Struggles against Nazism and Communism were the life-n-death defining issue for the Greatest Generation for preserving freedom and democracy. Struggle against Islamic supremacy is the life-n-death defining issue for next Great Generation – the generation of our time. Like the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s for establishing the equality of the Black people in America, the battle for restoring the rights, liberty and dignity of Muslim women is new Civil Rights movement of our time.
Islam, since its birth, has deprived its women their rights, dignity and equality and enslaved them to the whims of males. And this pernicious impact of Islam is poised to go beyond the boundary of Islamic societies; Islam, today, is becoming a life-n-death issue for the liberated Western women. All human rights and freedoms that women have won in the Western World are now being endangered by Islam. It is shocking that feminists are not paying heed or rising up against Islam; instead, they meekly and quietly surrendering their fate to be the chattel of men under coming Islamic domination. It’s well known that large numbers of kafir women are already being raped by immigrant Muslims in Europe, as Rape Jihad grips the European continent.
To prevent the enslavement of women, Sharia Law must be exposed and stopped. All anti-woman teachings of the Quran and Hadith must be condemned and rejected. The rights of women must be enforced and protected through the Rule of Law and a Constitutional Amendment: Universal Declaration of the Total Equality of Women. This Constitutional Amendment, to be submitted to all states and must be ratified by all. In this Proclamation, each anti-woman teaching of the Quran and Sharia Law are to be condemned and made legal. By doing so, and establishing these rights − denied by Islam − “Constitutional”, we are reinforcing our rejection of Sharia Law and the Quran, making it impossible for Muslims to undermine the democratic rights of women. This Amendment and rights of women must be taught to student in every school in all countries.
If we fail to achieve and enforce this Constitutional Amendment, the following will, likely, become, our daily reality:
- Muhammad said, “Unais, confront this man’s wife and if she admits committing adultery have her stoned to death.” [Bukhari 3, 38, 508]
- Ali had a woman stoned to death on a Friday and said, “I have punished her as Muhammad would have.” [Bukhari 8, 82, 803]
The battle of establishing the rights of women universally will also act as a key for defeating Islam. All Islamic nations must enact the following Constitutional Amendment granting their women total humanity and equality. Those nations that refuse to sign and implement the Amendments will be thrown out of the international community. Those of us, involved in the battle against Islam, must champion the worldwide movement for total and complete equality of ALL women with men. We are not in conflict with Muslims, but with Islamic teachings that Muslim men use to subjugate and denigrate women of their own faith and beyond. We must fight for their equal human rights and dignity.
We hold these truths to be self-evident that all “Women” and “Men” are created equal; that they are naturally endowed with certain inalienable Rights; and among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. Women being the total equals of men would mean:
- Women are legally equal to men in all aspects of life and before the law. Women must have complete equality before the law. There can be no law that does not treat women as equals of men.
- Women have the full right to dress as they see fit. Women have the full legal right to display their heads, faces, hands, arms, legs, midsection, neck, wear headscarfs or not, display their hair in whatever style they desire, put on lipstick and make up in whatever design they wish.
- Women being the total equal of men, women are not to be deemed deficient in intelligence as compared to men. They are not worth 50% of men. Women are the intellectual equals of men.
- Women have the full legal right to sexual equality with men. A woman has the full right to marry the man of her free choice regardless of the wishes of her parents.
- Women are not to be deemed the property of their husbands. Women – single or married – are independent human beings and cannot be forced to commit any act against their will. A married woman has the full right to choose not to have sex with her husband. A married man has absolutely no right to force sex upon his wife and any such attempt will be deemed “felony rape”.
- Women are not the property of their father or brothers.
- Women have the full right to be treated with respect and dignity by men. A husband has no right to beat his wife. A father has no right to beat his daughter. Brothers have no right to beat their sister(s).
- Women cannot be sexually abused by any man. All marriages under the age of 18 are illegal. Sex with a minor under the age of 16 is illegal and will be charged with the crime of rape.
- Fathers or any other man cannot sexually mutilate their daughters or any other woman.
- A man cannot force a woman to have sex with him or cannot keep her as a sex-slave.
- Women cannot be segregated in society from men. It is totally and completely illegal for any public and governmental institution, organization or other entity to allow the segregation of women from men. There can be no segregation of women in public plcaes, schools, swimming-pools etc. Women have the right to a part to, or in leadership positions, in any public and governmental institution and organization.
- Women have the full right to medical treatment by male medical personnel including male doctors and no women can ask for treatment by only female medical personnel or doctors, whatsoever.
- Women have the full right to an education including being taught by male teachers.
- Employers have the full right to set dress-codes for their employees while at work, and their demand for adherence to those codes of conduct cannot be sued for discrimination by an employee. If an employee does not wish to conform to a specific code set by the employer, the employee has the full right to quit. Schools can also dictate the dress-code for students.
- A woman of any age is permitted to leave the house without fully covering the body. She must have the right to wear full-body covering except in cases where wearing of such covering may pose a security threat to be determined solely by Congress.
- Women are permitted to travel without a spouse or male relative.
- Women are permitted to be alone with men, even if they are not relatives or spouses, and cannot be punished by whipping or stoning or any other means for it.
- Women do not require their husband’s permission to be employed or have education.
- Women do not require a male guardian.
- Women, whether single or widowed, can marry a person of her choice.
- A man can have only one wife at any one time; the same applies to women.
- Women are permitted to obtain passports and cannot be punished for doing so.
- Women are permitted to speak to a man or can communicate with a man via letters, phones or glances; and there can be no punishment such as whipping or stoning or in any other form for doing so.
- Women are permitted to visit the graves of loved ones.
- Women have equal right to inheritance with men.
- A man cannot divorce his wife simply by “triple talaq” – i.e. by saying "I divorce you" three times.
- A woman, whose husband divorces her, must be granted alimony and child support as decided by the courts.
- Women cannot be confined to their rooms and deprived of food and water.
- Women have total freedom of sexual expression.
These Rights of Women Are Inviolate for All Eternity and Can Never Be Altered or Diminished.