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A mysteroius Arabic blogger created uproar in the Arab world by claiming himself God/Allah, and hurling insults at Prophet Muhammad. He turned out to be a 26-year-old Palestinian apostate, who was arrested and is, most likely, awaiting death penalty or mob lynching. Here are a few verses of the brave ex-Muslim...

بعد وفاتي اخر رسلي محمد قررت التواصل معكم على الفيس بوك و ذالك لاستجيب لدعواتكم

After the death of my last messenger, I decided to contact you O..people through FaceBook, so as to answer your prayer requests.

- Allah

In a piece of news, published a news posting:

It reported that a Blog for “Allah” was created by a barber in Palestine became an instant hit to thousands of people.
In this article, I present some of what “Allah” says in his Qur’anic verses, then do an English translation. I thought Allah’s verses rhymed very well in Arabic. Frankly, I enjoyed reading them much more than reading the regular Qur’an. Allah’s new verses are witty, funny and enjoyable to read. They are not boring at all as one might expect from reading the old Qur’an.

الله ايه العقل الرصين ۞ أحفظنا من الاسلام والمسلمين۞فبعيدا عنهم نكون امنيين ۞ فهم ما الا ارهابيين۞ يتبعون محمد والمساطيل۞ في الكنائس يقتلوا المسيحيين۞ ويقولوا في سبيل الله مجاهدين۞ هل اله الاسلام من المجانين۞ … لانه يقول علي الابرياء كافريين۞ام هم حقا مساطيل۞ لقد احتار معكم حتى الشياطين۞فما انتم الاثلة من المُخربين۞

Translation: Verse of solid reason. Protect us from Islam and from Muslims. When we are far far away from them, we are safe. They are no more than terrorists, following Muhammad and the zombies. In churches they kill Christians. They say they do that in the way of Allah as Jihadis. Is the god of Islam a nutcase. Since he calls the innocents Kafirs. Or are they truly zombies. Even Satan himself got confused (with the Muslims). They are no more than a bunch of terrorists (destructive people).

الله والتين
والزيتون @والزعتر المطحون@والجبن والليمون@والهبل والجنون@اله الاسلام
كان مفجوع @عندما شعر بالجوع@قتل ونهب لكي يملاء بطنه@ويضحك على اهله
ويقول لهم بانه رسول@وهو بالحقيقة مسطول

Translation: I swear by the figs and the olives and ground “Za’tar” and cheese and lemon and insanity and craziness. The god of Islam had a great appetite. When he felt hungry, he killed and looted to fill his belly. He tricked his family and told them he was a messenger, when in fact he was a nutcase.

الله إِذَا
جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَ الْفَتْحُ * وَ رَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي
الفان بيج افواجا * فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَ اسْتَغْفِرْهُ إِنَّهُ
كَانَ تَوَّابً

Translation: If God’s victory and deliverance come, and I saw people becoming artists in groups, then praise your lord and ask for forgiveness, since he is forgiver

الله أنا الرب الرحيم@ خالق الكون العظيم@ غني عن العالمين@ لا أريدهم أنيعبدون@ لا أحرقهم بالنار ولا أرميهم في الحميم@ فليهيموا بالفنون@ أكتبلهم الجنة في يوم البعث هم فيها خالدون@ فيها شواء@ ونساء كهيفاء@ أماالكافرون@ فسماح وغفران إني رب حليم@ في بيوت من طين@ وأكل من علب الطون@ونساء متدليات البطون@ جمالهن دون
Translation: I am the merciful lord, creator of this great universe, full of riches. I do not want them to worship me. I will not burn them with fire or throw them into hell. They ought to pay interest to the arts. I will authorize them to heaven on the day of judgement, and they’ll live in there forever. In it, there are “cookouts”, and beautiful women. As for the Kafirs, I will forgive them since I am a merciful lord. They will live in mud houses, and eat from tuna cans. They will have nicely bossomed and highly beautiful women

الله فلا
أقسم بالمجهر @والقلم والمسطر @والمكوك إذا أبحر@ في الفلك وإذ أدبر @
والعلم إذا صعصع وعمّ الأرض وأقنع @ والجهل إذا أطقع وولى هارباً وتقطّع @
يا أيها الإنسان ما غرك بأقوال الأولين @ ألم يروا كيف أتى قانون الجاذبية
@ ألم يسمعوا بالنظرية النسبية @ ألم يدركوا بعد تطور الخلية

Translation: I swear by the microscope, the pen, and the ruler, and the space craft in its goings and comings, and by the science as it covers the earth and convinces, and by the ignorance as it vanishes and gets cut., what seduces you to the sayings of the earlier people. Did they not hear about gravity. Did they not hear about the relativity theory. Did they not hear of the development of the cell.

ينظرون الى البنات كيف خلقت @ بشعورها ومكياجها زينت @ وبالمينيات وبالعرى
نورت @ وبالبرفان وسحرها ابهرت @ وبالمسنجر والفيس بوك اشتهرت @ واذا
الرسل اشتهت @ نكحتها حتى لو لم تكن بلغت

Translation:Have they not seen how girls were created, with their beauty through makeup and hair. With “mini” s and nakedness their light shines. They light with the magic of their eyes. They become famous with “messenger” and “facebook”. And, if the prophets desire, they would have sex (with them) even if they are not adults yet [this is alluding to Muhammad marrying Ayesha when she was 6 Years old]

7. الفلام ميم والقران العقيم ۞ الذي يذهب بالناس الي الجحيم ۞ ويطلقونعليرسولهم اشرف المرسلين ۞ ولو نظروا الي صفاته لوجدوه ذئب لعين ۞ وعدهمبجنةفاسده تمتليء بالحور العين ۞ ولو علموا انه لا رسول ولا خاتم مرسلين ۞بلهو لص وسفاح باسم الدين ۞ يجعل الله يصلي عليه والله بريء من اعماله…التيتشين ۞ ويطلقون عليه الصادق الامين وهو وال…

Translation:A L M and the useless Qur’an. It takes people to hell. And they call their prophet the most honorable prophet. But when they look at his attributes, they’ll see that he was a cursed wolf. He promised (his followers) with a corrupt heaven filled with “Hoors”. They should know that he was not a prophet and not the last of the messengers. He was a thief and mass-murderer in the name of religion. He made Allah pray on him. Allah is innocent from his doings. He and his buddies collected the loots, killed men, and made the women naked. And “Rabso” was honest in relaying this truth to you.