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It’s damn hard to die by carrying out Jihad for establishing Islam in the U.S. Yet, the Muslim brothers pledge to die for Islam. So, how’s that working out for them?

When members of the Muslim Brotherhood and their affiliates such as the Muslim Student Association gather together, there is usually a militant Imam like Amir Abdel Malik on hand to lead them in the Muslim Brotherhood pledge. Their pledge embodies many of the elements that make Muslims intolerant and militant in our society, but this article focuses on the just final vow – to die to establish Islam.

Allah is my lord.

Islam is my life.

The Koran is my guide.

The Sunna is my practice.

Jihad is my spirit.

Righteousness is my character.

Paradise is my goal.

I enjoin what is right.

I forbid what is wrong.

I will fight against oppression.

And I will die to establish Islam.

The Quran promises that someone who dies while engaging in jihad will directly land in Paradise:

Allah has purchased from the faithful their lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for the cause of Allah, slay and be slain. Such is the true promise which He has made them in the Torah, the Gospel, and the Quran. Who is more true to his pledge than Allah? Rejoice in the bargain you have made. (Surah 9:111)

Needless to say, such a promise of Paradise for killing others is strictly an Islamic concept, is not found in other religious scriptures. Be that as it may, let’s consider what the promised “Garden” offers for those who kill and die to establish Islam.

Allah’s Paradise

Of course, engaging in jihad (to war against non-Muslims per Sharia Law) is against the law in the United States, as well as in other countries. So, it might be instructive for American Muslims to consider the real-world consequences of their jihad activities here.  Set forth below is a list of the Islamic terror plots in the U.S., along with the consequences for the perpetrators. As it turns out, none of these American jihadists actually reached Paradise. Most of them have ended up with long sentences in high security prisons. To them, dying might be preferable. But no such luck. Allah’s promise of Paradise is as dark and hollow as Gadhafi’s culvert.

What is prison life like?

Several books have been written by prisoners and guards describing conditions inside U.S. prisons, and this author has personally visited prisons a number of times. So, the observations below are realistic and typical:

Actual Rewards for Jihadists in the U.S.

So, who are these heroic Muslim jihadists that the Brothers are pledging to emulate, and where are they now?

2001  --  Richard Colvin Reid  --  the failed airline “shoe-bomber”  --  life without parole

2002  --  José Padilla  --  attempted to build dirty bomb  --  17 years in prison

2002  --  “Lakawanna Six”  --  provided material support to al-Qaeda  --  each up to 10 years

2003  --  Iyman Faris  --  plotted to destroy Brooklyn Bridge  --  20 years in prison

2003  --  Va. Jihad Network   --  trained for world-wide jihad  --  all 11 up to 20 years

2004  -- Dhiren Barot  -- plotted to destroy NYSE  -- life in prison

2004  --  Shahawar Matin Siraj  --  plotted to bomb NYC Subway Syst.  -- 30 years in prison

2004  --  James Elshafay  --  plotted to bomb NYC Subway Syst.  --  30 years in prison

2004  --  Yassin Aref  --  plotted to assassinate Pakistani diplomat  --  15 years in prison

2004  --  Mohammed Hossain  --  plotted to assassinate Pakistani diplomat  --  15 years in prison

2005  --  Hamid Hayat  --  had ties to jihadist training camp in Pakistan  --  24 years in prison

2005  --  Kevin James, et al --  four plotted to blow up LA-area sites  --  16 years in prison

2005  --  Michael Curtis Reynolds  --  planned to blow up several sites in PA  -- 30 years in prison

2006  --  Mohammad Zaki  Amawi et al --  three planned to build bombs for Iraq  --  8, 13, and 20 years respectively

2006  --  Syed Haris Ahmed  --  videotaped Washington sites for jihadist  --  13 years in prison

2006  --  Ehsanul Islam Sadequee  --  videotaped Washington sites for jihadist  --  17 years in prison

2006  --  Narseal Batiste, et al --  five plotted to bomb Sears Tower  --  13 years in prison for Batiste

2006  --  Assem Hammoud  --  allegedly planned to bomb NYC train tunnels  --  on bail after 3 years in prison

2007  --  Dritan Duka, et al --  six attempted attack of Fort Dix military base  -- four received life sentences, two got 33 and 5 years each

2007  --  Abdul Kadir et al --  four plotted to bomb fuel lines at JFK airport  -- Kadir got life in prison

2008  --  David Coleman Headly  --  scouted the Lashkar-i-Taiba attack on Mumbai, where 166 died including 6 Americans  --  35 years in prison

2008  --  Tahawwur Rana  --  provided material support to Mumbai attack  --  14 years in prison

2009  --  James Cromitie, et al  -- four plotted to bomb NYC synagogues  --  all got 25 years in prison

2009  --  Najibullah Zazi et al --  six plotted to bomb NYC Subway  --  Adis Medunjanin got life; Zazi in prison awaiting trial

2009  --  Hosam Maher Smadi  --  plotted to bomb Dallas skyscraper  --  30 years in prison in plea deal

2009  --  Colleen LaRose  --  “Jihad Jane’ aided assassination plan     --  in prison awaiting sentencing

2009  --  Nidal Malik Hasan  --  “Soldier of Allah” shot and killed 13 at Ft Hood  --  paralyzed from waist down and in prison awaiting trial

2009  --  Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab  --  “underwear bomber” attempted to blow up NWA flight 253 over Detroit  --  sentenced to life in prison

2010  --  Faisal Shahzad  --  parked car bomb in Times Square  --  life in prison without parole

2010  --  Farooque Ahmed  --  plotted to bomb Washington DC subway  --  23 years in prison

2010  --  Mohamed Mohamud  --  plotted to blow up Christmas tree gathering  --  convicted 1/13; sentencing is pending in May

2011  --  Rezwan Ferdaus  --  plotted to bomb Pentagon and Capitol  --  17 years in prison

2012  --  Sami Osmakac  --  allegedly plotted to bomb Tampa nightclub  --  in prison awaiting trial

2012  --  Amine El Khalifi  --  plotted to suicide-bomb the US Capitol  --  30 years in prison

2012  --  Mark Anthony Grady  --  allegedly threatened to bomb St. Louis bldg.  --  in prison awaiting trial

2012  --  Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis  --  plotted to bomb Federal Reserve building in New York City  --  pled guilty; may get 30 years to life in prison

None of the seventy-six criminals (and alleged criminals awaiting trial) listed above did anything to “establish Islam.” When the missionary work (dawa) of Muslims consists either of violence or deceit, nothing any Muslim does will ever help “establish Islam.”   Violence may be effective in a backward country like Mali or Afghanistan, but in the United States it just lands the Muslim brothers and sisters in prison. What else would one expect from an Allah who decrees, “We send not a prophet with miracles but to strike terror.”? (Surah 17:59)