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For Islam to be true, both Muhammad and his supposed God must be of moral perfection as conceived by the human conscience. In fact, the Quran, the holy book of Islam, does claim that Muhammad was the perfect human being ever created:

"Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of God." (Quran 33:21)

Therefore, Muhammad is expected to the “Paragon of Moral Perfection” as per Islam’s own claim. Also in the following verses, Allah endows moral greatness upon Muhammad:

  1. "Say (O Muhammad to mankind): ‘If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow Quran and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.’ Say (O Muhammad): ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (Muhammad).’ But if they turn away, then Allah does not like the disbelievers." (Quran: 3:31)
  2. "And whatever the Messenger gives you, take it, and whatever he forbids you, leave it. And fear Allah: truly Allah is severe in punishment. (Quran 59:7)
  3. "And verily, you (O Muhammad SAW) are on an exalted standard of character." (Quran 68:4)
  4. And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.” (Al-Anbiya’ 21:107)


Bukhari 1:2:25

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle was asked, "What is the best deed?" He replied, "To believe in Allah and His Apostle (Muhammad). The questioner then asked, "What is the next (in goodness)? He replied, "To participate in Jihad (religious fighting) in Allah's Cause." The questioner again asked, "What is the next (in goodness)?" He replied, "To perform Hajj (Pilgrim age to Mecca) 'Mubrur, (which is accepted by Allah and is performed with the intention of seeking Allah's pleasure only and not to show off and without committing a sin and in accordance with the traditions of the Prophet)."

There are 91 verses in the Quran that say: obeying God is obeying Muhammad and obeying Muhammad is obeying God (see Therefore, Muhammad and Allah have the same standing in Islam, are equal to each other.

Evidence for moral perfection of Muhammad is found in the Sunnah – the sacred sayings and deeds of Islam’s holy prophet. Sunnah literally means “path”. In Islam, Sunnah is the “path” laid down by the character, manners, ritual habits, deeds, examples and legislative actions of Prophet Muhammad.

Sunnah is also the explanation of the Quran. It is the creed of ahl-i-Sunnah, which has been constituted with collecting true hadiths of Prophet Muhammad and interpretation of these hadiths by great scholars in later times. Sunnah, thus, sets a perfect way for anyone seeking to draw close to Allah.

The collection of hadiths of Sahih al-Bukhari is second-most holiest book in Islam, next only to the holy Quran. Sahih Bukhari is also the best and most authentic and trusted book, outlining the “Sunnah” or “path” for Muslims, and the moral perfections of Prophet Muhammad. Each report in Bukhari’s collection was checked for compatibility with the Qur'an, and the veracity of the chain of reporters had to be painstakingly established. His collection of hadith is considered second to none. (Sahih Muslim is another respected collection of Hadith.)

A prophet of a supposed God of the Universe must be the light for leading humanity from the abyss of violence and evil to a world of peace and justice. Therefore, as commonsense demands, one cannot be an unjust conqueror and warlord, leading armies into battle for looting and mass-murder, and be a prophet of God.

As the supposed God of Universe must be of moral perfection, so would be His representatives on earth. And Allah duly claims the same about Prophet Muhammad in the Quran as related above.

Therefore, the Hadiths that outline the character and personality of Muhammad would be of moral perfection. If any actions or sayings of Muhammad in any of the Hadiths show any immorality, injustice or evil on his part, then he was not a prophet of God but a fraud. Just one instance of immoral imperfection of Muhammad is enough to negate the claim of his prophethood. But there are way too many instances of Muhammad’s immorality, injustice or evil recorded in all the Hadith collections that not only prove that Muhammad was far from the “moral perfection” desired of a prophet of God, but also obviate that Muhammad was a “Paragon of Evil”.



The following are a short-list of the evil Sunnah of Muhammad, recorded in the Hadiths of Bukhari:

This above catalogue of the holy Sunnah of Muhammad simply represents the characteristic of an evil maniac (All these criminal Sunnas will be documented with relevant Hadith reference in this series of articles to come). But in Islam, they represent the Sunnah, the sacred “path”. And quite desirably this is the Sunna that Muslim men were emulating at the Kenyan, Boston, World Trade Center, and all the other Jihad massacres across the globe. Since the Muslim perpetrators of those Jihadi terror attacks were simply modeling their behavior on Muhammad, they are good, moral Muslims – not deviant fanatics. Far from the naïve thinking that their violence and intolerance are alien to inherently peaceful Islam, they are directly rooted in Muhammad's example.

The above catalogue of Muhammad’s evil Sunnah would obviate that he was among the rare instances of evil persons ever walked the earth, not the person of moral perfection as claimed by Allah. And when Allah picked such an “evil incarnate” as his best representative to mankind, then Allah could not be a loving and merciful creator of the Universe but a Monster of Evil.


This essay is based on Jake Neuman’s new book, ‘GOD OF MORAL PERFECTION’, available for free download.