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In this page, we have listed the verses of the Quran, where it contradicts science. A “know-it-all” God would not contradict the reality as expressed in science. This is proof that these primitive books are not from God. It is in the order of the Koran.



Koran: verse

File name

The subject

The Koran claims

Science claims



Science Koran 2:23

Are the proofs from the Koran sufficient to convince us that it is from God?

Koran Yes.









Koran 2:23: Proof 1: Nobody can produce a chapter like that of the Koran.


Koran 2:109a Proof 2: The Jews and Christians envy the truth that they know the Muslims have, so they try to make Muslims disbelievers.


Koran 2:171 Proof 3; When you dispute, make a praying contest between the families.


Koran 2:118 Proof 4; Believing comes God. It does not require proofs.


Koran 22:15: Proof 5; This is the Funniest. Go hang yourself and then see if it answers your doubts.


Koran 3:61 Proof 6; Threats to nonbelievers. The Koran favors this method the most. He does it in hundreds of places.


Summary Recycled Koran Proof 7; The miracles from the Old and New Testaments were done by messengers of God. Mohammad claims that he is a messenger from God therefore he is also true. 26% of the Koran are myths from the Testaments and they are brought for this reason...


Koran; Proof 8; The miracles of God in creating and maintaining the world and the people. Mohammad claims that he is a messenger from God therefore he is also true. The Koran favors this method. He does it in hundreds of places.

Science: No.

Refuting Proof 1: The Koran is badly written because: 1) It is against science and women, contradicts itself, is cruel and primitive, and contains 26% of recycled myths. 2) It is written neither in chronological order nor by subject but rather by length of chapters which is very confusing. 3) The Koran switches a subject every few verse witch is a sign of confusion. 4) Belief punish The Koran dedicates 41% of the book to direct threats to disbelievers. These thousands of threats make the Koran a very primitive and boring book.

Refuting Proof 2: This is a false proof. People are not evil. People who believe in Islam join it, they don't discourage Muslims to practice it.

Refuting Proof 3: This is a very silly proof. What are you supposed to see at the end of the prayer contest? Koran 2:118; rules out miracles to nonbelievers. Many times he writes that people asked for miracles but all the Koran could offer were threats.

Refuting Proof 4: This is not a proof, it is an admission that the Koran has no proof.

Refuting Proof 5: This is a very primitive and illogical advice. It is indicative of the low quality of the Korans' proofs. =

Refuting Proof 6: This is a very primitive and cruel proof. It replaces dialogue with threats and fear. It definitely does not come from a merciful God. It is indicative of the low quality of the Korans' proofs.

Refuting Proof 7: This proof has 2 parts and the Koran fails on both of them. 1) It fails to prove that the myths from the testaments are true. In Myths Old Testament: The myths of Abraham, Moses, the Exodus, David and Solomon we prove that these myths are not true. 2) The Koran fails to prove that Mohammad is a messenger of God. He did not perform any miracles. Koran 2:118; rules out miracles to nonbelievers. Many times he writes that people asked for miracles but all the Koran could offer were threats..

Refuting Proof 8: This proof has 2 parts and the Koran fails on both of them. 1) As a primitive person Muhammad confuses many natural things with miracles. In God: Science and God we prove it. 2) The Koran fails to prove that Mohammad is a messenger of God. He did not perform any miracles. Koran 2:118; rules out miracles to nonbelievers. Many times he writes that people asked for miracles but all the Koran could offer were threats.



Science Koran 2:31

Did Allah teach Adam all the names of the plants and animals?

Koran 2:31: Yes.

Science: No. It is impossible for a person to know all the names. There are 1.7 million species that are known, with probably another 10 million or so that are yet to be discovered. And this only includes those that are alive today. If extinct species are included (~99%), then Allah must have taught Adam a billion or so names.



Science Koran 2:243

Did Allah tell thousands of soldiers to die and after death, bring them back to life?

Koran 2:243: Yes.

Science: No. There is no recorded history that people came back from the dead, specifically, thousands of people. These stories are typical of myths and not true stories. This proves that the Koran is a mythical book and not from God.



Science Koran 2:259

Did Allah bring a person who had been dead for a 100 years back to life?

Koran 2:259: Yes.

Science: No. There is no recorded history that people came back from the dead. These stories are typical of myths and not true stories. This proves that the Koran is a mythical book and not from God.



Science Koran 2:259.1

Was man created first, then woman from the man, and all humans descended from them?

Koran 2:259: Yes.

Science: No. Man and woman evolved together. Man would not exist without woman.



Science Koran 4:12

Can you divide an inheritance and distribute more than 100% of it?

Koran 4:12: Yes. The Koran divides an inheritance and distributes more than 100%. Example, a Husband, gets 1/2 Koran 4:12. Two sisters 2/3 (1/3 each)Koran 4:176. Together they get 7/6 = 1 + 1/6 which is more than the inheritance.

Science: No. You cannot give more than 100%.



Science Koran 5:22

Were there giants at the time of Moses?

Koran 5:22: Yes.

Science: No. The stories about giants are myth.



Science Koran 7:80-81

Are Homosexual acts unnatural?

Koran 7:80-81: Yes. "Will ye commit abomination such as no creature ever did before you?"

Koran 26:165-166: Yes. "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males, And leave the wives your Lord created for you "

Koran 27:55 : Yes. "Must ye needs lust after men instead of women ? Nay, but ye are folk who act senselessly. "

Koran 29:28 : Yes. "And Lot! (Remember) when he said unto his folk: Lo! ye commit lewdness such as no creature did before you."

Science: No. in fact, such acts are common in many other species.



Science Koran 7:124

Was Crucifixion a punishment in Egypt at the time this story supposedly occurred?

Koran 7:124 : Yes. "I shall crucify you every one."

Koran 20:71 : Pharaoh said:... and I shall crucify you on the trunks of palm trees,

Koran 26:49 : Pharaoh said: ...and verily I will crucify you every one.

Science: No. Crucifixion is a Roman punishment, unknown in Egypt at the time this story supposedly occurred.



Science Koran 8:65

Are the disbelievers a folk without intelligence?

Koran 8:65: Yes. "Exhort the believers to fight. If there be of you twenty steadfast they shall overcome two hundred...because they (the disbelievers) are a folk without intelligence.

Science: No. Intelligence is not divided according to beliefs. The non Muslim states are more advanced scientifically then the Muslim states.



Science Koran 9:107

Are all non-Muslims liars?

Koran 9:107: Yes. "They verily are liars." Stay away from non-Muslims. They are all liars.

Koran 16:105: Yes. "Only they are the liars."

Koran 29:12 : Yes. "Lo! they verily are liars. "

Science: No. Liars are not divided according to beliefs. The non Muslims are as honest as Muslims. The fact that they don't believe in myth makes them



Science Koran 11:5

The Koran sais that humans have their brains in their breasts. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 11:5: Yes. They fold up their breasts that they may hide (their thoughts) from Him."

Science: No. The brains is in the head and not in the breast.



Science Koran 12:4

The Quran is quoting Josephs' dream that there are eleven planets. It considers it as prophecy and truth. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 12:4: Yes. "I saw in a dream eleven planets and the sun and the moon."

Science: No. There are 8 planets including earth.



Science Koran 13:2

The Koran claims that the sun orbits the earth. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 13:2: "The sun ... runneth unto an appointed term."

Koran 35:13: " "He hath subdued the sun and moon to service. Each runneth unto an appointed term."

Koran 36:40 : " "It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day. They float each in an orbit.

Science: No. The earth orbits the sun.



Science Koran 13:3

The Koran claims that the earth is flat. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 13:3: "He ... spread out the earth."

Koran 15:19: "And the earth have We spread out."

Koran 50:7: And the earth have We spread out,

Koran 51:48 : And the earth have We laid out, how gracious is the Spreader (thereof)!

Koran 78:6-7: "Have We not made the earth an expanse?"

Koran 79:30: He spread the earth."

Koran 88:20 : And the earth, how it is spread ?

Koran 91:6: "The earth and Him Who spread it"


Science: No. The earth is round.



Science Koran 13:15

The Koran claims that the shadows of people have a mind of their own. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 13:15: "Unto Allah falleth prostrate whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows..."

Science: No. The shadows are just a reflection of the people and they don't have a mind of their own.



Science Koran 13:15.1

The Koran claims that everybody bows down to God twice a day. It is proof that the Koran is not from God.

Koran 13:15: "Unto Allah falleth prostrate whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, willingly or unwillingly, as do their shadows..."

Science: No. Most people do not bow down to God twice a day.



Science Koran 16:22

Are all of those who don't believe in the Hearafter "proud"?

Koran 16:22 : Yes. "But as for those who believe not in the Hereafter their hearts refuse to know, for they are proud."

Science: There are many reasons why people don't believe. Some of them are just following their traditions. The Koran made the mistake because the writer was a primitive man and he did not have a revelation from God.



Science Koran 16:68-69

Do bees eat of all fruits?

Koran 16:68-69 : Yes. "And thy Lord inspired the bee, saying ... eat of all fruits."

Science: No. They eat only nectar and pollen . The Koran made the mistake because the writer was a primitive man and he did not have a revelation from God.



Science Koran 16:79

What holds the birds in midair?

Koran 16:79 : Nothing. It is a miracle. "Have they not seen the birds obedient in mid-air ? None holdeth them save Allah. Lo! herein, verily, are portents for a people who believe.

Science: The air is holding the birds. The Koran made the mistake because the writer was a primitive man and he did not have a revelation from God.



Science Koran 17:88

Are some people working together with devils made of fire?

Koran 17:88 : Yes. "Say: Verily, though mankind and the jinn should assemble to produce the like of this Qur'an, they could not produce the like thereof though they were helpers one of another."

Science: No. These are part of the thousands of mythical creatures. Science does not believe in their existence.



Science Koran 18:83-98

Was Alexander the Great a devout Muslim.?

Koran 18:83-98 : Yes. "They will ask thee of Dhu'l-Qarneyn." Most scholars consider Dhu'l-Qarneyn ("The Two-Horned Lord") to be Alexander the Great.

Science: No. Alexander lived about 1000 years before Mohammad and he was a pagan Greek. This is proof that God did not give the Koran but it was invented by primitive people.



Science Koran 18:86

Is the sun setting inside the earth?

Koran 18:86 : Yes. "Till, when he reached the setting-place of the sun,"

Koran 36:38 : Yes. "And the sun runneth on unto a resting-place for him. That is the measuring of the Mighty, the Wise. "

Science: No. The sun is not touching the earth when it is setting or rising. This is proof that God did not give the Koran but it was invented by primitive people.



Science Koran 18:90

Is the sun rising from inside the earth?

Koran 18:90 : Yes. Till, when he reached the rising-place of the sun,

Science: No. The sun is not touching the earth when it is setting or rising. This is proof that God did not give the Koran but it was invented by primitive people.



Science Koran 18:96

Did Alexander the great level two mountains and built there a barrier of matte that nations can not break until today?

Koran 18:96 : Yes. "Give me pieces of iron - till, when he had leveled up (the gap) between the cliffs, he said: Blow! - till, when he had made it a fire, he said: Bring me molten copper to pour thereon."

Science: No. There is no place like this in the world. This is an obvious myth.



Science Koran 21:30

Were the sun, stars, and earth were joined together until Allah separated them (about six thousand years ago)?

Koran 21:30: Yes. "The heavens and the earth were of one piece, then We parted them."

Science: No. The earth was formed 4.5 billions years ago. This is an obvious myth.



Science Koran 21:33

Does the sun "floats" in an orbit around the earth.

Koran 21:33: Yes. "The sun and the moon ... float, each in an orbit."

Science: No. The earth orbits the sun. The sun has millions of times the mass of the earth, therefore its gravity controls the earth. This is an obvious myth.



Science Koran 22:1

Are ear quakes sent by Allah to terrorize and kill people?

Koran 22:1: Yes. "Fear your Lord. Lo! the earthquake of the Hour (of Doom)."

Science: No. The earthquakes are coursed by natural processes. This is an obvious myth.



Science Koran 22:5

Were people first created from dust? Are people conceived with a seed, then they become a clot and the flesh?

Koran 22:5: Yes. "O mankind! if ye are in doubt concerning the Resurrection, then lo! We have created you from dust, then from a drop of seed, then from a clot, then from a little lump of flesh shapely and shapeless, that We may make (it) clear for you."

Koran 96:1-2: Yes. "Thy Lord ... createth man from a clot."

Science: No. People evolved from other creatures millions of years ago. People are conceived when the sperm unites with the egg. The description of the Koran is primitive and false.



Science Koran 22:65

Is the sky a solid material that can fall down?

Koran 22:65: Yes. "and He holdeth back the heaven from falling on the earth unless by His leave."

Science: No. The sky is not solid and it can not fall.



Science Koran 24:43

Does Hail come from the mountains?

Koran 24:43: Yes. " "He sendeth down from the heaven mountains wherein is hail."

Science: No. The production of Hail does not involve mountains. The description of the Koran is primitive and false.



Science Koran 24:45

Most animals have six legs. Did Allah forget about the insects?

Koran 24:45: Yes. " Allah hath created every animal of water. Of them is (a kind) that goeth upon its belly and (a kind) that goeth upon two legs and (a kind) that goeth upon four. "

Science: No. The description of the Koran is primitive and false. It follows the description of Leviticus 11:20-3 All fowls that creep, going upon all four.



Science Koran 26:165

Is there homosexuality in within animals?

Koran 26:165: No. "What! Of all creatures do ye come unto the males."

Science: Yes. Many animals practice homosexuality.



Science Koran 26:165

Is the earth fixed and does not move?

Koran 26:165: Yes. "Is not He (best) Who made the earth a fixed abode."

Science: No. The earth moves and orbits the sun.



Science Koran 29:14

Did people in the olden days live close to a thousand years?

Koran 29:14: Yes. Noah was 950 years old at the time of the flood.

Science: No. There are many myths about people living hundreds of years but there are no reliable documents about it. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 29:61

Do the sun and the moon rotate and give light by natural causes?

Koran 29:61: No. "Who... constrained the sun and the moon (to their appointed work) ? they would say: Allah

Science: Yes. The sun and the moon rotate through gravity and give light through nuclear fusion. These facts were not known to primitive people. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 29:63

Does the rain come down by natural causes?

Koran 29:63: No. "Who causeth water to come down from the sky, and therewith reviveth the earth after its death ? they verily would say: Allah.

Science: Yes. The rain comes down through the evaporation of the water. The patterns of the rain coming down are complicated scientific facts that were not known to primitive people. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 37:142

Can a fish or a whale swallow a whole human?

Koran 37:142 : Yes. "And the fish swallowed him (Jonah)"

Science: No. Fish or a whales can not swallow a whole human. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 41:12

Are the stars lamps in the sky?

Koran 41:12 : Yes. "and We decked the nether heaven with lamps..."Allah put "lamps" in the lower heaven to serve as lights. These are the stars that we see in the sky at night.

Science: No. The stars are huge and are bigger then just lamps. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 51:49

Are all living things reproduced sexually?

Koran 51:49 : Yes. "And all things We have created by pairs"

Science: No. This is not true. Many bacteria, protists, fungi, and plants reproduce asexually. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 54:1-2

Did Muhammad split the moon into two pieces?

Koran 54:1-2: Yes. "The moon was rent in twain."

Science: No. This is too silly and vain. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 57:22

Are all natural disasters planned by Allah according to the Book?

Koran 57:22: Yes. "Naught of disaster befalleth in the earth or in yourselves but it is in a Book before we bring it into being "

Science: No. Many disasters happen to Koran followers. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 67:3

Are there above the earth seven heavens that are built without any visible cracks?

Koran 67:3: Yes. "Who hath created seven heavens ... Canst thou see any rifts?" Allah asks Muhammad to examine the sky to see if it has any cracks.

Science: No. There are not physical structures above the earth. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 67:5

Did Allah made the stars for missiles to throw at devils for which he has prepared a doom of flame?

Koran 67:5: Yes. "We have beautified the world's heaven with lamps, and We have made them missiles for the devils, and for them We have prepared the doom of flame."

Science: No. Each star is as big as the sun. They are not arrows. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 68:51

Questions of the validity of the Koran?

Koran 68:51: When disbelievers hear the Quran, they roll their eyes and say "he [Muhammad] is indeed mad."

Science: These questions make a lot of sense. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 68:51.1

At the end of the world, will the earth with the mountains be lifted up and crushed with one crash?

Koran 68:51: Yes.

Koran 99:1: Yes. “When Earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake"

Science: No. This is a primitive description. It says the earth with the mountains why not the earth with the sea? It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 68:51.2

Does the moon produces its own light?

Koran 68:51: Yes. "And hath made the moon a light"

Science: No. The moon is reflecting light from the sun. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 81:2

Will the stars fall?

Koran 81:2: Yes. "And when the stars fall, "

Science: No. The stars are too big and are held by gravity. It is proof that the Koran was not written by a knowledgeable God.



Science Koran 86:5

Where does Semen production takes place?

Koran 86:5: Semen production takes place in the kidney or back area.

Science: Semen production takes place in the testicles



Science Koran 91:1-2

Does the Moon follow the Sun?

Koran 91:1-2: Yes "The sun ... and the moon when she followeth him."

Science: No. The Moon orbits the Earth.



Science Koran 98:1

Is the fact that Mohammad came, "clear proof" that the Koran is true?

Koran 98:1: Yes

Science: The fact that Mohammad came is not proof that the Koran is true.



Science Koran 107:1-3

Do only religious people help orphans or those in need?

Koran 107:1-3: Yes. "Hast thou observed him who belieth religion? That is he who repelleth the orphan, And urgeth not the feeding of the needy."

Science: No. Most of the help in the world comes from non-Muslims.


This article was first published in the Science & Religion website, and is published with due consent.