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Following an Iranian cleric's statement that immodesty and sexual immorality cause earthquakes, a facebook group, called "Boobquake", is testing the theory by urging women around the world to show their cleavage on Monday, 26 April, to see if the world faces devastating earthquake on that day...

Mark 26 April 2010; something extraordinary is going to happen on that day, the 'Boobquake'. It may well be your last day in this world.

Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi, in his Friday Prayer sermon in Tehran on 16 April, told devotees that promiscuous women cause earthquakes.

“Many women who do not dress modestly ... lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes,” Iranian media quoted Sedighi as saying.

Jennifer McCreight, founder of boobquake
Jennifer McCreight,
founder of boobquake

While the statement hit media headlines all over the world, a young woman at Purdue University is stirring sensation by taking on a scientific experimentation, what she terms “Boobquake”, to explore the Iranian cleric’s theory on the underlying cause of earthquake.

Following a devastating earthquake that gutted the southern coast of Sumatra in September 2009, killing more than 1,300 people, a politician of Indonesia’s Aceh province, an earthquake-prone zone in the Indonesian archipelago, made a similar statement, saying that sexual immorality was responsible for earthquakes and natural disasters in the region. The statement attracted ire of liberal and human rights groups.

Such statement is in perfect harmony with Islam’s fatalist teachings that man’s earthly misery is caused by his sins, and that Allah, the Islamic God, punishes human beings for their sins twice: first in this world and again in the hereafter.

Jennifer McCreight, 22, a student of genetics and ecology, evolution and environmental biology at Purdue University, is taking on the unsubstantiated Islamic theory to experimentation to put all speculation about the causes of earthquake to rest.

Following the Iranian cleric's statement, McCreight set up a facebook group, named “Boobquake”, urging women around the world to show their cleavage on Monday, 26 March 2010, to “help fight supernatural thinking and the oppression of women…

And the response has been phenomenal as a hopping 105,000 women have signed by Friday, 23 April, evening, promising to show their cleavage on Monday. Even media-giants like CNN, BBC and Fox have caught the craze and covered the story.

If the Iranian cleric is correct, then expect a huge earthquake on Monday April 26 that may potentially end the world.

Nonetheless, the conclusion is somewhat foregone already. If sexual immorality and immodesty—such as premarital sex, adultery, display of cleavage by women—were causing devastating earthquakes in places like Iran and Indonesia, then it would have striken Western countries to devastating effects wiping them out long ago.

Instead, the most devastating earthquakes in recent years have hit places like Iran and Aceh in Indonesia, places, where sexuality morality is much more strictly enforced than most places in the world. Earthquake-activated Tsunami in 2004 struck Aceh to most devastating effect killing nearly 230,000 people, while an earthquake in the Iranian province of Bam in 2005 devastated the province killing some 30,000 people.

One may then ask the question: Is there a possibility that strict enforcement of sexual morality causes earthquake?

It's an unscientific question, given that science has already determined the causes of earthquakes. It, nonetheless, is a more logical and relevant question to ask.

As concerns Boobquake on Monday, I will be encouraging my wife to wear her most revealing set of dress to work.