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There is no shortage of articles about the “myth of the moderate Muslim” on the Internet. Either these people don’t exist, or they are sadly misunderstood by the Islamophobes. Many Muslims (and their defenders) profess to be moderates who present no threat to Americans.

But there’s no denying there are militant Muslims among them. A militant Muslim is one who has a combative character, intent on advancing Islam. Here are the inconvenient facts:



So the challenge is how to spot the militant Muslims among the moderates. Clues to the most effective methods for spotting militant Muslims can be found in what Muslims don’t want the public or law enforcement to see.  Here is a short list:


Goal of Militant Muslims

The objectives of militant Muslims in the United States were clearly stated in the “Explanatory Memorandum,” a 1991 planning document obtained from a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and introduced into the successful Holy Land Foundation criminal prosecution:

The process of settlement is a "Civilization-Jihadist Process" with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and Allah's religion is made victorious over all other religions.

(Source: )

The memorandum goes on to explain that this destruction is accomplished -- by building mosques and Islamic centers across the country, infiltrating government organizations, injecting Islamic indoctrination into schools and textbooks, infiltrating the media, and establishing “friendship societies” with other religions.

Note that none of the tactics involves armed aggression or “kinetic jihad,” but the net effect of them is to demoralize and intimidate American non-Muslims so that they would not resist incremental implementation of Islamic Sharia Law.  This strategy is taken directly from Pakistani Brigadier S.K. Malik’s book, “The Quranic Concept of War,” where he writes;

Jihad is a continuous and never-ending struggle waged on all fronts including political, economic, social, psychological, domestic, moral and spiritual to obtain the object of policy. . . We must aim at creating a wholesome respect for our Cause and our will and determination to attain it, in the minds of the enemies, well before facing them on the field of battle. So spirited, zealous, complete and thorough should be our preparation for war that we should enter upon the “war of muscles” having already won the “war of will.” . . . The war of preparation being waged by us during peace is vastly more important than the active war. . . To instill terror into the hearts of the enemy, it is essential, in the ultimate analysis, to dislocate his Faith. (pp. 54-60)

To most Muslims today, those engaging in actual violent jihad are “jumping the gun” by trying to establish an Islamic state before the groundwork has been prepared.  That is why Muslims can condemn ISIS and al-Qaeda without contradicting their own Islamic religious beliefs and long-term civilizational objectives. That is why some Muslims are telling the Islamic jihadists, “Knock off this jihad crap.”


The Fallacy of Muslim Orthodoxy

Some well-intentioned and well-informed counter-jihad activists try to use the Islamic Sharia Law behavioral standards from al-Misri’s “Reliance of the Traveller” to identify possible militant Muslims. Do the men wear beards?, do the women wear hijabs?, are men and women segregated?, do they wear non-Western clothing?, etc. The problem with these outward symbols is that they are the first things to be abandoned if the militant Muslim is trying to “blend in” with and infiltrate Western society.

Also, it is difficult to line up the commands in the Quran with the activities of any Muslim organization (except perhaps ISIS). Anyone who has perused the Quran knows that the final and most violent major Surah, chronologically, is Surah 9, Repentance. It abrogates and supersedes all of the peaceful and accommodating verses found in other parts of the Quran.  Muslim Brotherhood ideologue, Sayyid Qutb, penned a 30 volume commentary on the Quran, titled “In the Shade of the Quran,” while he was in prison in Egypt following an attempted assassination of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser in 1954.  He acknowledged that Muslims may not be able to implement the commands found in the final major Surah at present:

If the Muslims today, in their present situation, cannot implement these final rulings, then they are not, now and for the time being, required to do so. They may resort to the provisional rulings [i.e., the earlier, abrogated commands], approaching them gradually, until such time when they are able to implement these final rulings. But they may not twist the final texts in order to show them as consistent with the provisional ones. They may not impose their own weakness on the divine faith, which remains firm and strong. Let them fear Allah and not attempt to weaken Allah’s faith under the pretext of showing it to be a religion of peace.   (Vol. VIII, pg. 28)

So we must look elsewhere to determine who among the moderate Muslims is a dangerous militant Muslim. The Quran provides the cover for Muslims to hide their true intentions from public view: “Allah will not call you to account for that which is inadvertent in your oaths.  But He will take you to task for that which is intended in your hearts.” (Surah 2:225) In other words, what you do or say in public can be excused if intent is to advance Islam by stealth. That’s why Huma Abedin can marry a Jew. That’s why Muslims can pray in Christian churches.  If you consider the five pillars of Islamic faith, the only activity that is truly private is prayer.


The Prayer of A Militant Muslim

The most influential Islamic scholar today is Shayk Yusuf Al-Qaradawi.  He has written 120 books on Islam, and his weekly satellite broadcast on Al-Jazeera, “Sharia and Life,” reaches 60 million viewers.  He has also earned some notoriety:  Exiled from his home country Egypt, he is also banned from entering the United States, Britain, and France for his Islamist views and pronouncements.  In 1990, he was asked to contribute to an organization studying the next steps for the Islamic Awakening.  The result was a book, “The Priorities of the Islamic Movement in the Coming Phase.”  This book lays out the Muslims’ personal activities for achieving the objectives later outlined in the “Explanatory Memorandum.”

The sheer state of affairs makes it an inextricable reality that fruitful work must be done collectively.  . . . Indeed, “Allah loves those who fight in His cause in ranks as if they were a solid structure.” (Surah 61:4). . . . Even a small Prayer congregation of a few worshippers is based on organization, for Allah does not look at rows of worshippers which are not straightened and rows that are not tight.  Any gap between worshippers in a row will be filled by Satan. Each person stands shoulder to shoulder and foot to foot. . . Congregational Prayer is a microcosm of the overall Islamic congregational system and of the relationship between the leader and the led. (pp. 5-6)

The congregational prayer, thus described, is seen as a military formation, just like in boot camp.  A Muslim’s prayer is not a personal petition to Allah, but rather a mantra based on Surah 1 of the Quran which is recited seventeen times a day.  The mantra denounces Jews and Christians, the specific targets of Jihad per “Reliance of the Traveler,” section o9.8.  Consequently, it is essential to make note of who is participating in these congregational prayers in order to identify the militant Muslims.

But wouldn’t that be a violation of the First Amendment?  That amendment says, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  Observing who is engaged in Islamic congregational prayer does not prevent Muslims from exercising their religion – it just helps identify militant Muslims.  Only those Muslims who actually carry out acts of terror would be subject to arrest or deportation.  Observing prayers, however, would considerably reduce the number of people who need to be watched or screened by Homeland Security.


Let’s Do the Math

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA)) is mandated to screen all travelers, even though today’s terror threats emanate only from militant Muslims.  (See: )

So in 2015 they screened 708 million passengers, or 1.9 million per day.   This required a workforce of 55,600 employees and an annual budget of $7.55 billion.


Meanwhile, there are only 2,106 mosques in the United States. If TSA placed around-the-clock monitors at those mosques, it would require just 6,318 inspectors plus supervision. While would still need to be some airport inspectors for the foreign travelers, the vast security force now deployed would be reduced considerably.

But, you might argue, that discriminates against Muslims and their free exercise of religion.  Muslims have chosen to embrace an ideology that sanctions hostility toward Jews and Christians per Surah 9:5 plus Surah 9:29-30. This hostility has been borne out in actual terror attacks against Christians and Jews in San Bernardino and Paris in 2015, as well as recent genocidal attacks against Christians in Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan. (See: Let’s say, for sake of argument, that a religion chose to feature fire eaters spewing flames in their worship services. Would it be unreasonable to have fire marshals stationed in their sanctuaries to ensure the safety of the congregation and the neighborhood?  If Muslims were offended by TSA observers in their mosques, they could purge their sacred documents, sermons, and prayers of all statements of hatred and hostility toward Jews and Christians. That would be a tremendous step toward peace and reconciliation in the United Sates.

But, you might argue, the militant Muslims would just drop out of the established mosques and form their own underground mosques. Let them do that!  Not only would they lose the cover presently provided by the moderate Muslims in their congregations, but the moderate Muslims would “out” them and alert TSA to their existence. This actually happened during Muhammad’s time, and the Quran has strong words against “rival mosques”:

And there are those who built a mosque from mischievous motives, to spread unbelief and disunite the faithful, in expectation of him who had made war on Allah and His apostle.  They swear that their intentions were good, but Allah bears witness that they are lying. It is more fitting that you should pray in a mosque founded on piety from the very first. . . The edifice which they have built shall ever inspire their hearts with doubt, until their hearts are cut to pieces. (Surah 9:107-110) [Note: This incident involved “hypocrites” led by Abu Amir, a Christian monk who also went to Rome and urged Heraclius to attack the newly established Islamic nation. That was the pretext for Muhammad’s expedition to Tabuk in 630. Muhammad ordered this mosque destroyed.]


Priorities for Curtailing Islamic Terrorism in the U.S.

1. Add the Muslim Brotherhood to the list of terrorist organizations.  Urge passage of Senate Bill 2230. The Muslim Brotherhood (originator of the Explanatory Memorandum) has been declared a terrorist organization in Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

The United States should follow their lead.

2. Monitor all U.S. mosques.  Develop and defend legal grounds for doing this based on their stated (and actually implemented) violent jihad against Christians and Jews. After all, the oath of office of all elected and appointed government officers is “to defend Americans against all enemies foreign and domestic.”

3. Work with moderate Muslims to report suspicious activities by Muslims and to purge mosques of violence-promoting literature which is empowering militant Muslims. While erasing the stigma of Islamic terrorism from the Muslim community must be the work of moderate Muslims themselves, all Americans should support and encourage that effort.