It's been 7 years I have been trying to help Muslims realize the fact that the prophetic claim of Muhammad was a lie, and that their religion is a violent ideology which was forged by Muhammad. But the journey of those 7 years has been full of obstacles and fire surrounding me. Let me have the opportunity to share my views with you on my long-running war against Islam.
Previously I used to think that the enemy of West are only those, who follow the violent scripture (Quran) falsely created by Muhammad. But now I realize that the real enemy of the West and the peaceful world are not those blind-faith Muslims alone. Those, who proudly call themselves westerners, but behind the scene help and favour Muslims by ignoring the truth, are no lesser enemy of the civilized West.
Those non-Muslim Westerners, who tolerate and even support Islam instead of fighting it, prevent people like us from fighting the lie of Islam. These enemies are everywhere in the Western world -- in governments, in jurisdiction, in police organization, and especially in the mass media. These enemies care for their diplomatic and economic relations with the Muslim nations more than the future and safety of our future generations.
We ex-Muslims, who have understood the truth of Islam, and try to fight its evil ideology, are often beaten by political correctness, are called Nazi racists and anti-Islamists. We encounter repressions at the work place and social life; we are ostracized by families and friends; we are continually watched by national secret services and are treated like criminals.
Why? Just because we fight against something, which is not true and dangerous for the future of our modern society? Is it so serious an offence to help the billion people to come out of a fake and extremely dangerous faith? Is it a crime to stop a religion, which orders to kill, hate and discriminate in the name of god? Is it a crime against humanity if we fight for our rights of liberty of expression and saving our Western values?
No! At least according to constitutions of Western countries, these are at all not crimes. But still, we are being treated worse than the Islamic jihadists, who want to destroy what Western societies stand for. In our fight against injustice, we face daily obstacles, repressions and depressions. For putting our lives at risk by opposing Islam, the dreaded enemy of the West, we never get respect. We risk everything in trying to change the world toward a better direction, and we get all kinds of obstacles and scorns from foolish Western non-Muslims, who, under the table, shake hands with those Muslims leaders, who follow Muhammad and work for fulfilling his cunning desires of turning the West and the whole world Islamic.
In conclusion, I like to say that all fellow bloggers and activists, who, defying tremendous odds, have so far done a great job of exposing the false Islamic prophet and helped the world understand the truth, the evils, of Islam, are extraordinarily brave people. They will be remembered as heroes in the future. And no matter what, I will continue my fight against Islam alongside them, and no matter what, I will never give up until the world becomes free of Islam (Hopefully in my lifetime). Let us all create an unbreakable unity amongst us in the battle against the evils of Islam, which can never be broken by the diplomatic, political or social oppressions we face. We are a family in the fight against the devil of Islam until it becomes history.
Imran Firasat,
A proud anti-Islam Activist