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Introductory background

As the Islamization of the Arab World, which kicked off in the 1970s, gathered speed, Arabs were re-educated in a new brand of Islam and a new matching style of Muslim language to go with it. This ‘Islamic language’ is a slightly modified version of the Arabic language with a selective use of Islamic friendly words. Some Arabic words and expressions became blacklisted and deemed inappropriate for the Muslims’ use. Employing the Arabic language in this way serves as a useful tool for Muslims to tell those who are Muslims from those who are not. It also helps to give an idea on how Islamized a person is.

In another front, language has been used, or rather abused, to present Islam as a perfect religion with no blemishes at all. For centuries, Muslim scholars employed their language skills in a crafty manner to hide the dark side of Islam. In a third front, language has been used as a hypnotizing tool to present the Quran as a book of miracles.

The Islamic Greeting

Arabs used to greet each other by saying the Arabic equivalents of ‘good morning’ and ‘good evening’. This civilized greeting was the standard greeting in pre-Islamic Arabia as well as in the Middle East until recently. Nowadays, the use of these greetings is regarded as inappropriate because they are not Islam-friendly greetings. The current generation of Muslims has been re-educated to use the greetings they will be using in paradise, which is “alsalamu alaikum”, meaning “peace be upon you”. When greeted like this, a Muslim should reply by saying “wa alaikum el salam” meaning “and peace be upon you”. No doubt it is a nice greeting and it is pleasing to learn that Muslims in paradise are so well behaved. The only downside to it is the fact that it cannot be used to greet non-Muslims, which is fine in paradise, since there are no non-Muslims living there, but can pose a problem here on Earth. According to Islamic etiquette, when a Muslim meets a non-Muslim, it is inappropriate for him to start the greeting. The question remains what the Muslim should do when greeted by a non-Muslim. Muslims came up with a practical solution, which is to reply by saying: “wa assalmu ala man ittaba’a al huda”, meaning “and peace be upon those who follow the right path”, which is another way of saying “peace be upon Muslims” because they are the ones who follow the right path. In other words, the Muslim’s reply to a non-Muslim who just greeted him is to say “no peace be upon you”. That politeness in paradise turns out to have no existence on Earth. The Islamic justification for this weird greeting is that a Muslim should not contradict the Quran, which teaches that non-Muslims should not have peace upon them. Fortunately to Muslims, their disrespectful greeting goes unnoticed by non-Muslims, or they just ignore it.

Outside greetings, a Muslim should not say thank you to anyone. Instead he should say: “jazaka allahu khayran”, meaning may Allah reward you. As always, this Islamic protocol has its founda-tions in the Quran or in the Sunna. In this case, the Muslim only echoes a verse in the Quran that says gratitude is only to Allah. Therefore, no human deserves to be thanked for anything.

Since pre islamic times, the Arabs have always attributed things to Allah. For example they say: I was cured because of the help of the doctor and [wa]Allah (or better Allah and [wa] the doctor). Now, it turned out that both expressions are wrong and can be offending to Allah. the proper way to saying it is: “Allah and then [thumma] the doctor”. Other commonly used expressions like “mashalla”, “subhanalla” and “inshalla” have now imposed themselves in all languages spoken by Muslims.

The traditional Arabic name for Christians, “Al Massihiyyoon”, is now replaced by the new name “Al Nasara”. The new name is chosen because it is the one used in the Quran. Christians would like to be called Christians (Masihiyyoon). The Arabic word for “Jesus Christ” in Arabic is “Yasu’ Al Masih”. “Masih” is the originator for the word “Masihiyyoon” (meaning followers of the “Masih”). Christians like to be called “Masihiyyoon” because this is what they are. But their wish doesn’t make any difference to Muslims. The irony is that in the West, Muslims used to be called Mohammedans, but when it was realized that Muslims did not like that name, the west started calling them “Muslims”.

All words and expressions that feature frequently in the Islamic language have one thing in common — all of them were used in the Quran or by Mohammed. Words that are modern or just happened not to be used by the Quran or by Mohammed are not in the Muslims’ vocabulary. For ex-ample, it is unlikely for a ‘good’ Muslim to say that a certain food tastes nice (“zaki” in Arabic) and would rather say it is “tayyeb”.

The Islamization of Arabs affected their choice of names for boys and girls. Whereas the choice of names used to be a matter of personal taste, now it is a matter of Islamic taste. The long-time favorite ‘Mohammed’ has now been joined by the names of his companions (like “Qatada”,”Moaz”). Girls’ names that became fashionable are those of Mohammed’s wives or simply Quranic words like Aya, Hiba.

Language as a brainwashing tool

Arabic has been effectively used in the very powerful Islamic brainwashing system. The Muslim’s mind is subjected to continuous inputs that project Islam in a positive light. Children’s minds are continuously immersed in Islamic surroundings until those minds become suitably molded to accept only Islamic views and conclusions.

Words like “Iman” (faith) and “Islam” and their derivatives are not mentioned on their own but associated with good qualities, like: ni’matul(blessing of) Islam, halawat al (sweetness of) Iman. On the other hand, the word “Kufr” is always linked to evil attributes. This pattern of ‘associations’ is repeated so often that the desired mental picture for those words become engraved in the Muslim’s mind.

Once I watched a Christian TV host who became upset when his Muslim guest called him Kafir (unbeliever). The guest was right because a Christian does not believe in Mohammed, therefore, must be a Kafir from the Muslims’ point of view. In the Islamic language, a “Muslim” is described as a “Mu’min” (believer) and both words are associated with noble and illustrious qualities while the opposite word “Kafir” is literally synonymous with the word evil, hence, the TV hosts anger. Of course, it is also correct to say that a Muslim is a kafir (unbeliever) in Christianity, but Christians do not use these words and leave them to Muslims.
Muslims grow up and reach higher education and still genuinely believe that Islam is a perfect religion. Their minds are trained to think on what appears to them simple and straightforward logic. They are raised to believe that Islam is far superior to Judaism and Christianity because the unadulterated parts of those religions were included in Islam. As to non-Abrahamic religions; well, Muslims do not feel they are worth consideration since they are man-made.

Muslims do not see in Islam anything but perfection and no matter how hard they look, they fail to see any shortcomings. They can speak volumes about its virtues and common sense. Here are some examples:

* Islam is a true monotheistic religion (If more than one god,then they will fight, as the Quran says).
* Islamic worship makes sense; five prayers a day keep the body clean, which is unmatched by other religions. Fasting is an opportunity for all Muslims to experience the suffering of the poor thereby encourages sympathy. Pilgrimage is a time when all Muslims, regardless of their wealth or status, dress likewise and do likewise. It is an experience that gives the sense of equality.
* Islam teaches to believe in all previous prophets, therefore, the Jews and Christians lose nothing by converting to Islam.
* Islam succeeded where others failed; it is very strict regarding consuming alcohol and pork. Pigs eat filth and the males do not mind other males mating their females. It is “proved” that people who eat pork behave like pigs and lose their jealousy towards their females. In Europe, women walk around like “uncovered meat” displayed for all to see and possibly eat.
* Islam allows polygamy up to four, which is a mercy to mankind. Millions of men died in Germa-ny after WW2, there weren’t enough men to marry the women; polygamy would have solved that social problem.

Mohammed is presented as the perfect example for all humans to emulate; an absolutely faultless man. In a standard Islamic education, the controversies surrounding Mohammed’s wars and mar-riages are not given too much attention. They are presented in a way that obscures the cruelties or even turn them to acts of kindness. We know that Mohammed married the wives of his Jewish ad-versaries after eliminating all the men in their tribes and enslaving the rest, but when Muslims read the story, their conditioned minds cannot spot any of the cleverly camouflaged cruelties. In an In-ternet forum, a Muslim once used copy and paste from an Islamic text to defended one of those rapes, which Muslims call marriages, like this: “.. Allah granted victory to his prophet and his reli-gion and raised the word of Islam. Even in acts of war, the prophet PBUH acted with exemplary self-restraint and humane as he, PBUH, employed maximum kindness and sympathy towards his enemies. The prophet, PBUH, offered the enslaved wife of the chief of the tribe not only to be freed from her slavery but also to become his wife, thereby raising her social status to become the ‘moth-er of believers’, which she happily accepted after Allah guided her to ‘iman’(faith) and instilled the love of Islam in her heart. The Jews, being enemies of Allah didn’t show any gratitude or appreciation to the Prophet’s mercy towards one of their own…”

The Quran

The Quran constitutes a major abuse of the Arabic language; it doesn’t follow the rules of the lan-guage and is considered exempted from them all. Its contents are ambiguous and lack consistency and fail to deliver any comprehensible message. It claims to be a clear book, yet it uses meaning-less random letters as messages and complete verses. The irony is that instead of reaching to the obvious conclusion that the book is bad, Muslims reach the opposite conclusion that the book is a miracle, thanks to Islamic indoctrination. When the Arabs of Mecca had the opportunity to judge the Quran , and without any prejudice, they dismissed it as gibberish, and described Mohammed as a mad man because he came up with such nonsense.

The Quran serves as a testament to the efficacy of Islamic indoctrination. From the start, Qur’an is revered, and always described as “al Kareem”(generous). Muslim scholars do not allow the book to look like other books; they make sure it stands out. They enhance this halo around it by making sure that, when read, it doesn’t sound like other books, which is why they invented its “tajweed” (recitation). Before reading the Quran, a Muslim must make sure that Satan leaves the area by reading a special prayer. From an early age, Muslims are taught the conditions of its use. The person who handles the book must be clean (performed the ablution ritual) and must use the right hand to hold the book, never the left hand. If absolutely necessary, the Quran, or any parts of it, should never be disposed of in a household waste but should be burnt. Any piece of paper that contains a verse or part of a verse of the Quran, should be treated as a Quran. This ritual ensures that the Muslim is already in a timid state before even opening the book.

Back to the real world, if the Muslims’ holy book is subjected to an objective appraisal, it would be considered as one of the worst books ever published. It disappoints the reader in its style and contents, both of which combine to create a book that is incomprehensible and almost unreadable. To the objective reader, the Quran is nothing but a collection of complete and incomplete sentences put together in random order. With all its repetitions and contradictions, Muslim scholars still struggle to make some sense of a book that doesn’t make any sense. Despite all of this, the book is the most revered and the most read book of all time. There are millions of Arabs who truly believe that the book must be a miracle, not because they understand it but because they don’t!

The Quran’s ambiguity has always been its most ferocious defender. Muslim scholars added to the Quran’s built-in ambiguity, by making it even harder to read because of its writing style which doesn’t comply with the accepted writing rules and conventions. The punctuation marks are not used at all in the book despite it frequently switching from one subject to another while still in the same verse. The Quran contains what appears to be scriptural errors in every verse, which Muslims accept as one of those ‘peculiarities’ affiliated with the Quran. Every letter in every word is sur-rounded by coded pronunciation marks that apply only to the Quran, to describe how that particular letter, in that particular position, should be pronounced. A Muslim reader brushes aside all this nonsense, assuming he notices any, and finds comfort in the scholars’ claim that the Quran is a miracle, which he accepts as the conclusion that explains all of those inanities.