Different Norms of observing al-Qadr between Arab and Non-Arab Muslims...
I still remember the words my mother spoke to me some 45 years ago, regarding LAIL-AL-QADR or THE NIGHT OF POWER. When I was 6, my mother insisted on my going to the mosque with my father and brothers on the 27th of Ramadan and spend the night there praying almost 2/3rd of the night, because it was Lail-al-Qadr. I could not help asking my mom why and I was told that it was the night Allah dropped His book, “The Quran”, from heaven some 1,400 years ago. So, it was the most auspicious night and Muslims will get rewards for their good deeds, equal to the deeds done in 1,000 months. I believed as I was by my mom. For the next 20 years, I spend the night of every Lail-al-qadr, which falls on 27th Ramadan, in the mosque, as it is celebrated throughout India.
When I went to Saudi Arabia with a job in my late 20's, I came to know about the contradiction over the exact date of Qadr, which was totally unacceptable to my intellect. When I narrated this astonishing fact to my mom, she replied that she didn’t have any knowledge about this. She was helpless, because she was not taught by anyone about it until then. These types of absurdities are not taught to common non-Arab Muslims, because mullahs are afraid of being questioned by Muslims of these free countries. So, the celebration of the Qadr on the 27th night of Ramadan continues even today.
Muhammad: A Prophet or a Joker?
As a Muslim I was thinking that Muhammad was a Prophet, which means a person, who teaches his people about the intentions of God and predicts the future. If a person, who couldn’t remember even the very momentous event of the present and/or of recent past, how could he be able to predict the future? Even an ordinary human being never forgets the important days of his life. Also a small kid remembers his/her date of birth. Then how come a “Prophet” forgets the inaugural date of his ultimate religion of God? What kind of prophet he was?
The Islamic sources really projects Muhammad as a joker in this case, since they reflect very badly about the authenticity of most of Hadiths and the Quran. Here are the few examples of such absurdities from Islamic sources. Before reading such absurdities, it is necessary to know the importance of Muhammad’s sunna and also that Muhammad never speaks anything of his own.
Muhammad said, “He, who does not follow my tradition (sunna) in religion, is not from me (not one of my followers) – (Bukhari Vol. 7:1)
“NOR DOES HE SPEAK OF DESIRE” (Quran/ Sura An-Najm 53:4) asserting that nothing the Prophet utters is of his own desire or wish. And we have to admit it. Let us analyze what Allah wish to say through his messenger Muhammad:
Exact date of Lail-Al-Qadr according to Muhammad’s prattling.
- Lail-al-Qadar was came true with it signs on 21st Ramadan, as showed to Muhammad in his dream. (Bukhari Vol. 3:235)
- Search it on 21st, 23rd and 25th of Ramadan. (Sahih Al-Bukhari Vol. 1:238 & Tirmidhi 2092).
- Seek it on 25th, 27th and 29th of Ramadan. (Bukhari Vol. 1:46 & Vol. 3:240)
- Seek it in the last 7 nights of Ramadan. (Bukhari Vol. 3:232 & Vol. 9:120)
- Search it in the last 10 nights of Ramadan. (Bukhari Vol. 3:252)
- Search it in the odd nights of last 10 days. (Bukhari Vol. 3:234, Vol 3:252)
- Seek it in the first 10, second 10 and in the third 10 nights (i.e. all 30 nights!!!!) of Ramadan. (Bukhari Vol. 1:777)
These are the utterance of the all-knowing prophet of Islam about the best day of his life. Even if a child of 6 years happens to have such encounter with Jibreel, he or she will never forget that event until his or her survival. Then what kind of prophet Muhammad was!
Furthermore, some more hadiths from the comic-books, namely Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, claim that Muhammad was showed the Qadr in his dream for the second time, but he forgot it again (Bukhari Vol. 3:235 & 244; Sahih Muslim 2631). The same hadith’s narrator Abu Saaid al-khudri says that he remembers the Qadr and it was on the 21st night of Ramadan (Bukhari Vol 3:235). An ordinary man from his companions somehow has managed to remember the date of Qadr according to this hadith. Yet, the intelligent Arab Muslims of this modern age are still searching it in the last 30 days of Ramadan, and the non-Arab Muslims searches it on the 27th of Ramadan.
Some people were shown the night of Qadr as being in the last 7 days of Ramadan. Muhammad said, “Seek it in the last 7 days of Ramadan.” (Bukhari Vol. 9:120)
With these hadiths, one can easily judge about the veracity of Islamic scriptures, be they Hadiths or Quran.
Whatever be the date of Qadr, let modern Muslims search it on the whole 30 nights of Ramadan, as per the teaching of their mentor Muhammad. At the same time, let them also not forget the sign of Qadr mentioned by their Boss Muhammad:
Muhammad said, “I was shown Qadr. I saw in my dream that I was protesting in mud and water.” The narrator of hadith Abu Saaid Al-Khudri further says, “At that time the sky was clear and no cloud was visible, but suddenly a cloud came and rained. The prophet led us to the prayer and I saw the traces of mud on the fore head and on the nose of Allah’s apostle. So it was the confirmation of that dream.” (Bukhari Vol 1:777)
CONCLUSION: Praying the entire 30 nights of Ramadan, we wish, our Muslim brothers of today’s World, may experience once, that particular rainy and muddy night of Qadr with mud on their foreheads and noses.
Before concluding this article, I would like to ask Muslims, who are the first and worst victims of Muhammad’s Islam, to seek answer to the following legitimate questions, before seeking the mysterious night of Qadr.
- How can Allah’s prophet forget the best events of the present or of recent past? Does he deserve the title of prophet?
- Muhammad was shown the night of Qadr again for the second time in his dream and made to forget the Qadr again. If Allah doesn’t want him to remember it, then why did Allah show him the Qadr for a second time in his dream? I hope the Muslims will scrutiny this point with open mind.
- Even though Muhammad’s dream came true with its sign on 21st night of Ramadan, he did not authenticate that night as Qadr and the poor Muslims are still searching it on every Ramadan. What is the secret behind this mystery?
- Lunatic Muhammad must have forgotten the very momentous day of his life. Because “he was a Prophet after all”. Even Khadeeja, his first official wife out of 15, who lived through ten years of Muhammad’s alleged Prophethood, had forgotten that night? Doesn’t it appear that this whole incident was fabricated by Muhammad or later on?
- Moreover Jibreel, the dimwit angel of Allah, had allegedly been visiting Muhammad for 23 long years with Allah’s revelations. In particular, Jibreel used to visit Muhammad during the month of Ramadan on a daily basis. (Bukhari Vol. 1:5, 1:777). Since Muhammad was so confused about the date, why didn’t he get the confirmed date of Qadr from Jibreel?
We will discuss these facts in our next article “CONSPIRACY BEHIND THE 5 PRAYERS AND THE MID-NIGHT PRAYERS”