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It's the most ridiculous claim one could ever have made in history...

Dear Mr. Sina,

Muslims claim their religion is the oldest and only the truth and all human beings are born as Muslims but practice religion according to their upbringing. They claim people “revert” back to Islam and not convert to it. Could you please elaborate on this?

Muslims love lies. They live in perpetual self delusion. The claim that people are born Muslims and then indoctrinated into other faith is a ridiculous claim. If all children were born Muslim then one should see people who are not indoctrinated in any religion, would want to naturally believe in Islam. But this is not happening. In fact there is resistance and as the result Muslims try to sugarcoat Islam with 1001 lies to make it more palatable.

Also we are witnessing that even those who were indoctrinated in Islam leave it once they come to learn the unadulterated truth about it. The fallacy of this claim is self evident.

Islam is not a continuation of previous religions. Muhammad plagiarized heavily from the Old Testament, but the Islamic god and the biblical god are two very distinct deities, something that perhaps Muhammad himself did not know.

Originally, Muhammad tried to link himself to biblical prophets to bait the Jews and Christians of Arabia. He even used Jerusalem as his Qibla, but he presented no proof for his bogus claim and stopped talking so much about Biblical stories once he saw the so called people of Book do not buy his charade.

There is no mention of Muhammad in the Bible, except when Jesus warned his follower of false prophets.  Jesus said you will recognize them by their fruits. Look at Muhammad’s fruits? Did he live a holy life? He was a despicable thug. He raided, raped and butchered innocent people and looted their belongings. This is enough for any sane person to know he was a false prophet. So why over a billion people think he was a prophet? The key word is “sane.” When it comes to beliefs people lose their sanity. They pride themselves in their foolishness and berate intelligence. Muslims leave their shoes and their brains outside the mosque.

Muslims say Islam is the natural religion. Imagine how preposterous this claim is. If it is natural why Muhammad established the institution of jihad? Why Islam should be spread by the sword? People would intuitively believe in a natural religion. Why force them? There is nothing natural in Islam. This faith is stupid and counterintuitive. Muhammad tricked people with the fear of hell and the promise of virgins, pearly boys (goodness gracious) and gardens with rivers of wine. The rituals of Islam are all unnatural. What these silly postures in prayer have to do with spirituality and worshipping? If these were natural people all over the world should know them intuitively, but they don’t and they have to be indoctrinated. Sex is natural. Getting hungry is natural. Getting angry under duress is natural. Believing in a higher power when you face a major problem is natural. But believing in the nonsense of Islam and its sadistic god of vengeance is not natural.

Fasting damages the health and makes one edgy. It is not natural and it does not make one spiritual. Muslims are most dangerous during the month of Ramadan. In this month they become beasts. These were the rituals of pagan Arabs whom Muhammad called ignorant, but copied their rites nonetheless. Now, thanks to Islam the practices of those ignorant people are practiced by Muslims all over the world.

Muslims claim Adam and all other prophets were Muslims. Where is the proof? The burden of proof is on them.  Muslims confuse claim with evidence. They think Muhammad’s claim constitutes proof. This is the level of intelligence of these people who now want to dominate the world.

Islam has no relationship with Biblical religions. Unlike what Muslims think, Arabs worshiped Allah at least 2500 years before Muhammad.  Muhammad’s father and many other Arabs were called Abdullah before Islam.

The Moon God

In the Ka’ba, there was a moon god called Hubal (Arabic: هبل ‎). This deity was the chief of all gods lodged in that pantheon. He was also referred to by his title al ilah (the god). Al lah is the short version of al ilah. In Arabic the definitive article joins the noun to form a single word allah.  Allah is not a proper name. It is like calling the president of a country by his title, “the president”, but the president is not a proper name. Also in Arabic there is not capitalization of the proper name. Europeans capitalized the first letter of allah as it was already assumed to be a proper name.

There is no better evidence than the crescent placed over Muslim minarets that al ilah refers to Hubal the moon god of the Arabs.

Wikipedia says “Hubal was claimed to be a moon god, worshipped in Arabia, notably at Mecca before the arrival of Islam.”

Muslims deny that Hubal is the same Allah. If so, what is the meaning of the crescent in Islam? The evidence is overwhelming. Allah refers to Hubal. Hubal is the proper name of “the god”(al lah)  that Muslims worship. .

If allah was a proper name and the same as Yahweh, why there is no mention of Allah in the Old and the New Testaments? It is preposterous to say the Biblical prophets were Muslims and believed in al lah of the Arabs.

Many rituals of Islam such as the postures during salaat, fasting during the month of Ramadan, ablution, tayyammum and hajj with all its rituals from circumvallating counter clockwise seven times about the Ka'ba, kissing the Black Stone, running back and forth between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah, drinking from the Zamzam Well, going to the plains of Mount Arafat and Stoning of the Devil, are relics of the Pagan religion of the Arabs. The shaving of heads, the animal sacrifice and Eid al-Adha are also pagan rituals. These rituals were not practiced or taught by any of the Biblical prophets that according to Mohammedans were Muslims. If they were Muslims why they did not pray as Muslims do or perform any of the rituals that they perform? Didn’t Muhammad say that these rituals of the pillars of Islam? How is it that Biblical prophets, who according to Muhammad were Muslims never performed these rituals?

The story that Ka’aba was built by Abraham is a myth. Why that old man would travels hundreds of kilometers with a new born baby to abandon his wife and his child in the middle of desert? Furthermore, the Bible says that Ismail, Hagar’s son, was a young man abusing his much younger brother Issac in Canaan. How could that happen if he was left in Mecca? There are plenty of holes in the Islamic narrative.

Those who translated the Bible to Arabic used the word allah to denote God. If by this they meant nothing more than al ilah (the God) then it’s correct. Just as several persons can be called the president, gods can be called al lah. When the Bible mentions allah it is referring to al ilah Yahweh and when the Quran talks about allah, it is referring to al ilah Hubal. Allah is a title. It means ‘the god’. It can be any god.

The Bible mentions al lah of Arabs by his name. Hubal is the same Baal of the Moabites. It is the Arabic for the Hebrew HaBaal, "the Baal.”

Muhammad never mentioned Hubal by his name. That is because everyone called Hubal by his title. When the British say ‘the Queen’, they know whom they are talking about. Elizabeth and the Queen are not two different persons. Likewise, Hubal is name of al ilah Arabs were invoking.

Muslims have to look no further than the ubiquitous crescent to know whom they are worshipping. The crescent is the smoking gun.

I hope this answers your question.

Ali Sina