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Earth’s rotation is explained by Qur’an 27:88 and 7:54

An article, entitled Aliens Wrote the Quran? Proof It Wasn’t Written by Humans, claims that the Earth’s rotation is explained by Qur’an 27:88 and Qur’an 7:54.

In part I of this series, we have seen that verse 27:88 talks about the eschatological Islamic view of the destruction of the universe and it has nothing to do with the Earth’s rotation. Let us analyze the other verse, 7:54:

quran 7:54

There is nothing in this verse that deals with the Earth’s rotation. True, the verse says that the days and nights are sequential in order. But how is that related to Earth’s rotation? You see, humans always observed that night and day follow each other. That, in itself, does not imply that humans considered that a sign of the rotation of the earth. In Muhammad’s times, this phenomenon was a sign of the rotation of the heavenly objects. Earth was flat as a carpet according to the Qur’an (i.e. 20:53, 43:10, 78:6, 79:30).

Qur’an states that the early stages of the universe was gaseous

The article also claims that verse 41:11 of the Qur’an says, the universe was in gaseous state in its early stage. Let us take a look at this verse:

quran 41:11

Actually, this verse serves as evidence against the claim perpetrated on that site. The verse speaks about “smoke” not gas. It also speaks about the “heaven” and “Earth” as separate entities. The is nothing in that verse that leads one to believe that it says the beginnings of the universe were gaseous. Jalalyn tafsir agrees:

Then He turned to the heaven when it was smoke, [consisting of] rising vapours, and He said to it and to the earth, “Come both of you, to what I desire from you, willingly, or unwillingly!” (taw‘an aw karhan, their [syntactical] locus is that of a circumstantial qualifier, in other words, ‘[Come] being obedient or coerced’). They said, “We come, together with all those inhabiting us, willingly!” (tā’i‘īna mainly indicates masculine rational beings; it may also be that they are referred to in this way because they are being addressed thus).

Note that Jalalyn speaks about a completely formed earth. This is true in the verse itself, in contradiction to the assumptions stated in that site about the beginnings of the universe.

Qur’an talks about the Big bang theory – Everything came from one singularity

He above site uses verse 21:30 to prove this point:

 quran 21:30

In fact, in this verse, the Qur’an is rehashing a fable of old. The ideas of separation of natural elements, and of heaven and earth can be found in earlier myths that existed in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and beyond. For example, in the Mesopotamian myth of Enuma Elish we find the god Marduk separating Tiamat or primeval waters placing one half above the other, thus forming the heaven and earth. I just can’t see how any reasonable reasoning can be done to move from this verse to a big bang theory.