were not Islamic, because I mingle with my Hindu and Christian colleagues, showed my sympathy toward them, shared my lunch with them, invited their families to my house and took my family to theirs, as usually I do in India as a normal human being. I was teased and torched by the Saudis’ for my every humanly act as “un-Islamic”, and they advised me to read the Quran and hadiths.
As I said, my parents taught me the Quran in “Arabic” at the age of 7, but without understanding the meaning of a single word. This is how we all Indian Muslims say, we “know” the Quran. I realised the fact for not being studied the Quran with meanings. So, in my very first vacation to India, I purchased the translations of the Quran in English, Urdu, Hindi and Tamil, which I can understand.
On my return to Saudi Arabia, I read these translations seriously. In the very beginning of 2nd sura (Al-Baqra), we are told, the perfect Muslim is he, who believes everything as it is in the Quran. This made me laugh; I felt that this Quran is not for a sane human being.
Then, I read the biography of Muhammad, which made me feel ashamed that I was the follower of him for the past 30 years without knowing the truth about him, because we were not taught the complete biography of him. In India, what we know about Muhammad is only the positive part of his “made-up” good stories. All negative part of his life—such his life as a pirate, about his number of wives (around 15), having sex with many captive girls, having sex with his wife’s maid Maria, claiming his rights to have sex with those married Muslim women, who were ready to offer them to him by their own will, banning the benevolent Arab custom of adoption to justify his marriage with the wife of his adopted son Zayd, his wars on innocent tribes and brutal killing of his opponents etc.—were censored.
Ninety-five percent of ignorant Indian Muslims doesn’t know the fact that Muhammad established himself as a king; instead they consider him as a poor, kind, noble, sufi and divine person.
About the large number of wives, we were told by our mullahs in India that all his wives were old-aged widows, and Muhammad’s intention of marriages with them is not for sexual pleasure, but to set an example to his followers to help the poor and helpless old women. Also we were told a lie about Muhammad that he ever had sex with these women except with his first wife Khadeeja.
Anyway, when I have completed reading the Quran, I found the Quran is concoction of the Bible by a layman, with half-told biblical stories and repetitions of same stories for several times. (For your information I have read the bible several times during my schooling as I studied in a Christian missionary school).
Apart from biblical stories, Muhammad included verses for his unholy and inhumanly desires to become a king of Arabian Peninsula from a typical pirate of the desert. It clearly shows that Muhammad needed the help of his male followers to attack the neighbouring tribes and annex their territories into his regime. So, he bribed his male followers with lot of gifts, like 4 wives, countless slave girls for sex, permitting them to loot innocent tribes, and rape their women. He showed a special disregard, indeed hatred, toward his women followers as they were of no of use in succeeding his war missions. He mentioned the women as the dwellers of hell, he snatched their rights, which they enjoyed before embracing his cult, and he made their position as good as that of domestic animals, just to over-satisfy his male followers.
While reading the translations in different languages, I also found that there are interpolations in many indefensible verses. The translators were afraid to translate the actual meanings of those rubbish verses, as they were aware that the civilised societies will not accept Muhammad’s unholy concept of Islam. For example, the word “Khatl” is wrongly translated as “Fight”. Fight by what? Is it a verbal fight? Or ammunitional fight? Or legal fight? Or to kill? Which “Khatl” Muhammad was actually talking about? As far as I know, “KHATL” means “KILL” in Urdu, and you know Urdu is a collection of Arabic, Persian and Hindi languages.
Similarly, when I read the Urdu translation about the Hoor-E-Een (Sexy Virgins), it says that they won’t have physical body, but only in spiritual form. How can we expect the spiritual idea from Muhammad? So, when I asked the Saudi imaams about this, they said undoubtedly that this is the reward given to every male Muslim by Allah in paradise. Ok. When I asked the same Saudi mullahs about the rewards to the Muslim women in paradise, they warned me not to ask such a rubbish questions in favour of women and not to think much, which will weaken my imaan (faith). Of course, as a Muslim I should not use my brain.
After coming back to India, I explained about the real Quran and the real biography of Muhammad to my family members. Nobody is ready to hear anything odd about their holy book and their beloved prophet, as they are afraid that their imaan will be destroyed by hearing this. Nobody has shown any courage or interest to read the biography of Muhammad or the Quran in translations they understand. Still, they recite the “Arabic” Quran and paying salawaat (prayers) to Muhammad daily as usual. I wonder when the printers and mullahs are not afraid to print the biography of this Arabian bandit, how come his followers of our modern time are afraid to know the truth about him? Is there any hope to liberate these people from the bondage of Muhammad’s dangerous cult?
In my opinion, any sane Muslim, who read the real biography of Muhammad (without taking the help from any mullah), will quit Islam forthwith. There are so many biographies of Muhammad available in India, out of which I prefer “Al-Raheeq Al-Maqdoom”, because this book won the first prize out of all biographies at Makka in the year 1979, and is written by an Indian author As-Shaikh Safiur Rahmaan in Arabic. It is translated in most of the Indian languages and is easily available in all Islamic bookstores. Although it is written by a Muslim scholar and approved by highly respected scholars of Makka, this will serve our purpose. As a part of my mission, I have purchased many copies of this book for presenting it to many of my fellow Muslims and insisting them to read it. I will continue to do so as a part of my mission in rescuing the worst, but otherwise innocent and ignorant, victims of Islam, i.e. Muslims.
Mr. M.A. KHAN, Mr. ALI SINA, and all other members, it is unbelievable for me that some great personalities like you from Muslim community has shown this extraordinary courage by putting yourselves in great danger in bulldozing this barbaric cult and doing an excellent job for entire humanity. I was waiting for the past 20 years for this unbelievable dream to come true. It is my humble request to you that if you can organise the apostates of Islam of each country to work jointly in well-organised manner, we will be able to do better in rescuing our fellow Muslims, who are the first and worst victims of their own beliefs.