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According to this Muslimah, only bad people embrace Islam to give it a bad name. Is that so?

Fresha, a Muslim reader, wrote:

peace does not cum by leaving but by exploring. dis is not abt a religion but abt sum ppl who are misguiding us to fulfill there evil desires .lets join together and make sure that they dont harm my planet..cos i luv it a lot.. pls i need support to kill the devils who r hiding behind relogion mask

Dear Fresha,

For us, we humans have similar tendency to be good or bad. But it all depends of what we take up as our guide to life. Islam is a way of life, just like Communism, Christianity or Buddhism. It's the ideology or religion that we embrace, which determines what our dominant conduct will be as a people. Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians have different types of conduct -- just because of the ideology or the way of life they have embraced. So, humans by themselves are not the problem. For a better world, it's the ideology of people that we must continuously examine and re-examine, not the people. People are simply the puppets of the ideology that drives their life.

So, as such, we don't have problems with the Muslim people. Instead, they are human brothers and sisters. Our problem is with the ideology they have embraced. So, if you have read our contents to some extent, you will find that the main problem for us is Islam -- the Quran, hadith, Sira -- not the Muslim people. A communist will behave like a communist, just because he/she has embraced Communism. The same applies to Muslims or any other religious or ideological groups.

Thank for writing to us.


M. A. Khan



Disagreeing with my reply, Fresha wrote back:

hey what you feel u left the religion and left it on its brave...listen had u fought being in your religion itself that would have far benifited....but u chose to left...cmon one day wen all wil gob wrong then probably u ll suicide, and inspire others too....few things can not be harmed by outside but only from inside and u had that gr8 oppurtunity.. but u left...sir someone will have to get dirty to clean all the dirt....>for i know its never the religion dats bad but only the way we take its belifs.

And my reply:

"for i know its never the religion dats bad but only the way we take its belifs."

Islam's problem is with the Quran and hadith. We have produced lots of materials on that. You may want to spend a bit of time reading our author Abul Kasem's books, listed on the site -- which are purely based on the Quran and hadith. If you disagree, then please refute those works. If you can, we will close this site.

Or I may ask you to read one of Muhammad's original biographies written by Ibn Ishaq, Ibn Sa'd, or Al-Tabari, and then read the Quran. If you do that in a language you understand, you will know that Muhammad was a barbarian par excellence and the Quran was the manual for perpetrating his barbarism.
