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imran-firasat-family-childrenWe have recently reported that the Spanish government seemed resolved to extradite Imran Firasat to Indonesia, and a hearing to that effort was to be held on 16 October 2014.

We are belatedly informed that the judges gave the verdict to the hearing on 28 October, giving a green signal to the Government's request to extradite him.

It should be mentioned that Indonesia is seeking Imran Firasat's extradition through Interpol on a murder accusation. A few years ago, a Madrid court held a hearing to the extradition request and the Indonesian authorities were invited to present their evidence to the murder charge. Despite repeated calls, the Indonesian authorities never showed up to present their evidence and the judge eventually rejected the extradition request.

According to Imran's personal documents that we had access to, his travel document shows a deportation seal by the Indonesian authorities in July 2006. And the document of his sentencing to the murder charge, which the Indonesian authorities have submitted to Interpol, was dated 8 days later. That means within 8 days after his deportation, Imran Firasat was linked to murder case, investigation was completed, court hearings were conducted, his conviction was affirmed and sentencing was given. The Indonesian authorities completed the whole procedure without ever informing Imran Firasat that he was sought for the murder case, and that he should return to Indoesia to defend himself. He got to learn about the murder charges many months after the sentencing when Interpol request the Spanish police to detain him.

Doesn't that say enough what this murder accusation against Imran Firasat is all about? Add to that: His sentencing was issued by a police station in Indonesia, not by a judge.

So, it is understable why the Indonesian authorities did not show to present their evidence against Imran Firasat despite the Madrid court's repeated appeal to do so.

But this time, the Indoensian authorities has not been invited to the hearing to present their evidence at all. And the Spanish government prosecutors insisted that Imran Firasat should be extradited purely on the Spanish government's aggreement of reciprocation with Interpol and Indonesia, without giving any consideration to the credibility of the murder charge against him. The judges, apparently under instrauctions from the Spanish government to deport Imran Firasat by any means, paid no heed to the evidence of the falsity of the murder charge as well as the likelihood of torture and even execution or public lynching that he faces in Indonesia. It should be noted that despite the agreement of reciprocity, it is a standard procesure in Western countries, including in Spain, to look into the veracity of the charges against persons whose extradition is sought.

It seems that justice has become a child's play in the European continent that gave rise to the rule of law and human rights – just for the sake of appeasing Muslims. So, the countdown to Imran Firasat's deportation has started. He can be picked up any day from his detention cell, and put on plane to Indonesia where he would have to spend decades in jail for a murder he has not committed. And after that, when he is released from jail, he would have to suffer public lynching for sure.