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According to divine tradition, Allah sent Muhammad as a prophet to the Arabs. The Quran states in numerous verses (4, 5, 6) that Muhammad brought with him a divine scripture in clear Arabic tongue.


As we all know, Islam is based on the Quran, which is regarded by Muslims as Muhammad’s only miracle and the only evidence that he was a prophet. We also  know that Muslims disagree on what the Quran says; Muslims with good language skills can twist the words of the Quran, and their meanings, to reach their desired interpretation. These facts make Islam peculiar in being a religion whose foundations rest on the mastery of one language; the Arabic language. It is only natural that the Arabs are the ones who determine the meanings of the Quran and the direction of Islam; the rest of the Muslim umma (nations) just follow.

Arabs are the undisputed natural leaders of the Muslim nations just for being clever enough to speak their own language. Arabs enjoyed their position in the driving seat of Islam and guarded it fiercely. They invented the taboo that the Quran is too good to be translated to any other language; only the meanings of the verses that can be translated. The Arabs marketed the claim that only the people with good command of Arabic can taste the real beauty of the Quran. These are all big lies to be added to the heap of lies of Islam  -- the religion of deception and lies.

I do not want to appear to be offending any one, but how do you describe a person, who follows a religion based on a language he can not understand? How can that person claim to be convinced of Islam if he can not read the Quran, which is supposed to be Islam’s only ‘miracle’? How does that person believe the Quran is a language miracle if he can not speak the language? Even the so called scientific miracles are based on the language proficiency. The irony, is that those non Arab Muslims, who are often more fanatic to Islam than the Arabs themselves, do not even like or trust the Arabs in other matters of life. How do they trust them on Islam?.

Islam discusses issues relevant to Arabic culture from an Arabic point of view. The Quran only mentions places that were known to the Arabs of its time, and foods that were known to the Arabs and consumed by them. The Quran mentions animals and plants that were farmed by the Arabs or were known to them. Not once the Quran mentions far-off  phenomena like volcanoes, ice sheets or frozen rivers and lakes. All this and the Muslims insist that Islam is a global religion!

After I settled in the west, my Muslim friends of non Arabic backgrounds, treated me as their personal cleric and referred to me on issues related to Islam and the Quran, just because I spoke Arabic. Some of them were open in expressing their sense of unfairness that they have to suffer of the torture of practicing Islam in a foreign language (Arabic) while the Arabs have it the easy way and practice it in their own language. This article has some good news to those friends and to the non Arab Muslims in general: You do not have to to suffer anymore because you do not have to be Muslims at all (1).

This article is completely based on the Quran, its message is to highlight the Quranic evidence that:

  1. Muhammad and his message were meant to be for the Arabs only
  2. All other nations are not invited or expected to join Islam
  3. When Allah decides to send his message to another non Arab nation, he will chose a prophet from that nation who can speak their language.
  4. Allah promised not to punish those nations who do not receive a prophet.

A Divine Tradition

Allah has some divine traditions, called sunnatu-allah, that he never departs from or change (2, 3). One of those traditions is that he sends to every nation its own prophets from its own people. Hence Muhammad was sent to the Arabs and Moses to  the Jews. Allah would never send to the Arabs, or any nation, a foreign prophet. He would not even send to the Arabs an Arab  prophet with a foreign book, because they wouldn’t understand it (see Q.41:44 below). If Allah decides to send a message to a nation, say to the Indians, he chooses an Indian person, who speaks the local language, to be the prophet in charge of delivering the divine message.

Q.    14:4 “And We did not send any messenger except [speaking] in the language of his people to state clearly for them, and Allah …..”

This message is clarified further in chapter 10: a prophet for every nation.

Q.10:47 And for every nation is a messenger. So when their messenger comes, it will be judged between them in justice, and they will not be wronged

In chapter 41, Allah declares that he would understand if the Arabs reject a non Arabic Quran:

Q.41:44  “And if We had made it a non-Arabic Qur’an, they would have said, “Why are its verses not explained in detail [in our language]? Is it a foreign [recitation] and an Arab [messenger]?” Say ….”

The wisdom and rationality of the “Prophet for every Nation” policy is clear enough, but the Quran puts forward another important reason to keep the tradition: On the judgement day, those prophets will act as witnesses over their nations. It would be unfair to bring a Jewish, or another non Arab, prophet to witness over the Arabs!

Q. 16:89  “And [mention] the Day when We will resurrect among every nation a witness over them from themselves. And We will bring you, [O Muhammad], as a witness over your nation. And We have sent down to you the Book as clarification for all things …..”

Muhammad was a prophet for the Arabs only

In accordance with the above divine tradition, Allah sent Muhammad as a prophet to the Arabs. The Quran states, in numerous verses (4, 5, 6) that Muhammad brought with him a divine scripture in clear Arabic tongue. The Arabs should not have trouble with Muhammad because he is one of them who cares about them (see Q.9:128 below) and can communicate with them in their own language.

By sending Muhammad to them, the Arabs should be grateful because now they have a prophet from their own who can teach them all the good things.

Muhammad’s mission covers the Mecca region

Muhammad’s mission was made clear in the Quran as specified in verse Q.6:92. His duty was to deliver the message to Mecca and its suburbs, which were inhabited by Arab tribes. Please note that the name “Um Al Kura” translated as “Mother of Cities” is another Arabic name for Mecca and still in use today.

Q.6:92 “And this is a Book which We have sent down, blessed and confirming what was before it, that you may warn the Mother of Cities and those around it…..”

It is clear that the verse talks about the Arab tribes living in Mecca (like “the Quraish” tribe) and its surroundings. According to this verse Muhammad’s duties did not include delivering his message to distant areas inhabited by the non Arabs.

Having established that the Quran was revealed in a clear Arabic tongue and that Muhammad was an Arab prophet sent to the Arabs, Allah states that now there is no excuse for the Arabs not to join Islam. In verse 43:44, Allah puts in Muhammad’s mind that he, along with his tribe, have responsibility towards the Quran and will be questioned about it on the judgment day. The verse has clearly excluded the non Arabs from this responsibility.

Q. 43:44 “And indeed, it is a remembrance for you and your people, and you  are going to be questioned”

The message in the above verse is clear: the Arabs can not be excused if they do not believe in Muhammad and the Quran. On the other hand, verses Q.26:198-199 tell us that Allah expects the non Arabs to reject the Quran, if recited to them, and would understand their reasons for doing so. According to these two verses, Allah believes that rejecting the Quran by the non Arabs is a natural response that is in agreement with rationality and common sense. In other words, the two verses suggest that it is stupid for the non Arabs to believe in the Quran!

No Prophets, No Punishments policy

There are more exciting news for the non Arabs, who should follow their instincts and reject the Quran and Islam. Allah announces in verses Q.17:15 that he operates a “no prophets no punishments” policy, which is designed to give those non Arabs peace of mind in this life and the afterlife. Allah, being a just god, promised never to punish any nation unless he sends to that nation a prophet to deliver his message to them. This divine warranty is documented in chapter 17 of the Quran:

Q. 17:15 “Whoever is guided is only guided for [the benefit of] his soul. And whoever errs only errs against it. And no bearer of burdens will bear the burden of another. And never would We punish until We sent a messenger”

While the above verse assures the non Arabs of a good outcome in the afterlife, chapter 28, assures them with peace and stability in this life. In verse Q. 28:59, Allah promises not to destroy any town until they a receive a messenger from him.

Q. 28:59 And never would your Lord have destroyed the cities until He had sent to their mother a messenger reciting to them Our verses. And We would not destroy the cities except while their people were wrongdoers.

With so many assurances and concessions, why the non Arabs bother about Islam?



1.  As would be expected from the Quran, there are verses that suggest otherwise. The message to the non Arab Muslims is: either you accept the verses quoted in this article, which are the basis of the article, or accept the fact that there are contradictions in the Quran, therefore it is not divine.

Q. 48:23 [This is] the established way of Allah which has occurred before. And never will you find in the way of Allah any change.

Q.33:62  [This is] the established way of Allah with those who passed on before; and you will not find in the way of Allah any change.

Q. 26:195,195: In a clear Arabic language.

Q. 12:2 Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.

Q. 44:3 Indeed, We have made it an Arabic Qur’an that you might understand.