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Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK calls for a new kind of Jihad, namely Political Jihad, against Imran Firasat for petitioning the Spanish government to ban the violent Quran....

Readers may recall that, I, Imran Firasat, a Pakistani-born ex-Muslim living in Spain, had lodged a formal petition to the Spanish authorities for banning the Quran for being a violence-inciting book, which is incompatible with civilized society and humanitarian law. The petition was accepted by the Spanish parliament for further consideration by it constitutional commission, which is still in is still in process.

Muslims then threatened me with death, apart from hurling abuses, which continues in one form or another. So, today I found an extremely ridiculous article regarding the case on the website of the UK-based Muslim organization, Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK. The article – Quran To Be Banned In Spain? – calls for a new kind of Political Jihad against me and others, critical of Islam.

The article starts with a description of the history of Spain – about how Spain was captured and governed by Muslims and how Muslims lost their power in Spain – in a saddening tone. This obviates that the pain of losing power in Spain still lingers in Muslim hearts.

The next stage the author says: “Today Muslims in Spain are under attack once again, this time not by Christians, but strangely by an ex Muslim, Imran Firasat, who has lodged a formal petition to the Spanish government to ban the Quran.

The author complains that Imran Firasat is an Islamophobe, and regrets that Muslims in Spain did not take necessary actions against him, which they should have taken. The article also expressed anger at the Spanish authorities for accepting my petition to ban the Quran for consideration.

The author compared Muslims with Jews and the Quran with the Torah, and said: the same thing wouldn’t happen, in case someone asked for banning the Torah. After expressing anger against me and the Spanish authorities, the author leaves a clear message to Muslims for embracing the way of Jihad in these words: “Learn from our history and defend your faith against anybody who attacks it, whilst you are still strong enough to do so.”

Then the author floats the idea of a new kind of Jihad, which is to become “Political Muslim”, through these exact words: “If you fail to become a political Muslim, then you have failed the religion of Islam, we need to stand up and defend ourselves and get politically active, before it’s too late. Let’s not weep tomorrow for something that we did not do today.”

In conclusion, I like to leave a message to this radical Muslim group, the “Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK”, and to all those Muslims, who think that this world is their property which they can rule anywhere, anytime they want. They should know that today there is not only one Imran Firasat, but millions of more Imran Firasat are ready to fight against Islam’s desire and design for capturing and establishing its religious order. However they threaten us with Jihadi violence and death, we are determined to face it threat and defeat the violent Islamic Jihad ideology once and for all. We are worried about the Muslim threats of killing us or their violent actions. No matter how many kinds of Jihad you invent or how cunningly you try to pretend to be good, but the world is not going to be fooled anymore by Islam as Muhammad had succeeded. His false creations would be exposed and eradicated. You invent political Jihad or whatever shit, but be on notice that it’s just a matter of time that Islam will become history.


Imran Firasat's website: (Spain, Urdu, English)