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islam - drano in sugar-bowlParents across the nation are discovering that their children’s classes about Islam are infused with dangerous religious dogma. Specifically, students are being told that “the one true god is Allah,” and that “all people must submit to Allah”. Students are also required to learn the “Five Pillars of Islam”. The corresponding ideological tenants of other major world religions are not being taught. Already, several middle school and high school textbooks have been banned for their very biased content. Examples include Prentice-Hall’s “Medieval and Early Modern Times” published by Pearson and “History Alive! The Medieval World and Beyond” published by Teachers’ Curriculum Institute.

This preferential treatment of Islam is exactly what the Constitution’s First Amendment was addressing when the government was “to make no law respecting an establishment of religion.” Students see the schools and teachers as speaking with authority when they state that the one true god is Allah. The teaching of Islam must be tempered warnings to enable students to reflect on whether Islam is truly a “religion of peace” and whether the pillars of Islam are in fact admirable. Dogma should not trump critical thinking in a school environment.


Islam is hostile to non-Muslims

The final major commands in the Quran call on Muslims to fight non-Muslims until they submit to Islam, or in the case of Christians and Jews, pay a burdensome tax “in willing submission” to the Muslim power. This hostility toward non-Muslims was documented in the biographies of Muhammad and by historians for the past 1,400 years. Below are just some of the highlights:


Allah is a hand-me-down pagan god

The statement that “Allah is the one true God” would suggest to Jews and Christians that their worship of the Jehovah-God of the Bible is a false religion. Public schools should not be involved in such a controversy, under any circumstances. There is plenty of evidence that Allah was selected by Muhammad from among the hundreds of pagan gods worshipped in Mecca to be the figure of an Arab monotheistic faith. Muhammad’s father was named Abdullah (“servant of Allah”) ibn Abdul-Muttalib, proving that “Allah” preceded the invention of Islam. Furthermore, there is no evidence in the Quran or the Bible that Allah and the Jehovah-God are one and the same. The Quran states this quite emphatically in Surah 109, The Unbelievers: “Unbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, nor will you ever worship what I worship. You have your own religion, and I have mine.”


The Quran contains lies about Judaism and Christianity

Most Jews and Christians know that the following statements are not true, but if anyone questions the sources that refute these statements, he/she should contact the website listed in this pamphlet.


The Five Pillars of Islam aren't so admirable

  1. The Statement of Faith (Shahada) – “There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s Messenger.” This has already been addressed above. When someone makes this statement, he/she is confirming that he/she is a Muslim. It should also be noted that this statement of faith is emblazoned in Arabic on the ISIS flag – demonstrating that ISIS is Islam.

  2. Prayer – Most people know that Muslims are supposed to pray five times a day. What few people realize is that they actually recite the same formula prayer (called a raka) seventeen times a day. That prayer is Surah 1 of the Quran, called the Exordium or Al Fatihah. That prayer vilifies Jews, who are accused of angering Allah, and Christians, who are accused of having lost their way. This interpretation is confirmed by numerous commentaries on the Quran as well as a reliable quotation of Muhammad (called a hadith):

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "Say Amen' when the Imam says, ‘not the path of those who earn Your Anger (such as Jews) nor of those who go astray (such as Christians)’; all the past sins of the person whose saying (of Amin) coincides with that of the angels, will be forgiven.” (Buhkari, Vol. 1, Book 12, Number 749)

  1. Charity (Zakat) – Contributing is obligatory for all Muslims who can afford to do so. The money collected is divided up into several categories for distribution, including bribing potential new Muslims and community leaders and supporting people engaged in Islamic military operations, namely, jihad – fighting for Allah. The largest Islamic terror funding operation in the U.S. was the Holy Land Foundation, which funneled $12 million into Islamic terrorism. The founders were all convicted in 2008 and given sentences from 15 to 65 years in prison. The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) was named as an unindicted co-conspirator with the Foundation. It should be added that it is prohibited for any non-Muslim to receive Zakat monies.

  2. Fasting (Sawm) – Muslims are required to fast from sun up to sun down during the month of Ramadan. While this is supposedly their “holy, peaceful” month, data shows that year after year, the number of Islamic terror attacks peaks during Ramadan. Also, in Muslim-majority countries, Muslims have been killed for merely having a drink of water during the day.

  3. Pilgrimage (Hajj) – Every able-bodied Muslim is supposed to make the trek to Mecca at least once in his/her lifetime if they can afford to do so. This pillar of faith brings over 2 million pilgrims and $30 billion a year to the city. Most of the rituals performed by the pilgrims date back to pre-Islamic, pagan times. The three main rituals – circling Kaaba, kissing the Black Stone, and throwing pebbles at pillars representing the Devil – are clearly acts of pagan idolatry. Also, it doesn’t take a math whiz to figure out that the annual capacity of Mecca – about 2 million pilgrims – would permit only about 10 percent of Muslims to fulfill this religious obligation, even if they could afford the $10,000 cost.


Read the manual

The failure of schools, the media, and the government to properly warn Americans about the dangerous implications of Islamic ideology stems from people failing to actually read what the Quran says. Instead, they rely on benign statements by apologists for Islam, including foreign public relations organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) and so-called Islamic scholars who are actually under the financial sponsorship of foreign religious endowments. Americans should read the Quran, particularly Surah 9 – Repentance, which was the last major Surah added to the text.

Ultimately, the merits of any religion or non-religious ideology are the fruit it bears in society. Nazism and Communism were dismal failures. Lately, Middle Eastern Muslims have been taking a closer look at their contributions to society, and they have found them wanting. A series of United Nations studies by Muslim scholars, called the Arab Human Development Reports, show that Muslim societies are lagging behind other societies in education, economic development, human rights, etc. Many of the failures can be directly associated with limitations imposed by the Islamic ideology – such as inferior rights for women (Surahs 2:282 and 4:11), child marriages (following Muhammad’s example and Surah 65:4), inbreeding (cousin marriage) to offset the dilutive inheritance provisions of the Quran (Surah 4:11 and 4:12), and the prohibition against charging or paying interest (Surah 2:275 and 3:132).

The study of Islam should be taught with proper warnings about its historical hostility toward non-Muslims, its false assertions about Judaism and Christianity, its flawed ideology, and its meager contribution to society. Treading lightly on these serious problems to prevent possible embarrassment to Muslims in the classroom would be like not disciplining a student for exposing himself or herself in order to save the person embarrassment. Students must be encouraged to think critically about the merits of Islam rather than be force-fed its dogmatic ideology.


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