A look into how the Iranian Islamist regime is arbitrarily arresting innocent beautiful young women and raping, sodomizing and torturing them before ending their life. Here's the story of beautiful 19-year-old Taraneh---another Neda Soltan---raped, sodomized, tortured, and eventually shot dead and her body burned, before throwing on the roadside.
![]() Beautiful Taraneh Mousavi, 19, was arrest- ed, raped, sodomized, tortured, shot dead, then burned by the Mullahs of Iran. |
A 19-year old, beautiful Taraneh, was not shot with a single bullet to her chest as was the case with Neda Soltani. There were no bystanders in the dungeon with a cell-phone to capture the prolonged torture, rape, and sodomy of this teen-ager.
According to highly reliable reports, as well as testimony on the House floor from the honorable U.S. Congressman McCotter, on June 28, 2009, young Taraneh Mousavi was literally scooped off the street without any provocation on her part and with no arrest warrant. She was taken to one of the Islamists’ torture chambers, where she was repeatedly brutalized, raped, and sodomized by Ahmadinejad’s agents and with the consent of the “supreme leader”, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.
Near death from repeated beating, raping and sodomizing, the fragile young woman, bleeding profusely from her rectum and womb, was transferred to a hospital in Karaj near Tehran. Eventually, an anonymous person notified Taraneh’s family that she had had an “accident” and taken to hospital.
The devastated family rushed to the hospital only to find no trace of their beloved daughter because, the gang of Islamic thugs, the foot-soldiers of Allah’s “divine representative” Ali Khamenei, decided to eliminate all traces of their savagery. These beasts of Allah removed the dying woman from the hospital before the family’s arrival, burned her beyond recognition and dumped her charred remains on the side of a road.
Taraneh means ‘melody’ in Persian. According to her bereaved family and friends, true to her name, she used to sing with a beautiful warm voice and played piano with skill. It is beyond imaginable cruelty to have her precious young life extinguished after an extended period of torture and rape.
Like Neda, another young woman, whose chest was ripped by the bullet of a murdering Islamist as she peacefully walked along with a throng of peaceful demonstrators, Taraneh’s tragedy gives a glimpse of the true face of Islamic fascism and its brutality. The Taranehs and Nedas of Iran shall remain as eternal testaments to the depravity of Islamic fascism and the horrors it has visited on innocent people. And these young victims of Islamic tyranny are by no means isolated cases. Tragically, women as a gender bear the brunt of Islamic misogyny. Women are systematically exploited, maltreated and disenfranchised from their fundamental rights.
How did Taraneh end up in the hands of the Islamist murderers?
According to reliable reports, the 19-year-old Taraneh Mousavi was among hundreds arrested on June 28, 2009 in Iran's post-election aftermath. She was standing outside her school when she was arrested, along with a group of about 14 others, blindfolded and taken to an interrogation and torture center.
Witnesses present at the scene have reported that the basijis militia—hired government thugs—were giving the exceptionally beautiful Taraneh a particularly hard time. When the other detainees were allowed to contact their families and she was not, she sensed there would be trouble and gave her parents’ telephone number to a few of the women there, who in turn contacted her family after being released.
Our great Zoroaster, the luminous ancient prophet of Persia, spoke of the ongoing battle between the forces of good under Ahuramazda—God, and the forces of evil directed by Ahriman—the Satan. Zoroaster warned us not to fall for the enticements or be deceived by the machinations of Ahriman. He further informed us that evil can be recognized by the deeds of its people; people who would oppose the precepts of Ahuramazda.
The savage Islamists killed the promising young woman Taraneh, after a long period of tortuous imprisonment and rape. By killing her, the agents of evil aimed to silence freedom loving Iranians. But assuredly they can never kill freedom. They only kill the body, but the spirit of freedom lives on.
According to the Islamic Sharia practiced by the Islamic Republic of Iran, it is impermissible to execute a woman if she is virgin, which is a handy excuse for the ‘torture savages’ to satisfy their beastly lust by arranging a "wedding" ceremony with virgin victims before the eventual execution. The female prisoner is forced to consummate the “marriage” by submitting sexually to one of the chosen jail-keepers. A virgin woman gets forcibly raped before being hanged. This is yet another gift from Islam to humanity
Lest reports of horrific mistreatment of innocent prisoners of conscience be taken as baseless rumors and innuendoes, in a letter dated June 12, 2009, a Presidential candidate, Mehdi Karoobi, explicitly states the violations. The letter addressed to the head of the Assembly of Experts on Leadership—the highest body of the ruling gang of clerics—Karoobi demands that an impartial commission be appointed to investigate the torture and rape reports of detainees, both women as well as men. Mr. Karoobi writes:
I do not think that prisoners in the pre-revolution regime (i.e. the Shah’s) had seen or heard of such crimes.
Some detained individuals have reported such savage rapes that have left the women victims with physical scars and ruptures in their reproductive systems. At the same time, young imprisoned boys have been raped in such atrocious ways causing them depression, physical and psychological pain, leading to their complete withdrawal from everybody.
The ruling Islamists of Iran—the curse of Allah—heartlessly hang gays on the ground that same sex relationship is a capital offense according to the Islamic ethos. Yet, these same beasts gang-rape innocent young men in their medieval dungeons, after having arrested them for participating in peaceful demonstrations.
The horrors visited on innocent Iranian detainees by the goons of the Islamic Republic with the consent of the head-criminal, Ali Khamenei, and the orders of the brutal “President” Ahmadinejad, make every decent human shudder with revulsion. It is sadly reminiscent of Nazi Germany. The Nazi’s use of piano wires for nooses to torment maximally their victims to slow death has been matched by the Iranian Islamic Fascists’ resort to sexual brutalization that eventuates in death.
Freedom-lovers and decent humans like Taraneh and Neda, like millions of others, did not believe that a murdering Islamist Ahmadinejad was their President. They did not approve of his rabid attacks on Israel, demanding its eradication; they did not condone his largess on Islamist terrorists such as Hizbollah and Hamas; they did not want religious minorities, such as Baha’is, to be deprived of their rights of citizenship simply because they did not believe in his religious zealotry; they did not want to live as second class citizens because of their gender.
Tragically, there are people in position of power, who turn a blind eye to these horrors with their sole concern to their own self-interest. When Robert Gibbs, spokesman for the White House, shamelessly declares that Mahmood Ahmadinejad, the fraud, is the elected President of Iran, one wonders about Gibbs’ humanness. How would Gibbs feel if Taraneh was his daughter and Ahmadinejad had her blood on his hands? Would Gibbs, or for that matter President Obama, call this murderer Ahmadinejad, a duly-elected President worthy of shaking his blood-stained hand?