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Nothing surprises me any more with the actions, statements and logic of the present administration and its supporters. Yesterday, John Brennan, deputy National Security Advisor, announced that we may no longer describe our enemy as ‘jihadists’ or ‘Islamists’ because jihad is a holy struggle, a legitimate tenet of Islam.

I have news for Mr. Brennon, it is not Americans who invented the word jihadists, but it is Muslims who used that word for 1400 years. The word jihadist is derived from, Mujahada or Mujahidoun, to describe those who go to war for the sake of spreading Islam. Brennon is right in that jihad is a major tenant of Islam, but wrong in calling it legitimate because in fact it is a declaration of war and violence against non-Muslim individuals, governments and nations that has been going on for 1400 years. The Obama administration refuses to understand that the doctrine of jihad challenges the sovereignty of any non-Muslim country and denies it exercising its right to remain non-Muslim. But after standing against the Arizona law, I do not think the current administration cares much about sovereignty of the USA.

I feel kind of silly in explaining the obvious to Mr. Brennan because he cannot be that stupid. But just in case, this is the definition of jihad as given in mainstream Shafii law: “to war against non-Muslims, derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare, to establish the religion” (Shafii law # o9.0 p 599). To ensure that all Muslims perform or at least support jihad, there is also a law that states that not performing jihad or fleeing from combat with “unbelievers” is considered an enormous crime (Shafii law 377 p. 987). Not only is jihad the duty of every Muslim, but every Muslim head of state. Sharia says: “The caliph fights all other peoples until they become Muslim” (o9.9 p. 603).

This definition of Jihad as above, is being taught today across the Muslim world and producing thousands of young men and women who are committed to killing us. Such jihad commandments to kill and engage in aggressive wars against non-Muslims are all over Muslim scriptures and preached from mosques across the Middle East and even in the West. Such violent jihad commandments all over Muslim scriptures have never been amended, annulled or denied by any Muslim group with authority in the Middle East. All we ever hear is unsubstantiated denials by Muslims in the West.

Here is another Sharia law: “The Caliph makes war upon Jews, Christians and Zoroastrians until they become Muslim or else pay the non-Muslim poll tax while being belittled”. Law# o9.8 p. 602. If that is not enough the following might convince Mr. Brennan: “When the caliph (Muslim Head of State) appoints a ruler on a region, (his duty includes) if the area has a border adjacent to enemy lands, (he will) undertake jihad against enemies, dividing the spoils of battle among combatants and deserving recipients.” (Law# o25.8 and 9 (8) p,647).

When it comes to the interpretation of Islam, many Muslim groups in the US say they abide by the interpretations of Al Azhar University in Cairo. Well, Al Azhar University in Cairo approved and signed the above Sharia laws and also teaches that jihad is a permanent war institution against Jews Christians and pagans.

There is a relentless campaign to dumb down Americans. There is daily massive, merciless pressure on the ordinary American citizen to conform to an unbearable state of giving up their culture, dignity and pride. Those in charge in New York have approved the building of a huge mosque at Ground Zero, which will be financed by the same people who financed the terror attack on 9/11. It will be considered by the Muslim world as yet another holy site for the triumph of Islam. Like holy mosque built on top of the Jewish second temple, in a few decades, Islam will claim this area of New York as Muslim holy grounds. American victims of 9/11 are buried next to a holy mosque of triumph and Muslims will come to visit from all over the world. Who knows, perhaps our great grand children will have an eternal war with Muslims over ground zero as a disputed area between Americans and Muslims.

To teach Americans another lesson, the Obama administration even brought a foreign leader, the President of Mexico, to come to our Congress and teach the American people a lesson about what is right and wrong.

We are told that Americans must never feel insulted, humiliated or that their noses are being rubbed in the ground by President Obma’s administration. You see, a good American must be sensitive to Muslim wishes, but asking Muslims to reciprocate would be insensitive.

A good American can no longer be patriotic, but must respect the patriotism of others. He must be tolerant, but must tolerate the intolerance of others. He must blame himself first, second and third, but never dare blame others. A good American must welcome Islamic penetration and agenda of jihad, but never suspect any ill will from those who call themselves jihadists and blow themselves up with fellow US citizens. He must never demand equal access in Muslim countries. He must resist feelings of pride in his culture, but celebrate the cultures of everyone else, even those who cut the clitorises of young girls. He must celebrate the diversity and division of America into little tribes even if some are hell-bent on imposing their religion, language and culture by any means necessary. A good American must abandon any reference in public to God, Christ, or Christmas. But he must celebrate other religions, especially Islam, while denying that Islam had anything to do with 9/11.

The present administration and its supporters are following a policy of divide and conquer and are gambling with our future, thinking that in the end the jihadists will get tired and reform themselves of their own volition. The administration is trying to play word games to tell Muslims they are not at war with America, when even the children in the Arab streets know that Islamic jihad is at war with America. America might be afraid, but denial and playing word games is an insult to the intelligence of the American people. Mr. Brennon and those who agree with him have ignored 1400 years of Islamic jihad history. Only those cultures that fought the jihadists survived and preserved their language and religion. Wars at the gates of Vienna stopped the jihadists in their tracks, but with appeasement, political correctness and Muslim immigration, America might wake up one day asking “how did we lose Europe?”

The present administration is selling America cheap, very cheap, for votes, for approval from Saudi Arabia and radical Islamists. I wish to tell them, you are rewarding the enemies of America who will never love you. Our politicians are at least engaged in gross negligence and at worst playing with fire.
Is this a great country for Islam to conquer or what?


Nonie Darwish is a former Muslims and the author of “Cruel and Usual Punishment; The Terrifying Global Implications of Islamic Law”.