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The Muslim Brotherhood, which is the springboard of militant al-Qaeda movement, was influenced by and had allied with the fascists of Europe in the Second World War era...

It is strange that some communists have decided to make common cause with Islamists against democracies, because Al-Qaeda's murderous ideology, which influences Islamists around the world, was partly inspired by the murderous fascist ideology of Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco, as I will now explain.

In this transcript of a 2004 Holocaust Remembrance Day speech by former US Justice Department Nazi war criminal prosecutor John Loftus, he explains that Al-Qaeda is one of the offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood, whose founder, Hassan al-Banna, was a big admirer of Hitler, to whom he wrote frequently and he ended up being hired by the Nazi Intelligence. Loftus also reveals that when Osama bin Laden was still in Saudi Arabia, he was tutored by members of Muslim Brotherhood Arab fascists, who combined Nazi ideology with Saudi Wahhabist fundamentalist Islam, and that there are Muslim Brotherhood branches inside Al-Qaeda.

Al-Banna was also an admirer of Mussolini's blackshirts, as "Observer" journalist Nick Cohen points out in this "New Statesman" article.

Finally, page 12 of this report from the Simon Wiesenthal Center explains that Muslim Brotherhood modelled its military wing on Franco's "phalanges", and that Al-Banna was also an admirer of Hitler's brownshirts.

The fact that communists have made common cause with Islamists, whose ideology is influenced by fascism, proves those historians, who have long opined that the 1939-1941 Hitler-Stalin Pact showed the totalitarians have more in common with each other than they do with liberal democrats.