The Democratic Party should be commended for defending the rights and liberty of women against the so-called declaration of war on women by the Republican Party. But they also deserve greater condemnation for promoting, with great fanfare and extravaganza, the Islamic declaration of war not only on women, but also on all non-Muslims of the world by organizing a giant Jumah prayer congregation at its National Convention to be attended by 20,000 invited Muslim devotees.
When Akin, the anti-abortionist Republican Senate candidate from Missouri, was asked on 19 August 2012 about his opinion about pregnancy resulting from rape, he replied:
“From what I understand from doctors, that’s really rare… If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down...
But let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.”
There is no such thing as "legitimate rape". Rape is rape. And the Democratic Party may have been right in calling Akin's remark a declaration of War on Women.
But see, what the Democratic Party is doing now? Not only a declaration of war on women, but also paving the path for subjugation and extermination of the Jews and Christians!
At this year's Democratic National Convention (DNC) at Charlotte, the Democratic Party is organizing a massive Jumah prayer and has invited 20,000 Muslim faithfuls to attend the event.
"BIMA is hosting an open air Jumah Congregational Prayer at the Democratic National Convention Friday, August 31st at Marshall Park, Charlotte, North Carolina. The Jumah Prayer will be followed by a number of other (Islamic) programs and events."
Just when will the Democratic Party organize an open-air Christian or Jewish prayer, or a Hindu or Buddhist puja ritual, at its National Congress and would invite 20,000 pious faithfuls from those religions?
Also, what will the invited 20,000 pious Muslims be praying in their Jumah prayer at the DNC this year? Readers may read author Louise Palme’s essay “Behind the Muslim Prayers” to have a complete understanding of it. In short, in each Islamic prayer, Muslims have to recite the Quran's first Surah, Al-Fatihah, which starts as:
Guide us to the straight path, the path of those whom You have favored,
Not of those who have incurred your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
The phrase 'those who have incurred your wrath' comes from Surah 2:61 which says, "Shame and misery were stamped upon [the Israelites] and they incurred the wrath of Allah; because they disbelieved Allah’s signs and slew His prophets unjustly; because they were rebels and transgressors."
The phrase “those who have gone astray” comes from Surah 4:44 which says, "Consider those to whom a portion of the Scriptures was given [i.e., Christians]. They purchase error for themselves and wish to see you go astray."
So, Muslims in their standard prayers ask their God Allah to keep themselves away from the path of the Jews and Christians, because they are unjust, transgressors, on an evil path, and have incurred the wrath Allah, Who has stamped shame and misery upon them. They repeat this supplication at least seventeen times in their daily prayers.
Apart from this, with each recitation of the Surah Fatihah, they have to recite another smaller Surah or part of a big Surah randomly from the Quran. And we know that the greater part of the Quranic surahs and verses are about condemning the infidels – Jews, Christians, and Polytheists – even calling from their extermination (see Quran 9:5), subjugation and humiliation of Christian and Christian into paying jizya (see Quran 9:29), and even capturing infidels women for keeping as slaves and raping them such as in Quran 33:50:
O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war…
In fact, in Islam, there is no concept of rape, when forcible sexual violations involve non-Muslim women. In verses of the Quran and Sunnah of the Prophet, such sexual violations are made sanctimonious, and Muslims are encouraged to commit such sexual atrocities upon infidel women.
So, what is the Democratic Party doing at its National Congress this year by holding a giant Islamic Jumah prayer festivity?
Isn't it not only a declaration of war upon women, but also an open house for spreading hatred and inciting atrocities against all non-Muslims, specifically against the Jews of Christians of America?
In fact, the Friday congregation prayer, aka Jumah prayer, is even more offensive to Jews and Christians, because it requires further recitation of Surah 62 (The Friday Congregation) and Surah 63 (The Hypocrites). Surah 62 specifically condemns Gentiles as being "in gross error", and Jews are compared with "a donkey laden with books”. Surah 63 condemns "hypocrites," those who have renounced their Muslim faith. “They are the enemy. Guard yourself against them.”
The Democratic Party should be commended for defending the rights and liberty of women against the so-called declaration of war on women by certain Republicans like Todd Akin and Rick Santorium. But they also deserve no less condemnation for promoting, with great fanfare and extravaganza, the Islamic declaration of war not only on women, but also on all non-Muslims of the world.
Jake Neuman is the author of “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and “Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster of History.” (free download)