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Muslims in the West propagate day and night that Islam is the religion of peace.  Recently, Muslims started saying that all religions teach peace and love. When they state all religions, they include Islam too. It is a way of covering up hatred and violence of Islam towards Infidels.

They describe unbelievers as Kafirs (degrading word for non-muslins) (Nejes) impure swines, monkeys, the fuel of hellfire, cruel, and friends of Satan, etc. But if a non-Muslim complains that they are using offensive language against non-Muslims, a Muslim will proudly state that he is speaking the Quranic terms and teachings. They insist that, in the West, they have every right to express their belief and the West has given them right to freedom of speech. In answer to all this, non-Muslims only can tell Muslims that if your Quran teaches you all this kinds of rubbish, then it teaches evil in fact.

Muslims claim that Islam teaches peace and love, most of the time they give references from the Quran. They quote two verses from the Quran mostly (Surah The Table Spread verse 32, i.e. 5:32) and (Surah The Cow verse 256, i.e. 2:256).

Quoting only half of the verse 5:32, Muslims in the West claim that teaching of the Quran is so noble that it equates killing just one human being to killing the whole of humanity. The reason for quoting only half of verse 5:32 is to deceive the Kafirs.

The full translation of verse 5:32 is as follows:

"For that cause We decreed for the children of Israel that whosoever killed a human being for other than manslaughter OR corruption on earth, It shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso save the life of one, it shall be as if he has saved the life of all mankind, Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs but afterwards too many of them became prodigals in the earth."

This verse is the continuity of the previous verses talking about the story of Cain and Abel. In actual fact, Islam has nothing to do with this story. And although it is about the Abel and Cain story of the Old Testament or Torah, no such verse exists in the Old Testament.

Indeed, this verse is basically a quotation from the Talmud, which contain views and interpretation of the Old Testament verses by Jewish Rabbis. The Jews do not believe the Talmud to be revelation from God. But in the Quran, the statement of the Jewish Rabbi has been regarded as God’s revelation.

About this verse, Muslim scholar Ibn Katheer stated in his book, Tafseer Ibn Katheer, that he narrated from Saed Bin Sabeer, who narrated from Aisha, that any one who takes the life of any Muslim or even allowed to do so, he kills whole humanity and if anyone saves a Muslim, he saves the whole of humanity. It means that in this verse, non-Muslims are not included as humanity. Plus according to the Quran, Surah 9, verse 5 (9:5), it is lawful to kill Kafirs, unless they embrace Islam. Verse 9:5 reads as follows:

‘Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them and take them besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush but if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor-due (i.e. they become Muslim), then leave their way free, lo Allah is forgiving, merciful’.

‘Kill the infidels wherever you find them’.

Imam Jalal ul Deen Suyuti commented on this verse in his book, Al -itqan fi Ulum al Quran. He narrated from Imam Ibn-Al Arbi that this verse has abrogated 120 verses of the Quran, which includes 5:32, as well as verse 2:256, which says: ‘There is no compulsion in religion’. Imam Suyuti has claimed twenty-one instances of Naskh (abrogated verses) in the Quran. Suyuti writes that abrogation is something, which has only favoured the Muslims with. One can understand why Allah has given this favour to Muslims. Sometimes the revelation used to descend on the prophet during the night, and then he would forget it during the daytime (Asbab al Nuzul by Suyuti). Muslim scholars have collected lists of abrogating and abrogated verses from the Quran, which helps to explain away conflicting verses, and offers easy solution to contradictions of the Quranic verses.

Verse 9:5 is also famously called Verse of the Sword.

Some Muslim Scholars believe that the verse of the sword is the final revealed verse on the subject. They find no other verses in the Quran that may abrogated this verse.

Imam Jalal ul Deen Suyuti stated in his commentary on this verse that wherever it is stated in the Quran to have patience and not to hurry to harm the Kafirs, all those commandments have been abrogated by this verse.

Another famous Muslim Scholar Mulana Abul Ala Maududi stated in his commentary in his book, Tefheem-ul-Quran, that the last part of this verse has abrogated the first part of the verse. It’s mean,

That The Peace Treaty which was made for peace between Kafirs and Muslims signed by Muhammad has been nullified. Maududi states that it was the commandment of Allah to breach the peace treaty with kafirs. There is no need to compromise with kafirs any more. Allah has (SAQET) ceased the peace agreement between Muslims and Kafirs.

Quran the Kanzul Aman translated by Ahmad Raza Khan in Urdu and commentary by Maulana Mohammad Naeem ul Deen Murad Abadi has stated about verse 9:5 that Allah has revealed this to Muhammad with a sword, that there will be no more peace (to Kafirs) on Earth. After this verse was revealed, the Kafirs had only two options. First, to accept Islam; second, or you will be slain. He also states that the true meaning of this verse is that Allah wants to tell Muslims that they have to live with Kafirs only in peace until they are financially and militarily secure and strong, and once they become stable offer Islam to Kafirs, if they accept then leave them alone, but if they refuse, kill them.

This verse and like many other verses of the Quran signifies to force conversion. What you see going on in Muslims countries, how Muslims treat their religious minorities – they are all commanded in the Quran and hadith. A large number of verses of the quran teach hatred and violence against Kafirs (non-Muslims). Muslims are terrorists, because they read, believe, and act upon commandments of, the Quran – a manual of terrorism. We see many Europeans, some of them Atheist, after converting to Islam become terrorists. What makes them terrorists? What does the Quran do to make their mind and turn these normal persons into terrorists? In Britain, Muslims constitute only 2.2% of the population, but they are very active in terrorism.

Why is Britain spending millions of tax-payer's money to protect the public? Europe has given them equal human rights, but they are not satisfied and they demand greater privileges than their native inhabitants, because they believe they are superior in humanity than the Kafirs. Human rights do not exist in Islam. They care about human rights only in the West. And they have used and abused the ideas of human rights in favour of Islam, which is an anti-human rights ideology.

Muslim apologists in the West, whenever they quote verse 5:32 and 2:256, they act hypocritical and try to deceive the natives. Islamic apologists try their best to mask the ugly truth about Islam, but their own books of history testify against them. With the advent of the internet and freer spread of information and knowledge, the truth can no longer be concealed. Freedom of speech is the greatest enemy of Islam. Muslim countries, which have no freedom of expression, are trying to force Europe to limit it freedom of expression through United Nations resolutions.

Renowned Muslim scholars have clearly given true interpretations of the Quranic verses. If any Muslim apologist in the West, who does not agree to those interpretations by authoritative classical Muslim scholars, let him rebuke them. And he must first establish his own authority as an Islamic scholar before he denies the views of the classical Islamic scholars.