Facebook is asking for government-certified ID of Dr. Ali Sina, editor of faithfreedom.org, to let him use the site. Are they, in cahoot with Jihadis, after Dr. Sina's blood?
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Unless you are a Martian or a chimp living in the bushes, cut off from all the news, you must know by now that Islam is waging jihad against mankind and the goal of the Islamists is to take over the world.
The threat that humanity if facing does not however come from a bunch of rag headed Muslim terrorists. It comes from the enemy within. The enemy within is the fifth column. They live among us but they take the side of our enemy. History is full of tales of great empires falling to the enemy because of the fifth column within them.
I joined Facebook and invited the thousands of people in my address book to join too. My goal was of course to spread the message of faithfreedom.org and to build a network of support.
However, with no warning and no explanation Facebook deactivated my account. When I enquired, they said they wanted to make sure I am who I claim to be. I assured them that I am and showed them my site. Then they asked me something that surprised me. They asked me to email them a government certified copy of my ID.
Now, I know for certainty that Facebook is not asking all the millions of people using their site for a government certified ID. So why they are asking me something they usually don’t ask anyone else? Why they need this information?
I know that Islamists are hard at work trying to find me and of course they don’t want just to have a coffee with me. Search “ali sina” and “death threat” in Google and you’ll see there is no dearth of people who love to spill my blood. This bizarre demand from Facebook sounds very suspicious. Is Facebook penetrated by Islamists? If so, are those who speak against Islam on Facebook safe? Remember that people in Facebook can easily see your IP. If you live in an Islamic country and you want to express your freedom of speech, are you safe doing so on Facebook? You may not be even safe if you live in Europe. Europe has already caved in to Islam.
If the integrity of Facebook is compromised, is anyone safe? There are many political activists in Iran, China and other dictatorial countries that use Facebook to communicate and plan their activities. Are they safe?
People running the Facebook, whoever they may be, have the power over our lives. They know our identity and our IP addresses.
There are too many complaints against Facebook censoring people who speak against Islam. Obama and the leftist fascist agenda. Search “Facebook censorship” in Google and you’ll find no less than 20,000 results. The complaints are made by those who speak against Islam and by the conservatives.
Isn’t it funny that someone can run as the president of the US without showing his birth certificate or any ID for that matter and Facebook is asking me to provide a government certified ID to use their site? Something smells fishy.
Has Facebook become a fifth column? Have Islamists penetrated this company and are spying on people? We know that the owener of Facebook is an Obama supporter. It is expected for him to surround himself with people like those surrounding Obama – a bunch of marxists and Islamists. Or is it all due to misunderstanding, mismanagement and blunder that the Facebook will rectify ASAP? We shall know the truth one way or another.