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Thousands of radical Western-living Muslims are pouring into Syria and Iraq to join the barbaric Islamic State (ISIS) Jihadi group. Many more Western Muslims are trying to commit ISIS-inspired terrorist attacks in the West. It should be noted that ISIS have urged Western Muslims to kill infidels living around them and poison their food.

While Islamic apologists and the Western politicians and media would want to paint the Islamic State as extreme perversion of the peaceful religion of Islam with minuscule support among Muslims, the Jihadist group have found willing audience among Muslims both in the East and the West. In the Netherlands, surveys have found 65% Moroccan-origin and 80% Turkish Muslims have support for ISIS, while 69% French Muslims support the ISIS Jihadists. Support for ISIS among Muslims in other Western countries, such as Britain, Germany and Belgium, remains strong. And somewhat surprisingly, In the West, ISIS Finds Women Eager to Enlist to its barbaric Jihadist cause. In sum, as far as the West is concerned, the Generation Jihad Is Here.

It is not just in the West, but there is strong support for ISIS among Muslims all over the world. Most Arab states share Islamic State’s ideology while two-thirds of Muslims in Egypt, Morocco, Indonesia and Pakistan support unifying all Muslim countries under the ISIS-style caliphate.

This support among Muslims for Jihadi Islamic groups, such as the Islamic State, is primarily spontaneous. There is also a trend wherein nominally Islamic-minded peaceful Muslims undergo violent transformation on their own, which Western media and political elites have termed 'Self Radicalization'. It is as if those Muslims, who were normal, peaceful people in recent past, suddenly turn to a violent path all on their own without any appeal to any ideology or indoctrination from the outside. As if the teachings of Islam, or the Islamic doctrine of Jihad, has nothing to do with this so-called self-radicalization.

Instead of Self-Radicalization, this phenomenon should be called Self-Islamization, a process by which previously peaceful Muslims—who were nominally religious or were mostly ignorant about the dictates of Islam—starts religious awakening and awareness about the dos and don'ts demanded by Islam and chooses to acts upon those, including Islam's call to arms in the name of Jihad.

The fact of the matter is: The religion of Islam itself is an supremely radical and violent ideology, and its founder Prophet Muhammad himself was it first fitting protege, who, as per Quranic injunctions, remains the ideal personality to be emulated by Muslims for all eternity. (Quran 33:21, 3:31, 68:4)

Muslims by default must unquestioningly believe in the Quran and Sunna, and and acts upon their teachings and injunctions.

What happens in the phenomenon of Self-Islamization is that nominal Muslims, who are lax about the dictates of the Quran and Sunnah, makes a conscious choice to live by the teachings and injunctions of the sacred Islamic texts. In other words, in the phenomenon of Self-Islamization, Muslims make a self-conscious choice to emulate the divine teachings of the Quran and sunnah, including the inferiority of kafirs and women, terrorizing, torturing and murdering kafirs, slavery and sex-slavery, rape of captive women, pillaging of non-Muslims and capturing of booty, etc – all as divine command of God. To a devout or Self-Islamized Muslim, there is nothing wrong or hateful in these commands of Islam. Instead, through them the divine will and justice of the almighty creature is brought to bear upon all humanity.

When a devout or Self-Islamized Muslim kill a kafir, they are not committing murder or crime. Instead, they are simply doing the noble job of meting out divine justice for the crime of not believing in the true God, an act which will guarantee him entry to the Islamic Paradise as per injunction of Quran 9:111.

The term Self-Radicalized Muslims, if at all, can be applied to ex-Muslims, who, through careful study of Islam's sacred texts, attain the radical realization that Islam is a violent creed that was forged by Muhammad in order to realize his personal greed for power, wealth and women.

The Quran repeatedly urges (see 2:193, 8:39 etc.)Muslims to war the infidels in an effort to establish Islam as the only religion on earth by destroying all other religion—Christianity, Judaism, Mormonism, Hinduism and others—by whatever means necessary. Self-Islamized Muslims take this dictate of the Quran wholeheartedly. Freedom of religion to them means practicing Islam only.

Freedom of religion in the Western democratic world is aimed at protecting the rights and dignity of different religious communities, so that they can practice their respective religious rites and rituals without fear and interference. However, religious freedom to Self Islamized Muslims – that is, allowing them to practice what they are obligated to by the holy book – means allowing them the right to establishment Islam as the state religion, murdering and subjugating kafirs (9:5, 9:29), murdering apostates, dhimmitude for Christians and Jews, enslaving and raping of kafir women and children, subjugation and repression of Muslim women, extermination of unbelievers, killing the critics/blasphemers of Islam, and most of all, for America and all other democratic countries , destroying her constitution with its embedded freedom and democracy, and replacing it with Sharia Law. These are all demanded of Muslims by their sacred texts, namely the Quran and Ahadith (Sunnah). We can see all or most of these happening in Islamic heavens like Pakistan, Afghanistan, Eqypt, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Syria and even Turkey and all other Islamic countries. In the West: Britain, France, Spain, Germany, Austria, Sweden, Norway, Canada, USA are being rapidly conquered by Self-Islamized Muslims.

As per the Quran and Sunnah, the following are Self-Islamized Muslims’ religious obligations, and therefore, their religious rights:

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to unleash jihad – the Islamic holy war to conquer all kafir nations and force them to submit to Islam. There are 164 Quranic teachings of Jihad. (Quran 29.6, 29.53, 22.52)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right marry and have sex with to pre-Pubescent children, which is deemed abhorrent rape of minors or pedophilia (65:4)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to polygamy (4.3)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to gang rape infidel women (24:13)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to sex slavery (4:24)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to torturing non-Muslims (22.19-22)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to whipping fornicators (24.2)

God has granted Muslim men right to amputation and crucifixion (5:33)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to beheading (8:12, 47:4)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to wife-beating (4:34)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to holding women inferior (2.228, 4.11, 4.176)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to using women as sex objects (2.223)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to committing mass murder, massacre and genocide of infidels (2:191, 9:5, 4:47, 8.67, 7.4, 8.17)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to terrorizing kafirs (8.60, 3.151)

God has granted Muslim men accession to a immoral paradise for killing kafirs or getting killed while trying to kill kafirs (9.111)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to theft and robbery (Entire Chapter 8 called “Booty”)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to forcing all other religions to submission to Islam (2.103, 2.286, 3.19, 48.16)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to hate (5.60, 2.61)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to slavery (2.178)

God has granted Muslim men the divine right to extortion (9:29)

Most of all, Self-Islamized Muslims are divinely obligated by their God to establish the Quranic law, or Sharia, as the complete code or sole source of law for running the world. In other words, allowing religious freedom to Muslims in Western countries technically means accepting the fact that Muslims have the right to replace the secular Western Constitutions with totalitarian Sharia law by means outlines in the Quran and Sunnah.

Under Sharia Law, there is no freedom of religion, speech, thought, press and artistic expression; no equality of peoples – a non-Muslim, a Kafir, is never equal to a Muslim; no equal rights for women; women can be beaten by the husbands; non-Muslims are dhimmis, third-class citizens; there is no equal protection under Sharia for different classes of people with one set of laws for Muslim males and different laws for women and non-Muslims. Death is the punishment for apostasy, homosexuality, mocking anything in the Qur'an or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad, criticizing Islam, shari'ah law or the Sunnah of the prophet Muhammad. Muslims, who states a preference for democracy to shari'ah law or questions anything in the Qur'an or Sunnah, is a kafir (disbeliever) and apostate, liable to punishment to death. Punishment for theft is amputation of the right hand up to the elbow. The penalty for premarital sexual intercourse is 100 lashes with a whip and one year of exile. The penalty for adultery is death by stoning.


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